Greetings from Syracuse, New York
From the travels and adventures of the
“World’s #1 Trackchaser”
Exposition Center @ the New York State Fairgrounds
Concrete oval
Lifetime Track #2,537
I am a “trackchaser”. I trackchase. Before you discovered my site had you ever heard of trackchasing? Maybe not? So….what the heck is trackchasing? Sit back, take a read and you’ll be an expert on my hobby of trackchasing when you’re finished.
Here’s my best explanation.
Trackchasing is a three-pronged hobby. I’m a racing fan. I love to travel. I love to analyze opportunities to get the most out of everything while saving time and money.
Trackchasing fills the need for all of the above. The racing part of my trackchasing has me trying to see wheel to wheel auto racing at as many different racetracks as I can all over the world. Yes, all over the world. So far things are going pretty well. As this is written, I’ve seen racing in 82 countries at more than 2,500 tracks. As a matter of fact, I’ve seen racing at more tracks than anyone else in the world.
Equally important to me are the things I get to see and experience over the “long and dusty trackchasing trail”. I call these adventures “Trackchasing Tourist Attractions”. You won’t want to miss my “Trackchasing Tourist Attractions” page. Here’s the link: Trackchasing Tourist Attractions or my “Sports Spectating Resume” page, Sports Spectating Resume on my website at
I live in southern California. That’s probably the most inconvenient location in the country for seeing tracks in the U.S. Most of the racetracks in the U.S. are located well over 1,000 miles from where I live. As a matter of fact, my average trip covers 5,000 miles and more. I take 35-40 of those trips each season. In any given year I will travel well over 200,000 miles, rent more than 50 cars, and stay in more than 150 hotel rooms.
I get the chance to meet people all over the world. With trackchasing trips to 82 countries and counting just getting the chance to experience so many other cultures, spend time in their homes and meet their friends is a huge reward for being in this hobby. I am indebted to several of these folks for their help and friendship.
It’s takes a good deal of planning to do the above and not spend my entire retirement portfolio. I enjoy the challenge, the travel and every other aspect of “trackchasing”. In reality, my trackchasing hobby is a lot like being with the carnival. I breeze into town, stay a little while and then head on down the road.
Today’s adventure was one more of the 2,000 trips that have taken me up, down and around the proverbial long and dusty trackchasing trail. If you would like to see where I’ve been and experience those adventures here’s the link:
If you’ve got a question, comment or whatever please leave it at the bottom of this report. It’s very easy to do. Or you can visit me on Facebook. Thanks!
Saturday, March 9, 2019.
All the way back in 1982 I made my first visit to the fairgrounds. On that day I saw racing on the fairgrounds’ one-mile dirt oval. I called it a “boring mile”. Sammy Swindell won the World of Outlaws feature on Saturday. Then Merv Treichler took the checkered flag in the DIRT modified race on Sunday. The “moody mile” the name the track promoter felt was best was my 121stlifetime track. I didn’t begin writing my Trackchaser Reports until I had seen about 430 tracks.
In 2013 Carol and I came back to the New York state fair. We sat in the big grandstand and watched a JM Productions figure 8 show. It rained cats and dogs but we were safe underneath the roof of the grandstand. I saw my 1,905thlifetime track.
Then in 2017 I returned to the fairgrounds for some go-kart racing in the Center of Progress building. That’s where today’s motorsports expo was taking place. The Center of Progress building played host to my 2,398th lifetime.
Just last year, 2018, I discovered microd racing with the Syracuse Microd Club. They race on a small asphalt oval on one-corner of the fairground. I met a lot of nice people with this group. I would be able to stay in touch with a few of them today. The microds raced on my 2,473rd lifetime track. Yep. I’ve got a pretty strong history at the New York State Fairgrounds.
Today it was fun just seeing the upstate New York scenery on my drive over to Syracuse. The entire drive was like watching an old time movie. I would imagine that many of these houses are more than 100 years old. The farm scenes are beautiful as well. The red farm barns that dotted the snow laden landscape were right out of a Norman Rockwell painting.
Tonight’s racing was scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. I wanted to be there by 5:30 so I could go into the pits to see all of the racecars up close. I hoped to meet up with my friend who was racing tonight, Carl Crawford.
But before I could enter the Exposition Center I had a couple of other boxes to check off. Right now I’m eating a low-carb diet. A great entrée for such an endeavor is a Mexican dish called queso fundido chorizo. It can be found in most authentic Mexican restaurants.
How was I going to find a good Mexican restaurant in Syracuse, New York? It was simple. I would use Yelp, one of the many apps on my iPhone. I would rely on “user information”. User information comes from people who had already eaten at the restaurant. They submit photographs and written reviews about their experiences. I use Yelp everywhere I go. Today yelp turned me onto the Camino Real Mexican restaurant on Brewerton Road.
