Greetings from first Rocton, Illinois
and then West Allis, Wisconsin
and finally Sun Prairie, Wisconsin
From the travels and adventures of the
“World’s #1 Trackchaser”
Angell Park Speedway
Dirt oval
Lifetime Track #338
Editor’s note: I made my first visit to the Angell Park Speedway in 1998. At the time Angell Park was my 338th lifetime track to see. I did not begin writing my famous Trackchaser Reports until I had seen about 430 tracks. Therefore this review from Angell Park comes from my 2006 visit. It is a fine track and one of my “top 40” in all of the world.
Black Hawk Farms
Asphalt road course
Lifetime Track #1,039
The Milwaukee Mile
Asphalt road course
Lifetime Track #1,040
Reprinted with permission from my May 21, 2006 Trackchaser Report.
Editor’s note: This is a CLASSIC Trackchaser Report. What the heck does “Classic” mean? It’s simply a Trackchaser Report that comes from my trackchasing archives. For whatever reason (usually not enough time) it didn’t get posted to my website when I first made the track visit. Often times a classic TR will not have a video and/or photo album attached. I didn’t begin producing my YouTube videos until 2009 (YouTube channel: RANLAY). I didn’t begin writing a complete Trackchaser Report until I had seen about 430 tracks. Photo albums were sort of hit or miss during the early years of my trackchasing. Additionally, if you see a website link know that link worked when the TR was originally written. Will it work now? Your guess is as good as mine! Nevertheless, this CLASSIC Trackchaser Report has finally bubbled to the surface and is now available for everyone to see at I hope you enjoy it.
I am a “trackchaser”. I trackchase. Before you discovered my site had you ever heard of trackchasing? Maybe not? So….what the heck is trackchasing? Sit back, take a read and you’ll be an expert on my hobby of trackchasing when you’re finished.
Here’s my best explanation.
Trackchasing is a three-pronged hobby. I’m a racing fan. I love to travel. I love to analyze opportunities to get the most out of everything while saving time and money.
Trackchasing fills the need for all of the above. The racing part of my trackchasing has me trying to see wheel to wheel auto racing at as many different racetracks as I can all over the world. Yes, all over the world. So far things are going pretty well. As this is written, I’ve seen racing in 82 countries at more than 2,500 tracks. As a matter of fact, I’ve seen racing at more tracks than anyone else in the world.
Equally important to me are the things I get to see and experience over the “long and dusty trackchasing trail”. I call these adventures “Trackchasing Tourist Attractions”. You won’t want to miss my “Trackchasing Tourist Attractions” page. Here’s the link: Trackchasing Tourist Attractions or my “Sports Spectating Resume” page, Sports Spectating Resume on my website at
I live in southern California. That’s probably the most inconvenient location in the country for seeing tracks in the U.S. Most of the racetracks in the U.S. are located well over 1,000 miles from where I live. As a matter of fact, my average trip covers 5,000 miles and more. I take 35-40 of those trips each season. In any given year I will travel well over 200,000 miles, rent more than 50 cars, and stay in more than 150 hotel rooms.
I get the chance to meet people all over the world. With trackchasing trips to 82 countries and counting just getting the chance to experience so many other cultures, spend time in their homes and meet their friends is a huge reward for being in this hobby. I am indebted to several of these folks for their help and friendship.
It’s takes a good deal of planning to do the above and not spend my entire retirement portfolio. I enjoy the challenge, the travel and every other aspect of “trackchasing”. In reality, my trackchasing hobby is a lot like being with the carnival. I breeze into town, stay a little while and then head on down the road.
Today’s adventure was one more of the 2,000 trips that have taken me up, down and around the proverbial long and dusty trackchasing trail. If you would like to see where I’ve been and experience those adventures here’s the link:
If you’ve got a question, comment or whatever please leave it at the bottom of this report. It’s very easy to do. Or you can visit me on Facebook. Thanks!
