Greetings from Huntly, New Zealand
From the travels and adventures of the “World’s #1 Trackchaser”
Lifetime Track #1,134
This is the SECOND grouping in a multi-part series that will detail our 17-day trackchasing and touring adventure to New Zealand and French Polynesia. The format of this Trackchaser Report will differ from those you have been reading all season.
Our activities will be listed chronologically by day and divided into “Trackchasing” and “Tourist” categories. You will get a glimpse into how another family approaches and takes a long and exotic trip like this. I hope you enjoy reading about our adventures, until you and your family head out on your next tour of the world.
Warning: If you do not want to experience the feeling of “being there” I recommend that you not read the descriptions of what went on or view the pictures of what was seen. I would not want any future visits to these faraway parts to be ruined by the realism you are about ready to experience in words and pictures.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Today we were planning our one and only trackchasing double of this trip. We left our Stratford motel early by our standards at 8:30 a.m. All of the stock car team members staying at the motel were still sound asleep as we drove out of the Antonio Mews parking lot. We were facing a five hour drive up to Meremere. Along the way, the scenery was gorgeous. The roads were narrow and winding as we drove northward along the Western coast of NZ.
Almost all of our driving in New Zealand has been on two-lane roads. Fortunately, they have added passing lanes so we can pass slower traffic more easily. They have these passing lanes about every 5-10 miles.
Our biggest tourist activity of the day, New Year’s Eve, was a visit to the Old Court House Café & Bar owned by Stacy O’Malley in Huntly. The restaurant is located at the south end of town. One hundred years ago, the building was the Huntly Courthouse.
Our dining experience almost started out on the wrong foot. We entered the quaint little building to what looked like a fun and upscale restaurant. There were maybe eight tables in the place and three of them were open. The décor allowed us to see into the kitchen where the meals were being prepared. There was a wood-fired stove for making pizza. This looked great, especially when virtually nothing else in town appeared to be open.
When I asked the chef where we could sit, he told us that since we did not have “booking” (reservation) that we probably shouldn’t eat at the restaurant. That didn’t sound very friendly. He went on to explain that nearly all of his staff had gone on holiday. The place had been left to just him and one server. Since I had driven the streets of Huntly, I knew we had nowhere else to go. I assured him that we wouldn’t mind waiting. We did wait but the food was worth it.
Following our meal, we were the only diners in the place. Stacy the owner, a native New Zealander came over to chat. We learned he had spent time gaining his culinary skills in England. He had worked in restaurants in New York and spent five years in Seoul, Korea teaching English where he had met tonight’s waitress! It was a delightful dining experience on a very special evening. Carol and I have either started or ended each of the last four years of our trackchasing in Australia or New Zealand. I think celebrating New Year’s Eve abroad is a most fun experience.
Following dinner, we retired to the relative comfort of the North End Motel in Huntly, New Zealand. We had a lot to celebrate and we both wish all of the Trackchaser Report readers a most happy and healthy new year!
Our first track of the day was to be the Meremere (pronounced Mary Mary) Dirt Track. I had been in contact with Jason Harrison and was really looking forward to our only daytime racing event of the trip. Meremere’s schedule called for racing to begin at 10:30 a.m. and continue until late afternoon.
The weather had been “fine” for the first 4 ½ hours of our five hour trip. However……it began to get cloudy and the clouds we encountered were the dark rain producing ones for the last 30 minutes of our drive.
When we entered the Meremere Raceway grounds it was raining steadily. I asked the ticket taker if they had cancelled. He said he thought so since “about eight people have already pulled out.” I would need something more definitive than that before we would pull out.
We drove down into a very muddy paddock (pit) area. Some racecars were covered with car covers and others sat out in the rain. I asked a fellow with a hat that read, “Official” if they were rained out. He told me they were about to make that decision at the hastily arranged “committee” meeting. He invited me to join the meeting.
I found a safe semi-mud free place to park. I entered the meeting hall and was immediately introduced to the club president, Wiz. Wiz and everyone had been expecting the “World’s #1 Ranked Trackchaser” and they were happy to see me.
Wiz conducted a meeting with first his committee members and then the drivers as a group. He told them that even though it was 1:30 p.m., it might be difficult to resume racing since it might take an hour an a half to run the track in. It was still raining.