If I’ve had queso fundido chorizo 100 times then I’ve had it prepared differently 100 times. It’s essentially a dish of meat and cheese and assorted vegetables such as peppers and onions. Today’s offering was a soupy mix of queso with chorizo thrown in. I allocated 10 tortilla chips as “spoons” and had a delicious meal.
Motorsports Expo – Syracuse, New York
Someone had turned me on, it might have been Jim Smith, to the idea that there was going to be a Motorsports Expo at the fairgrounds today. I had an extra hour or so. I needed to check out the show. I was expecting that the cost of admission might be five or maybe $10 on the high-end. It was $13. That seemed a little pricey nevertheless an extra three bucks wasn’t going to deter me considering the entire expenses of my trip.
When I walked in I found all kinds of absolutely beautiful ,prepared new over the winter, racecars. There were also several trade show booths with companies featuring racing related products. It’s difficult to make money with any aspect of auto racing. The expenses are just too high and often times the revenues are way too low.
From time to time I was chosen to represent our company, at industry trade shows. I must tell you this. It was one of my least favorite things to do!
We always had to come in a day early to set up our booth. Then I would need to be “on” nearly 24/7 meeting customers and others for two or three full days. Once in a while I traveled with one of my business mentors, Gerry O’Reilly. I don’t think there’s a person in the food and drug industry who didn’t know Gerry. He was there long lost uncle/friend/comrade.
Gerry with a “G”, as he always reminded people, was the kind of guy that even if you met him for the very first time within about 10 minutes you were thinking he was your best friend. When I traveled with Gerry at these tradeshows I felt like he was the equivalent of Elvis Presley and I was one of the equipment set up guys. No, I didn’t like tradeshows one bit…..but I loved Gerry.
However, when I attend a trade show as a visitor I like them very much. If I have time I like to walk up and down each and every aisle….just like when I visit Costco. Sometimes I will engage the lonely exhibitor in conversation just to help them pass their day.
I walked up to one booth that was representing the Freedom Motorsports Park. This track is located in Delavan, New York. The little dirt oval has a special significance to me. Why would that be?
Here’s the deal. I have now seen racing at more than 2,500 racetracks. The first was the Peoria Speedway out at the Mt. Hawley Airport in Peoria Illinois. One of my most memorable “historic” track visits was when I saw my 500th track. I wasn’t all that much into trackchasing at the time. Seeing 500 tracks was a real milestone for me. Where did that happen? At the then named Freedom Raceway in Delavan, New York!
I also remember my 1,000th track. It was down in Auburndale, Florida at the Auburndale Speedway. On that night Carol joined me as well as my stepfather Bill and his wife Betty. Even trackchaser Ed Esser showed up at the track. On those visits Ed commonly joined us for dinner away from the track.
On the other hand, I couldn’t tell you off the top of my head which tracks turned out to be number 1,500, 2,000 or 2,500. Nevertheless, I will never forget Delavan, New York being the small town where I chalked up number 500.
There were a couple of young women “manning” the Freedom Motorsports Park track booth. I’m going to guess they were both in their 20s. One of them never looked up from her phone during my entire encounter as I explained my historical achievements emanating from Delevan. The other gal listened intently with a big smile and then went into her pitch about the track. It was almost as if she hadn’t heard a thing I had said and/or understood and appreciated it. Nevertheless, she was kind enough to let me complete my story before I thanked her and moved on.
Next, I came upon a booth that had a canopy promoting the Race of Champions TQ midget racing group. Under the canopy was a TQ midget, car number 01. I knew this car was owned by Jim Smith.
I had never met Jim. Nevertheless, he had invited me to their once a year TQ midget race held up at the Chapel Hill Raceway in Humphrey, New York every year for nearly a decade. I have never made that trip. Why? They only race one time a year at Chapel Hill. Their race date is normally in the middle of the summer. I’ve just never been able to fit that event into my schedule. Today no one was around the Race of Champions display so I simply dropped my business card into the seat of the racecar and continued to explore. I figured Jim would find my card and know that I had at least tried to track him down.
About this time I was passing by the Ransomville Speedway booth. They’ve been a top-notch track in upstate New York for a very long time. I had a trackchasing a buddy named P.J. Hollebrand, who used to sell racing collectibles at Ransomville. I hadn’t seen him in probably a decade.
I stopped at the track’s booth and met a pleasant young woman. I asked her if P.J. Hollebrand still sold his collectibles at the track. She assured me he did. As a matter of fact just 30 feet away she pointed me in the direction of the booth next-door. There was legendary P.J. Hollebrand talking on his cell phone.