Sunday, May 21, 2006.
I awoke in Beloit, Wisconsin this morning. This is what transpired today.
This trip ends my trackchasing “Spring” season with 49 tracks. The Memorial Day weekend starts my “Summer” season. Summer for me will go through Labor Day. During last year’s record-breaking season, I had only 43 tracks going into Memorial Day weekend.
The Strategy
There’s been a lot of water under the bridge since I saw my first track at the Peoria Speedway back in about 1955. There’s been a lot of strategic thinking expended with this trackchasing hobby. All of the strategy finally paid off. Today, I saw my 1,040thdifferent racetrack. That makes me the World’s #1 Ranked Trackchaser according to I’m out of tear offs, but I don’t think I’ll need any for a long time to come. There’s no one ahead to block the view.
The trip
Today’s trip was a piece of trackchasing cake. We stayed in Beloit, Wisconsin. Our morning track was just 9.9 miles away. We watched countable racing from about 9 a.m. to noon at the Blackhawk Farms Raceway. It was then just a little more than an hour over to the Milwaukee Mile and their road course. We watched four races there. It was another hour over to the Angell Park Speedway for their evening midget program. Finally, to complete the triangle, it was less than an hour back to the Comfort Inn in Beloit. Today’s trip gave Carol three new tracks and me two.
The People
Today was a very special trackchasing day. A very special trackchasing day indeed! If you’re a race fan you know who Steve Kinser is. If you’re not a race fan let me give you a few bits of background on Steve.
Mr. Kinser was an Indiana high school wrestling champion. He’s raced sprint cars for the last 30 years or so and is in most people’s opinions the best sprint car driver ever. Sprint cars are the most dangerous form of auto racing there is. Mr. Kinser has always been a big strong “Tough guy”. The one and only time I ever attempted to talk to him was during a rain delay at the Santa Fe Speedway. It had rained before time trials and the racing surface was a mud pit. He and I were just a few feet away and I offered this comment, “Looks like they might be able to get the race in tonight.” If looks could melt, I would be melted now. I can’t say I had a conversation with Mr. Kinser since I was the only one who spoke. Needless, to say Mr. Kinser is a big roughneck take no prisoners kind of guy.
Why is Mr. Kinser’s name mentioned in this Trackchaser Report since we didn’t see him race this weekend? You see Mr. Kinser was the 40thranked trackchaser coming into this weekend with 246 different tracks. He had raced all over the United States and even visits Australia/New Zealand nearly every year as well as Canada and Mexico. In order to be a listed trackchaser you need to have 200 tracks to your credit. In order to be a RANKED trackchaser you need to be in the top 40 worldwide trackchasers. At this point I must inform you that Mr. Kinser WAS a ranked trackchaser. He no longer is.
Who could knock this former state wrestling champion from his lofty trackchasing perch? None other than “Trackchasing’s First Mother” that’s who!! Weighing in at only at only a couple of Bud Lites over 100 pounds, Carol Lewis has knocked the “King”out of the top 40. How does that feel Mr. Steve Kinser?
Not only did Mrs. Lewis crash into the exclusive club of ranked trackchasers, she has now tied another trackchasing woman, Miss Virginia (No not thee Miss Virginia) Schuler for 39thposition. There’s no telling how many more people the Mrs. Lewis will pass before the 2006 season is finished. I will only say that if you are within striking distance of her, you are forewarned.
Speaking of the ladies, I believe I am the only trackchaser to have met EVERY woman who is a listed trackchaser in the world. To add to that achievement, I have met the woman spouses of every trackchaser listed in the top 20. Yes, I like to hang around the ladies and they are a fine group indeed.