The group discussed their options and decided to postpone today’s event until tomorrow, January 1 since this would also be a state holiday. I was concerned that we might have missed some countable racing by arriving somewhat late. However, I was assured that no racing had taken place today at all.
The Meremere Dirt Track Club leases their racetrack from a local farmer. The oval track is a permanent quarter-mile dirt oval. Since they had not turned a racing wheel today, they would not be charged any track rent. The racers could return tomorrow and race for the same total weekend rental fee. That was good news, since our evening program, at the Huntly Speedway is less than 30 minutes down the road. Assuming we don’t get rained out at Huntly, it will be easy to catch Meremere tomorrow afternoon before we head down to Napier for their evening show.
Following the cancellation, Carol and I were sitting in our car with my laptop trying to explore our options. We had only one other afternoon option. That was a youth mini-stock race in Rotorua. However, they were starting in 30 minutes, it was at least a two-hour drive away, I didn’t know if they had any countable adult racing, there was no internet available and I didn’t have a working cell phone. Heck, that sounded like the “good old days” of trackchasing. Not much information!
The Meremere track was just 20 minutes or so north of tonight’s track in Huntly. Huntly is the home of saloon driver Steve Williams. The Huntly Speedway is also the track where Tiger Woods actually raced a stock car last season.
I spent some time talking to the locals about Tiger’s visit. Our motel manager at the North End Motel told us, “We were already busy before he was to come, but the newspaper wanted to make it sound like we were a small town (which Huntly is!) so we had to pretend like Tiger’s visit made us the busiest ever.”
I spoke with an old-timer at the track. He told me they had “Tiger come in on a helicopter and he parachuted down into the infield.” That one sounded a little hard to believe. A track official simply told me “Tiger helicoptered in from Auckland and we had parachutists jumping from several airplanes.” Whatever the REAL story was, it made major news headlines that Tiger Woods was driving a stock car in NZ.
We were the guests of Carol at the track tonight. She was the Huntly rep we met two nights ago in Stratford. Thanks Carol. The weather was threatening all evening. Our motel was just a mile or two from the track. When we left for the track, it was sprinkling. We arrived at the Huntly Speedway at 5:30 p.m., an hour and a half before start time.
From time to time, the rain sprinkles picked up to the level of a light rain. I walked the pit area and said hello to several of the saloon drivers I had already met. Steve Williams and I spied each other from a distance of 50 yards. He yelled, “Hi Randy” and moved off in a different direction. I am a card carrying eight golf handicap. To have Tiger Woods caddie call me by name made my golf year and maybe even my trackchasing year. Ya, that was cool.
The rain continued at a steady but light pace. A driver’s meeting was held with the youth mini-stocks and stock car drivers, both local classes. The meeting went on as if it was a sunny day. There was no mention of the rain at all.
About this time the rain picked up. I sought shelter. Murray Guy, driver of the #13M came over to chat. Murray is one of the city council members in the large city of Tauranga. We talked about some of the issues he is dealing with (better roads vs. building an art museum?). His problems sound just like the ones we deal with at home.
Murray invited me to drive his saloon car during driver introductions. This is a time when all of the racecars come onto the track for an introduction to the fans. The drivers sit on the hood of the racecar while a pit crewmember drives the car. That would have been great fun, but it didn’t materialize because of the weather.
At about 6:45 p.m., they put the first cars on the track, the youth mini-stocks. Remember, New Zealand tracks do not run in the rain as their English brothers do. The 20 or so mini-stocks with their very narrow tires never made a dent in the wheel packing needed to dry out what was soon becoming a quagmire. I expected them to cancel the entire program at any minute.
I was shocked to hear they were going to start the youth mini-stock heat race precisely at 7 p.m. I was standing down in the pit area and could not see the track. I wasn’t too concerned with the youth mini-stocks since they are not a trackchasing countable class. I wasn’t even certain they were holding a race until I saw the tip of the checkered flag.
Soon the announcer was calling the super stocks (7) to the track for THEIR race. It was now pouring. What was this promoter doing? During all of this, Carol was sitting in the car waiting out the bad weather. From my position in the pits, I was more than 200 yards from Carol and the car. They were going to run a countable race. I had to let Carol now.