P.J.’s dad ran Hollebrand Trucking in upstate New York in the 60s and 70s. They were the long-time sponsors and owners of the car that NASCAR’s Jerry Cook drove to so many modified titles. Cook was so successful that he is one of only two modified drivers that have been inducted into the NASCAR Hall of Fame. Of course, equally legendary Richie Evans is the other. Coincidentally both drivers haled from Rome, New York.
By the way, if you ever get down to Charlotte check out the NASCAR Hall of Fame. I’ve been there several times. I’ll look forward to going again on my next trip to North Carolina.
P.J. has seen racing at well over 900 tracks. He’s one of the good guys in trackchasing. He doesn’t have an agenda, doesn’t have a control freak mentality or a history of being dishonest. I guess that’s why I’ve always liked P.J.
Back in 2005 I invited P.J. to join me on a trackchasing trip to England. We had a grand time. We saw such legendary United Kingdom tracks as Castle Comb, Snetterton Circuit and Yarmouth Stadium.
At Yarmouth P.J. was celebrating his 800th lifetime track. I was doing an on the track interview with the commentator. The commentator commended me for wearing my “golf trousers” (shorts) to the track. With microphone in hand I invited P.J. to come out of the shadows and take a box in recognition of his special achievement.
P.J and I lived together for five days on that foreign country trip. We got to know each other really well. Sometime after that, when P.J. was engaged, he asked me to be his best man. That relationship fell through saving me a tuxedo rental fee and maybe some alimony payments for P.J.!
I’ve invited other trackchasers to come along on my frequent sojourns to England. Why did I invite these people on such faraway trackchasing trips to England? It was simple. I knew they weren’t likely to go on their own. I’m happy to say that once they made a trip with me their international fears were lessened. They began to make more trips on their own. I loved to seeing that.
It was a lot of fun meeting up with P.J. today if only for about 10 minutes. He’s a retired U.S. postman. He’s been doing the racing collectibles business for a long time. When he told me his sales figures I feared that at any moment he might knock Procter & Gamble off the list of Fortune 500 companies and add his own firm.
When it was time to go P.J. insisted on coming out of his booth to give me a big hug. It was definitely nice seeing the man. I hope it doesn’t take another 10 years before we get the chance to do it again.
Next I wandered over to a special room in the Center for Progress building. This is the same building where I saw go-kart racing on a concrete floor flat oval in 2017. Today the building was hosting the Motorsports Expo.
Over in the corner of the building the microd racing group was housed. They had a beautiful display of some 20-30 or more microds. Microds are small open-wheeled cars very similar to quarter midgets. I first discovered microd racing in 2018. I don’t know if another trackchaser has ever seen a microd race. I don’t think they recognize that a few of these microd classes are open to 18-year-olds, which makes the driver, car and track countable. You’ll see more of them attending microd racing in in 2019.
I was on the lookout for Tommy Wilcox. Tom is the president of the microd organization in Syracuse. He was a very welcoming person when I first discovered the microds. Then when I finally did make it to Syracuse to see this type of open wheel race car Tom showed me around and introduced me to his friends. During my first visit to the Syracuse microd track I even got to be the flagman for an entire feature race!
Unfortunately, Tom wasn’t in the building when I showed up today. Nevertheless, I dropped off a business card for him with the people who were representing microd racing. They were all friendly people who remembered my visits to their tracks only last year. Don’t miss the photographs from the show of the microd racers. They are very cool little race cars.
While I was in the building I stopped and talked to several people in other booths as well. I think I may have discovered a couple of new track opportunities in those conversations. If so you will likely hear me talking about them as the 2019 season goes along. It was now time to leave the show and head over to the Exposition Center for tonight‘s racing.
Just as I was leaving the building someone called my name. It was the legendary Jim Smith, promoter at the Chapel Hill Raceway. We had never met but he recognized me today.
Jim was with his brother Pat. Both of them follow my trackchasing exploits on Facebook. Pat told me that he was especially interested when I hold my mini international contests of “Name That Country”. I guess I wasn’t leaving the building just yet. Jim and Pat and I walked over to their booth. They were promoting the Race of Champions TQ midget racing series. It was fun chatting with these two fun-loving guys!
Folks, I was 3,000 miles from home. Nevertheless, I was meeting more friends in Syracuse, New York than I might run into in a month of Sundays of San Clemente restaurant visits. While the Smith boys and I were talking just in the background was a fellow by the name of Blu Metz.
Blu is the son of legendary Bing Metz. Bing was quite a TQ midget driver back in his time. As a matter of fact, he was a winner racing the TQ midgets in the Atlantic City Convention Hall. The convention hall was not only noted for winter indoor auto racing but also being the locale where the Miss America pageant was held for years.