This was my 67th track to see in my native state. I broke a tie for second place with Jack Erdmann and am now in hot pursuit of Ed Esser for the state lead. Ed leads Illinois with 80 tracks, so I’m just 13 behind. My database shows 22 tracks still remaining to be seen in the Illini state for me. Unfortunately, only four of those tracks race on a weekly basis. Most of the others are county fair figure 8 locations. This was young Carol’s 16thlifetime track in her native state. Illinois is her third best trackchasing state.
This was my 42nd track to see in the Badger state. It was Carol’s 20th. I’m in ninth place in Wisconsin. This was Carol’s 19thlifetime track in Wisconsin. This state total trails only her 52 California tracks. Ed Esser of Madison, Wisconsin leads the state’s rankings with 94 tracks.
This was Carol’s 21stWisconsin track. She trails Ed Esser by just 73 tracks in her quest to become Wisconsin’s dominatrix.
I can’t believe I’ve been hanging around Northern Illinois for 39 years and have never made it to Blackhawk before today. I guess I figured I could always get this track. Today we would see road racing at two different tracks. Normally, road courses have some countable racing on both Saturday and Sunday. It turned out this weekend that both Blackhawk and Milwaukee had countable racing on Sunday only. This freed up Saturday morning/afternoon for sightseeing.
The seven-turn, 1.9-mile asphalt road course is flat. It winds in and out of some beautiful forested land. Today eight SCCA race groups were running. Three ran before lunch and five would race in the afternoon. Each race was 25 laps and lasted about 30-40 minutes.
We viewed the track from every location that was within walking distance. You could walk to just about every part of the track, but it was rare to see more than about 10 seconds of racing from any individual location.
At lunch, they had “Lapping” on the program. I’ve done this at other road courses. The cool thing about this is that for a fee ($10 today), spectators can take their passenger cars around the track at slow speeds for several laps during lunch. I saw this item on the track program and instantly saw the opportunity for Carol to get some track time.
Of course, I couldn’t tell her in advance or she would die from nervousness. Finally, at the very last moment I sprung the idea on her. “We can’t do that. We’ve got a rental car,”was his first response. I told her that was EXACTLY why it WAS a good idea.
Finally, I wore her down and she agreed (my words) to go out on the track. We drove over to registration to get her signed up. They were a little unorganized and made a few radio calls to see what the drill was going to be. Soon we got a response from the series coordinator. The lapping session was cancelled. Bummer! We will have to wait for another day to see if Carol can wheel the National Rental Car Racing Chevy around the twists and turns of one of the nation’s finest road courses.
Overall, this was a disappointing afternoon of racing. When the weather is uncomfortable, the track not conducive to good spectator viewing and the car count very low, you’re in for a poor day of trackchasing. The Milwaukee Mile hit the trifecta today.
As mentioned below, the weather was cold and windy. Hey! It’s May 21; your Memorial Day picnics are next weekend. What can you do about it? Call 1-800-UHAUL. Pack all of your belongings in the trailer and wait until about 4 p.m. At that time just point the sedan in the direction of the setting sun and keep driving. When the salt water of the Pacific Ocean starts to rust out the sections of your car that are not already rusted out, stop! Find a local homeowner, drug them and then use “Squatter’s rights”to take over their home. You’ll be glad you did. By the way, I can talk about the Midwest like this because I’m from there. I just didn’t know growing up in that area that we could leave!
The road course racing layout at the Milwaukee Mile is most unusual. By the way, Carol and I saw an event at this facility last year and called what we saw a road course. Our judgment was overturned by the trackchaser commissioner. He ruled what we saw last year an inner oval after I had given a complete description of the layout.
I don’t always agree with the commissioner. Even though I did not agree with his ruling on that one, I stood to benefit. Since what we saw last year is defined as an inner oval, what we saw today was the road course.