I motored those 200+ yards as fast as I could given the muddy footing conditions that resulted from more than two hours of rain. Our car was parked next to the pit gate entrance but just outside the pits. Since all the racers had arrived, the pit gate was now locked. I had to hunt down “Cheryl” who managed the pit gate to get her to unlock it. I had made friends with Cheryl earlier in the night. That bit of graciousness paid dividends now that time was of the essence. As Cheryl was unlocking the pit gate, I was hand gesturing to Carol to get a move on. The super stocks were about set to begin their race.
Carol and I both made it to the berm of turn one for the start of the super stock heat race. The track was mush. It was sloppy and it was still raining. The lap times were 3-4 times longer than what might have been run on a dry track. Nevertheless, they finished the race.
We watched the race next to two youth mini stock drivers. Their driving uniforms were soaked with mud and grime from the race they had just completed. We got to talking with them and one said, “Are you the trackchaser who was interviewed down in the infield of Baypark last week?” Yes, I was, I told them. It’s always fun to be recognized by local race fans. I didn’t have the heart to tell them that trackchasing’s forefathers had developed rules, which specifically prohibited the counting of classes like youth mini-stocks. It might have broken their spirit.
Next up were the stock cars. There were about 15 of them. They also ran a 10-lap or so heat race. There were all kinds of spinning and sliding and the cars quickly became brown with mud and slop. When that race checkered, the announcer came onto the P.A. and told the assembled that the remainder of the program was being cancelled. Folks could use their ticket stubs for a future race.
Wow! I absolutely cannot believe they ran those heat races. The track was terrible and New Zealand tracks just don’t do that from my experience. I guess this makes up for Baypark canceling on December 27 on a night where they probably could have run.
This race brings Carol and my 2006 trackchasing season to a close. I finished up with 147 tracks on 115 days of trackchasing with just six days of rainouts. Carol finished up with 63 new tracks on 46 days of trackchasing with five days of rainouts. I’ll give you more details of our season in my upcoming 2006 Annual Trackchasing Report due out by the end of January.
The track decided to cancel at about 8 p.m. It was New Year’s Eve. The good thing about tonight’s cancellation was that we could have a gourmet dinner to celebrate the end of another good year. One of the downside’s of trackchasing is that we are trapped at the racetrack during the dinner hour most of the time.
With our newfound freedom, I prevailed upon Steve Williams, a resident of Huntly for a restaurant recommendation. Steve couldn’t come up with anything that might be open on New Year’s Eve in Huntly. That’s understandable considering Huntly is a town with maybe two blocks of commercial businesses. Fortunately, his sidekick was able to direct us to what turned out to be a great eatery. Overall, it was a great last day of the year, I’m sorry to see 2006 end.
Thanks for reading about my trackchasing,
Randy Lewis
#1 Trackchaser Living West of the Mississippi
Your best bet is to work your butt off, reach your goals and enjoy your rewards.
These worldwide trackchasers are within 100 tracks (plus or minus) of my current trackchaser total.
1. Randy Lewis, San Clemente, California – 1,138
2. Guy Smith, Effort, Pennsylvania – 1,077 (-61)*
3. Rick Schneider – Bay Shore, New York – 1,064 (-74)*
4. Gordon Killian, Sinking Spring, Pennsylvania – 1,044 (-94)*
7. Ed Esser, Madison, Wisconsin – 965 (-173)**
* Warning, you are within 50 tracks of being removed from this list.
** Special exemption.
Other notables
These worldwide trackchasers are within 10 tracks (plus or minus) of Carol’s current trackchaser total.
31. Chris Economaki, Ridgewood, New Jersey – 302 (+8)
32. Gary Jacob, Turlock, California – 301 (+7)
33. Ron Rodda, Lincoln, California – 297 (+3)
35. Carol Lewis, San Clemente, California – 294
34. Johnny Gibson, Grand Island, Nebraska – 290 (-4)
1. Randy Lewis, San Clemente, California – 147
2. Mike Knappenberger, Reading, Pennsylvania – 106
3. Ed Esser, Madison, Wisconsin – 105
4. Roland Vanden Eynde, Vilvoorde, Belgium – 91
5. Paul Weisel, Orefield, Pennsylvania – 87
6. Guy Smith, Effort, Pennsylvania – 72
6. Roger Ferrell, Majenica, Indiana – 71
8. Allan Brown, Comstock Park, Michigan – 64
9. Carol Lewis, San Clemente, California – 63
10. Gordon Killian, Sinking Spring, Pennsylvania – 58
10. Pam Smith, Effort, Pennsylvania – 58
Tracks have been reported from 42 different worldwide trackchasers this season.