The start/finish line for today’s road course is the same location as the track’s one mile oval. The difference is today’s road racing cars race clockwise around the course. They take the green at the start/finish line and race into what is the oval’s fourth turn. They make a hard right at this point and race roughly parallel to the main straight but in the oval’s infield. When they nearly reach the outer oval’s turns one and two, they make a 180-degree turn on the inner oval’s turns one and two. They then race parallel to the outer oval’s backstretch but on a portion of the course that is in the outer oval’s infield. They exit the infield very close to where they entered it and race around the outer oval’s turn three and four (always in a clockwise direction) and then down the outer oval’s backstretch, around the outer oval’s turn two and then turn one until they reach the start/finish line again. Whew! That’s got to be as clear as mud. You may want to take out a pen and paper and make your own diagram of this description.
Despite a somewhat convoluted course, we still couldn’t see the racing all that well. Of course, bad weather and a poor layout aren’t all that’s needed to have an unfriendly spectator experience. The car counts were low. We were at the Milwaukee Mile for four different races. The car counts ranged from 7-10. That’s not many cars on what I estimate to be a 2-mile road course.
So there you have it. The Milwaukee Mile road course failed on all three levels, the weather, the view and the car count. Nevertheless, I felt we got what we paid for. Admission was free.
Did I remember to tell you the bathrooms were closed? That was not a problem for me. I’m a golfer. This did make Carol somewhat fidgety. On our way out of the track we found a very nice porta-potty on the backstretch. It came just in the nick of time for one of us.
I read the above paragraph to Carol for her approval. Her response was, “You don’t paint a very nice picture of me, do you?” I replied, “The reader won’t be thinking about you. They’ll be fixated on how I don’t treat you very nicely.”
On the drive to Angell Park, Carol asked if she should stop for gas, since the gauge showed only one-eighth of a tank left. I told her to let me know when she heard the low gas bell go off. This got a wrinkled nose response from her.
Not long after, the “Low gas” bell went off. I told her to take the next exit for gas. The next exit didn’t come for a very long time. I reminded her again to stop at the next exit for petrol. She reminded ME that there had been no “Next exit”yet. She also told me in no uncertain terms that “My method of getting gas at one-eighth is better than your ‘Ding-dong’method.” You’ve just got to love the sacred institution of matrimony.
If you missed Ascot Park (It closed in 1990) or miss Ascot Park, you need to go to Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. Ninety-five percent of the Ascot experience pushes off at 6:30 p.m. every Sunday night during the racing season at the Angell Park Speedway.
Angell Park runs a one class program…..midgets. I don’t believe you will find another track in the country that does. The similarities to Ascot are eerie. You see fans with Indianapolis Motor Speedway jackets. The fans here are experienced racing fans. They’ve done this before.
The track itself is nearly circular. The midgets race wingless and need push trucks to get them started. Just like Ascot, they start with a trophy dash; run their heats, “B” main and then the “A” main. Tonight the “A” main was 50 laps.
The cars pit in the grassy infield that looks more like a city park than a racetrack infield. No haulers allowed in the infield to block the spectator’s view. The announcer is professional and the sound system is very good.
The announcer gave me a nice trackchaser mention. He also mentioned his fellow Wisconsin residents who reside in the top 10. That would be #7 Ed Esser and #8 Jack Erdmann. Speaking of Mr. Esser, we did not see him. I’m starting to wonder about Ed. He has told me on more than one occasion that he is going to shut down his trackchasing program due to lack of funds. Yet, he continues to go trackchasing nearly every weekend. He also says he goes to Sun Prairie every Sunday night, but we didn’t see him. I took photographs of the spectator grandstands. I have the infra-red technology and retina scanners, to determine if he attended tonight. Carol was disappointed in not being able to see Ed.
A few minor details could have been improved. The show ran from 6:30 p.m. to just past 10 p.m. That seemed a little long for a 35-car one class program. I will give them credit. When the “B” main ended, they started a nine-minute countdown clock on their scoreboard. As the countdown continued the announcer reminded the drivers, that time was running out. All of the “A” main drivers were ready to race when the clock hit “0:00”. There was no dust tonight and no one left early because the show was a stinker.
The grandstands face the sun, but the clouds protected us tonight. Just before the “A” main, Carol went to the grandstand in search of hot chocolate. She was told “We’re planning to make the hot chocolate soon.” Finally, the program was held up while the track waited on an ambulance that had transported a spectator to the hospital.
If I was at a “normal” track the above would have been an irritation. Not tonight. Angell Park is a link to the past. They’ve been running here for more than 70 years. They are also home to the National Midget Hall of Fame and have been since 1984.
The racing was good. Drivers were here from eight states and two foreign countries. You won’t find that statement to be true anywhere in the country for a weekly program. There were 4-5 hard flips during the program, some of them very violent. The food was good. I had pizza from Pizza Hut and Carol went with the bratwurst. The peanuts were great, but Carol says the popcorn was stale.
I highly recommend the Angell Park Speedway. Come early and enjoy the Midget Hall of Fame. Stay late and enjoy a new speedway promotion. As an example, if the fifth place car wins the “A” main, beer will be offered at half-price for 50 minutes in the very huge pavilion on the grounds. It’s Wisconsin right? Tonight, the 10thplace finisher won. That meant the pavilion would be offering half-priced beer for one hour and 40 minutes. I’m sure that will keep the beer drinkingest state residents in the U.S.A. happy.
Editor’s Comment: As mentioned above Carol has now displaced Steve Kinser as a ranked trackchaser. Everyone is fortunate to get to read “Carol’s Comments” after each race she visits. We never get to hear what Mr. Kinser has to say about his tracks. I suggest that, today, you imagine Mr. Kinser making the same comments that Carol made.
This was bigger and nicer than most of the road courses, I’ve been too. They had lots of people and lots of different cars. It was nice to have the sun out even though it was cold. The bathrooms were O.K. and they even had showers. I kept thinking I was in Wisconsin even though I was in Illinois.
It seemed to me the course was too big for so few cars. When the cars raced down the front stretch in the “wrong”direction, it made me nervous. The flagman needed two buddies in parkas and a can of beer to do his job. The flagman didn’t use the white flag at all. He just held up one finger when the time was right. This record-making track (she jumped into the top 40 and is now a ranked trackchaser) was somewhat like your #1,000, somewhat anti-climactic. The Milwaukee Mile was such a contrast to Blackhawk Farms. Blackhawk had all these cars and people and this track didn’t, it was weird.
This track was a lot like Ascot (Editor’s note: Ascot was Carol’s and my home track from 1974-79 and 1983-90.). The cars were “smaller”than Ascot. I liked the open feel to the seating. It looked to me like there were lots of loyal fans here tonight. The announcer was very good. I really like his enthusiasm with the trackchaser mention. My favorites, and the two prettiest cars, #2 and #15 both dropped out of the feature. The sun setting into the faces of the spectators was stupid. The food lines were efficient. This was a very family friendly place. We didn’t see Ed.
The weather was much more comfortable at the Blackhawk Farms Raceway. Even though it was only 52 degrees when we arrived, there was little wind and plenty of sun. We both felt it seemed warmer than the stated temperature.
When we arrived at the Milwaukee Mile it was a different story. It was 56 degrees, but the sun was beginning to go down at our backs and the wind blew at 10 M.P.H. or more directly into our faces. It would have been a very nice day for February. However, a nice day in February in not a nice day in the latter part of May! It was just 51 degrees when we left the Mile.
It was 61 degrees when we walked into the Angell Park Speedway at 6:30 p.m. That was surprising since it was only 51 degrees when we left Milwaukee about 2 hours earlier. It was cooler than normal this Sunday evening, but we were saved when the wind stopped blowing. What might be ever more amazing is the forecast for next week in the upper Midwest. They’re expecting temperatures as high as 96 degrees!