Los Angeles, CA – Sydney, Australia – 7,490 miles
Sydney, Australia – Auckland, New Zealand – 1,340 miles
Auckland International Airport – trip begins
Driving all over New Zealand
Western Springs Speedway – $20NZ
Blue Chip Speedway at Baypark – Free
Upper Hutt Family Speedway – $20NZ
Stratford Speedway – $15NZ
Huntly Speedway – Free
G’day, mate. Yep! We finally finished up 2006. It’s been a GREAT trackchasing year.
RACETRACKS VISITED IN 2006 (** not the first time to visit this track)
992. Watermelon Capital Speedway, Cordele, Georgia – January 14
993. Cross Roads Motorplex (asphalt oval), Jasper, Florida – January 15
994. Norfolk Scope Arena, Norfolk, Virginia – January 20
995. Qualcomm Stadium, San Diego, California – January 21
996. Oregon State Fair & Expo Center, Forster Livestock Arena, Salem, Oregon – January 28
997. Morosso Motorsports Park, Jupiter, Florida – February 4
998. Thunderbowl Speedway of Ocala, Ocala, Florida – February 4
999. Cross Roads Motorplex (dirt oval), Jasper, Florida – February 5
1,000. Auburndale Kartway, Auburndale, Florida – February 10
1,001. Ocala Speedway (asphalt oval), Ocala, Florida – February 12
1,002. Speedworld Speedway, Surprise, Arizona – February 19
1,003. Lowe’s Motor Speedway (1/5 mile asphalt oval), Concord, North Carolina – February 25
1,004. Concord Raceway, Concord, North Carolina – February 25
1,005. Antioch Speedway, Antioch, North Carolina – February 25
1,006. Green Valley Speedway, Gadsden, Alabama – February 26
1,007. East Bay Raceway (inner oval), Gibsonton, Florida – March 17
1,008. Volusia Speedway Park West (1/6M oval), Barberville, Florida – March 18
1,009. Speedway Park, Fruitland Park, Florida – March 18
1,010. Sand Mountain Speedway (road course), Fort Meade, Florida – March 19
1,011. Anderson Motor Speedway, Anderson, South Carolina – March 31
1,012. Westminster Speedway, Westminster, South Carolina – March 31
1,013. East Lincoln Motor Speedway, Stanley, North Carolina – April 1
1,014. Margarettsville Speedway, Margarettsville, North Carolina – April 2
1,015. Sunny South Raceway, Grand Bay, Alabama – April 7
1,016. Barber Motorsports Park, Leeds, Alabama – April 8
1,017. Coldwater Raceway, Coldwater, Alabama – April 8
1,018. Talladega Short Track, Talladega, Alabama – April 8
1,019. Ballymena Raceway, Ballymena, Northern Ireland – April 14
1,020. Oulton Park, Little Budworth, England – April 15
1,021. Somerset Rebels Banger Raceway, Rooks Bridge, England – April 16
1,022. Mendips Raceway, Shipham, England – April 16
1,023. Oval Raceway, Angmering, England – April 17
1,024. Arlington Stadium, Eastbourne, England – April 17
1,025. Southside Speedway, Midlothian, Virginia – April 28
1,026. Motor Mile Speedway, Radford, Virginia – April 29
1,027. Wythe Speedway, Wytheville, Virginia – April 29
1,028. Summit Point Raceway, Summit Point Circuit, Summit Point, West Virginia – April 30
1,029. Old Dominion Speedway – inner inner oval, Manassas, Virginia – April 30
1,030. Shenandoah Speedway, Shenandoah, Virginia – May 4
1,031. Bridgeport Speedway (inner oval – front), Bridgeport, New Jersey – May 5
1,032. Empty Jug, Hawley, Pennsylvania – May 6
1,033. Oakland Valley Race Park, Cuddebackville, New York – May 6
1,034. Thunder Mountain Speedway, Center Isle, New York – May 6
1,035. Motocross 338, Southwick, Massachusetts – May 7
1,036. Glen Ridge Motorsports Park, Fultonville, New York – May 7
1,037. Calumet County Speedway, Chilton, Wisconsin – May 19
1,038. Grant County Speedway, Lancaster, Wisconsin – May 20
1,039. Blackhawk Farms Raceway, Rockton, Illinois – May 21