Recall the rain forecast for the areas we planned to visit on Friday was 20%, Saturday-30% and Sunday-10%. We had to make a diversion on Saturday to get all of our races in. We came within a few miles of getting Carol even more tracks on Saturday night before the wet stuff cancelled everything in the immediate area.
The National Rental Car Racing Chevy Impala LT drove well and except for the malfunctioning interior reading lights was a good rental. If you don’t have AAA, I highly recommend it. It will save you time and money. Because we travel a lot, I estimate it saves us more than $1,000 each year.
This trip covered 1,002 miles. Carol helped with the driving. We didn’t have any really long drives during the five days we toured the Midwest. We stopped to fill-up twice and topped off before we got back to the airport. I paid an average price of $2.91 per gallon. The Chevy gave us 27.5 M.P.G. in fuel mileage at an average cost of 10.6 cents per mile.
These worldwide trackchasers are within 100 tracks (plus or minus) of my current trackchaser total.
- Randy Lewis, San Clemente, California – 1,040
- Rick Schneider – Bay Shore, New York – 1,039 (-1)
- Allan Brown, Comstock Park, Michigan – 1,021 (-19)
- Guy Smith, Effort, Pennsylvania – 1,015 (-24)
- Andy Sivi, Clairton, Pennsylvania – 1,007 (-32)
- Gordon Killian, Sinking Spring, Pennsylvania – 998 (-43)
Other notables
These worldwide trackchasers are within 10 tracks (plus or minus) of Carol’s current trackchaser total.
- Mike Knappenberger, Reading, Pennsylvania – 256 (+8)
- Spike Rixon, Watford, England – 252 (+4)
- Carol Lewis, San Clemente, California – 248
- Virginia Schuler, Allentown, Pennsylvania – 248 (+/- 0)
- Steve Kinser, Bloomington, Indiana – 246 (-2)
- Randy Lewis, San Clemente, California – 49
- Ed Esser, Madison, Wisconsin – 32
- Roland Vanden Eynde, Vilvoorde, Belgium – 27
- Mike Knappenberger, Reading, Pennsylvania – 22
- Roger Ferrell, Majenica, Indiana – 18
- Carol Lewis, San Clemente, California – 18
- Paul Weisel, Orefield, Pennsylvania – 17
- Linda Thomas, Watford, England – 13
- Gordon Killian, Sinking Springs, Pennsylvania – 13
- Guy Smith, Effort, Pennsylvania – 10
Thanks for reading about my trackchasing,
Randy Lewis
The World’s #1 Ranked Trackchaser
Eat all your sandwiches.
Santa Ana, CA – Chicago, IL – 1,736 miles
Chicago O’Hare Airport – trip begins
Chilton, Wisconsin, WI – 278 miles
Lancaster, Wisconsin – 583 miles
Rockton, Illinois – 710 miles
West Allis, Wisconsin – 788 miles
Sun Prairie, Wisconsin – 857 miles
Chicago O’Hare Airport – 1,002 miles – trip ends
Chicago, IL – Santa Ana, CA 1,736 miles
Total air miles – 3,472 miles
Total auto and air miles traveled on this trip – 4,474 miles
Calumet County Speedway – $8
Grant County Speedway – $10
Blackhawk Farms Raceway – Free (If I told you why I’d have to kill you)
The Milwaukee Mile (Road course) – Free
Angell Park Speedway – $13
Total race admissions for the trip – about $31
I may be rained out in my very next outing. Otherwise, I expect to have a productive Memorial Day weekend.
RACETRACKS VISITED IN 2006 (** not the first time to visit this track)
- Watermelon Capital Speedway, Cordele, Georgia – January 14
- Cross Roads Motorplex (asphalt oval), Jasper, Florida – January 15
- Norfolk Scope Arena, Norfolk, Virginia – January 20
- Qualcomm Stadium, San Diego, California – January 21
- Oregon State Fair & Expo Center, Forster Livestock Arena, Salem, Oregon – January 28
- Morosso Motorsports Park, Jupiter, Florida – February 4
- Thunderbowl Speedway of Ocala, Ocala, Florida – February 4
- Cross Roads Motorplex (dirt oval), Jasper, Florida – February 5
1,000. Auburndale Kartway, Auburndale, Florida – February 10
1,001. Ocala Speedway (asphalt oval), Ocala, Florida – February 12
1,002. Speedworld Speedway, Surprise, Arizona – February 19
1,003. Lowe’s Motor Speedway (1/5 mile asphalt oval), Concord, North Carolina – February 25
1,004. Concord Raceway, Concord, North Carolina – February 25
1,005. Antioch Speedway, Antioch, North Carolina – February 25
1,006. Green Valley Speedway, Gadsden, Alabama – February 26
1,007. East Bay Raceway (inner oval), Gibsonton, Florida – March 17
1,008. Volusia Speedway Park West (1/6M oval), Barberville, Florida – March 18
1,009. Speedway Park, Fruitland Park, Florida – March 18
1,010. Sand Mountain Speedway (road course), Fort Meade, Florida – March 19
1,011. Anderson Motor Speedway, Anderson, South Carolina – March 31
1,012. Westminster Speedway, Westminster, South Carolina – March 31
1,013. East Lincoln Motor Speedway, Stanley, North Carolina – April 1
1,014. Margarettsville Speedway, Margarettsville, North Carolina – April 2
1,015. Sunny South Raceway, Grand Bay, Alabama – April 7
1,016. Barber Motorsports Park, Leeds, Alabama – April 8
1,017. Coldwater Raceway, Coldwater, Alabama – April 8
1,018. Talladega Short Track, Talladega, Alabama – April 8
1,019. Ballymena Raceway, Ballymena, Northern Ireland – April 14
1,020. Oulton Park, Little Budworth, England – April 15
1,021. Somerset Rebels Banger Raceway, Rooks Bridge, England – April 16
1,022. Mendips Raceway, Shipham, England – April 16
1,023. Oval Raceway, Angmering, England – April 17
1,024. Arlington Stadium, Eastbourne, England – April 17
1,025. Southside Speedway, Midlothian, Virginia – April 28
1,026. Motor Mile Speedway, Radford, Virginia – April 29
1,027. Wythe Speedway, Wytheville, Virginia – April 29
1,028. Summit Point Raceway, Summit Point Circuit, Summit Point, West Virginia – April 30
1,029. Old Dominion Speedway – inner inner oval, Manassas, Virginia – April 30
1,030. Shenandoah Speedway, Shenandoah, Virginia – May 4
1,031. Bridgeport Speedway (inner oval – front), Bridgeport, New Jersey – May 5
1,032. Empty Jug, Hawley, Pennsylvania – May 6
1,033. Oakland Valley Race Park, Cuddebackville, New York – May 6
1,034. Thunder Mountain Speedway, Center Isle, New York – May 6
1,035. Motocross 338, Southwick, Massachusetts – May 7
1,036. Glen Ridge Motorsports Park, Fultonville, New York – May 7
1,037. Calumet County Speedway, Chilton, Wisconsin – May 19
1,038. Grant County Speedway, Lancaster, Wisconsin – May 20
1,039. Blackhawk Farms Raceway, Rockton, Illinois – May 21
1,040. The Milwaukee Mile (Road course), West Allis, Wisconsin – May 21
** Angell Park Speedway, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin – May 21 (new track Carol only)
Randy Lewis – 9 countries – 1,040 tracks.
That’s all folks! Official end of the RLR – Randy Lewis Racing Trackchaser Report
Click on the link below for a photo album from today’s trackchasing day. You can view the album slide by slide or click on the “slide show” icon for a self-guided tour of today’s trackchasing adventure.
Blackhawk Farms….one of the more scenic road courses in America – 2006
A re-visit to one of the best tracks in the country….Angell Park Speedway