1,040. The Milwaukee Mile (Road course), West Allis, Wisconsin – May 21
** Angell Park Speedway, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin – May 21 (new track Carol only)
1,041. Park Jefferson Speedway, Jefferson, South Dakota – May 25
1,042. Superior Speedway, Superior, Wisconsin – May 26
1,043. Brainerd International Raceway, Brainerd, Minnesota – May 27
1,044. Canby Speedway, Canby, Minnesota – May 27
1,045. Crawford County Fairgrounds (figure 8), Denison, Iowa – May 28
1,046. Tri-State Speedway, Sisseton, South Dakota – May 29
1,047. Sheyenne River Speedway, Lisbon, North Dakota – May 29
1,048. Spring Mountain Motorsports Ranch, Pahrump, Nevada – June 3
1,049. The Bullring at Las Vegas Motor Speedway, Las Vegas, Nevada – June 3
1,050. Hibbing Raceway, Hibbing, Minnesota – June 6
1,051. Buena Vista Raceway, Alta, Iowa – June 7
1,052. Lebanon Midway Speedway, Lebanon, Missouri – June 8
1,053. Rocky Top Raceway, Coal Grove, Ohio – June 9
1,054. Midvale Speedway (oval), Midvale, Ohio – June 10
1,055. Midvale Speedway (figure 8), Midvale, Ohio – June 10
1,056. Spring Valley Raceway, Millport, Ohio – June 11
1,057. Rialto Airport Speedway, Rialto, California – June 17
1,058. Lawrenceburg Speedway (figure 8), Lawrenceburg, Indiana – June 20
1,059. Lawrenceburg Speedway (temporary oval), Lawrenceburg, Indiana – June 20
1,060. Thunder Mountain Speedway, Knox Dale, Pennsylvania – June 21
1,061. State Park Speedway, Wausau, Wisconsin – June 22
1,062. Dodge County Fairgrounds Speedway, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin – June 23
1,063. Lucas Oil Speedway (oval), Wheatland, Missouri – June 24
1,064. Lucas Oil Speedway (figure 8), Wheatland, Missouri – June 24
1,065. Tri-City Speedway, Pontoon Beach, Illinois – June 25
1,066. Lake Ozark Speedway, Eldon, Missouri – June 29
1,067. Poplar Bluff Speedway, Poplar Bluff, Missouri – June 30
1,068. Indianapolis Motor Speedway (road course), Indianapolis, Indiana – July 1
1,069. Rush County Fairgrounds, Rushville, Indiana – July 1
1,070. Rock Castle Speedway, Mount Vernon, Kentucky – July 2
** Windy Hollow Speedway (oval), Owensboro, Kentucky – July 2
1,071. Heartland Park Topeka (dirt oval), Topeka, Kansas – July 3
1,072. Thunderhill Speedway, Mayetta, Kansas – July 3
1,073. Little Valley Speedway, Little Valley, New York – July 13
** Twin State Speedway (oval), Claremont, New Hampshire – July 14
1,074. Twin State Speedway (figure 8), Claremont, New Hampshire – July 14
1,075. Canaan Speedway (asphalt oval), Canaan, New Hampshire – July 14
** New Hampshire International Speedway, Loudon, New Hampshire – July 15
1,076. White Mountain Motorsports Park, North Woodstock, New Hampshire – July 15
1,077. Legion Speedway, Wentworth, New Hampshire – July 15
1,078. Devil’s Bowl Speedway, Fair Haven, Vermont – July 16
1,079. Stafford Motor Speedway, Stafford Springs, Connecticut – July 17
1,080. Little Log House Speedway, Hastings, Minnesota – July 28
** Elko Speedway (outer oval), Elko, Minnesota – July 28
** Elko Speedway (inner oval), Elko, Minnesota – July 28
** Elko Speedway (figure 8), Elko, Minnesota – July 28
1,081. Chickasaw Big Four County Fairgrounds, Nashua, Iowa – July 29
1,082. Buffalo River Speedway, Glyndon, Minnesota – July 30
1,083. Miller Motorsports Park, Tooele, Utah, – August 4
1,084. Atomic Motor Raceway, Atomic City, Idaho – August 4
1,085. Mission Valley Speedway, Polson, Montana – August 5
1,086. Rock Creek Race Track, Kimberly, Idaho – August 6
1,087. Stevens County Fairgrounds, Morris, Minnesota – August 9
1,088. Norman County Raceway, Ada, Minnesota – August 10
1,089. Miller Speedway, Miller, South Dakota – August 11
1,090. Gimli Motorsports Park, Gimli, Manitoba, Ontario, Canada – August 13
1,091. Bemidji Speedway, Bemidji, Minnesota – August 13
1,092. Dayton Fair (figure 8), Dayton, Pennsylvania – August 14
1,093. Holmes County Fairgrounds, Millersburg, Ohio – August 15
1,094. Lawrence County Fairgrounds, New Castle, Pennsylvania – August 16
1,095. Armada County Fairgrounds, Armada, Michigan – August 17
1,096. Spencer Speedway, Williamson, New York – August 18
1,097. Yates County Fairgrounds (figure 8), Penn Yan, New York, – August 19
1,098. Tillsonburg County Fairgrounds, Tillsonburg, Ontario, Canada – August 20
1,099. Marshfield Fair, Marshfield, Massachusetts – August 21
1,100. Cambridge Fair, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada – September 9
1,101. Georgetown Fair, Georgetown, Ontario, Canada – September 9
1,102. Oakwood Fair, Oakwood, Ontario, Canada – September 10
1,103. Western Fair, London, Ontario, Canada – September 10
1,104. Rice Lake Speedway, Rice Lake, Wisconsin – September 14
1,105. Iowa Speedway (oval), Newton, Iowa – September 15
1,106. Harrison County Fairgrounds (figure 8), Missouri Valley, Iowa – September 16
1,107. Calhoun County Raceway (oval), Rockwell City, Iowa – September 16
1,108. Hutchinson Raceway Park, Hutchinson, Kansas – September 22
1,109. Dodge City Raceway Park (outer oval), Dodge City, Kansas – September 23
1,110. Dodge City Raceway Park (inner oval), Dodge City, Kansas – September 23
1,111. Enid Motor Speedway, Enid, Oklahoma – September 24
1,112. Desert Thunder Raceway, Price, Utah – September 30
1,113. Norfolk County Fairgrounds, Simcoe, Ontario, Canada – October 4
1,114. La Crosse Fairgrounds Speedway (inner oval), La Crosse, Wisconsin – October 5
1,115. Londonderry Raceway, Manchester, New Hampshire – October 8
1,116. Hudson Speedway, Hudson, New Hampshire – October 8
1,117. Topsfield Fairgrounds Arena, Topsfield, Massachusetts – October 9
1,118. Cricket Arena, Charlotte, North Carolina – October 11
1,119. Gordon Park Speedway, Groveton, Georgia – October 13
1,120. I-20 Kartway, Batesburg, South Carolina – October 14
1,121. Hemi Speedway, Mount Croghan, South Carolina – October 15
** Bakersfield Raceway Park, Linton, Indiana – October 20 (new track Carol only)
1,122. South Georgia Motorsports Park, Cecil, Georgia – October 25
1,123. Altus Speedway, Altus, Oklahoma – October 29
1,124. Riverside Raceway Park, Mayodan, North Carolina – November 3
1,125. Hickory Motor Speedway, Hickory, North Carolina – November 4
1,126. Delaware International Speedway, Delmar, Delaware – November 5
** Willow Springs International Raceway, Rosamond, California – November 12 (new track Carol only)
1,127. Kansas Coliseum-Arena Building, Valley Center, Kansas – November 18
1,128. Mercedes Benz of Sugar Land Road Course, Angleton, Texas – November 19
1,129. OCR Action Sport Park, Rougemont, North Carolina – December 3
1,130. Boone County Fairgrounds (oval), Columbia, Missouri – December 9
** Boone County Fairgrounds (oval), Columbia, Missouri – December 10
1,131. Boone County Fairgrounds (figure 8), Columbia, Missouri – December 10
1,132. DeVos Place, Grand Rapids, Michigan – December 15
1,133. Greensboro Coliseum, Greensboro, North Carolina – December 16
1,134. Western Springs Speedway, Western Springs, New Zealand – December 26
1,135. Blue Chip Speedway at Baypark, Mount Maunganui, New Zealand – December 28
1,136. Upper Hutt Family Speedway, Upper Hutt, New Zealand – December 29
1,137. Stratford Speedway, Stratford, New Zealand – December 30
1,138. Huntly Speedway, Huntly, New Zealand – December 31