Later in life Bing turned to trackchasing if for only a short period of time. Back in the 2005 trackchasing season I set an all-time record of seeing 182 new tracks in a single year. To this day that track record still stands.
I’ve met Bing a few times. There’s one thing that I really like about him. He is not a bull-shitter. He doesn’t mind telling you the truth. I love that about people. That’s what I dislike, not being honest and straightforward, the most about some of the people who run or have been political leaders in the trackchasing hobby.
Back in 2009 Bing made a very strong effort, with his longtime buddy Paul Weisel tagging along, to break my record of 182 new tracks in a single year. He ended up with 174. Bing will be open and honest and tell you that in order to do that often times he only “peeked” in on a track before moving on to another one on the very same afternoon or evening. Yes, Bing is a no bullshit guy.
Blu (above center) has followed in his father’s footsteps. He’s been a TQ midget racer and runs a driver develop program. I didn’t have a lot of time to talk with Blu but he seemed much like his dad, a very friendly guy. Now it truly was time to leave the motorsports show for some indoor TQ midget racing.
Exposition Center – Syracuse, New York
Tonight’s racing would take place in the brand new Exposition Center on the grounds of the New York State Fairgrounds. The new Exposition Center—a 136,000-square foot building with 110,000 square feet of clear-span space is the largest expo facility north of New York City between Boston and Cleveland.
I bought a reserved seat ticket for tonight’s racing. I bought it yesterday from “”. I paid $35.27 for my top row reserved seat in section 5. This is not the type of event that is conducive to using my “need one” sign. The price seemed a bit high to me but I’m sure the expense of putting on this event was high as well.
The promoters did provide one nice amenity that came with my ticket purchase. Before the races would begin tonight at 7 p.m. fans were invited to go into the pit area for an hour. The pits were jampacked with racecars, racing equipment, tires, drivers, pit crew and now fans. Don’t miss my photos from the Exposition Center pit area.
I had another major reason for wanting to go into the pit area. I wanted to meet up with my friend, Carl Crawford who was racing the #20C TQ midget.
I first met Carl at the New York State Fairgrounds last summer. He was crewing for his kids as they raced their microds with the Syracuse Microd Club. I meet a lot of people at the races. On that night Carl made a point to come up, introduce himself and welcome me to the microd races. Then later on at one of the New York State microd races in Sodus, New York I got to meet up with Carl and his drivers again. Since that point he and I have stayed in touch on Facebook.
It was exciting to learn that Carl would be returning to race, for the first time in 13 years, tonight. Previously Carl had done his racing at the famous Oswego Speedway.
I soon found Carl relaxing in the pit area ahead of tonight’s racing. I was amazed at how laid back and again welcoming Carl could be just minutes before his return to racing. Carl told me his goals for tonight’s racing would be to simply have fun and bring the car back in one piece.
I found it pretty amazing that Carl could simply pick up a TQ midget and then attempt to compete with more than 50 TQ midget racing teams, who do this many times each year and have been racing in this class for years.
Folks, there is a lot that goes into this kind of racing other than just buying a car and sitting in the cockpit. This is very specialized racing. It can be very expensive racing. It was fun to hear how Carl ended up with his TQ midget. Believe it or not it has something to do with snowmobiles! He and I talked for about 10 minutes. I got to meet his son C.J. as well as Carl’s brother and several other folks. I would be rooting for Carl Crawford in the #20C tonight!
From the pits I wandered up to my top row seating location. I prefer sitting in the top row. It allows me space to stand, without blocking the view of others, so I can take photos and video of the racing action.
When I entered the Exposition Center tonight I was given a complimentary copy of the Area Auto Racing News or AARN. I think they may be the only weekend racing paper still in operation. I remember when I subscribed to nearly ten racing papers. They are all gone now except AARN.
I wonder what the future holds for AARN? Fortunately, much of their readership comes from two states, New York and Pennsylvania, where racing is pretty much a religion. I used to subscribe to AARN back in the day. I like the paper but for me it’s just too much. I used to quickly scan all of my racing papers for ads of upcoming races. That was important when I was a racechaser. It was important when I was a trackchaser until I had seen virtually every track that would ever consider advertising in the Area Auto Racing News.
I had a great view of the action tonight from my turn four perch. However, my section was just too crowded. I could see that directly across from me, overlooking turn three, that the grandstand was much less crowded. During the heat races I headed over there. I would much rather sit in a grandstand and be able to stretch out than not.
I had planned to meet up with the Shirton brothers, Graham and Glenn tonight. They had made the trip from up near London, Ontario, Canada for the weekend of racing. Graham has been following my trackchasing exploits for years. Both brothers are avid race fans. I sat with them last year at Oswego.
During the intermission between the heats and features I messaged Graham. Soon we were all seated together, in the top row I might add, in a much less crowded grandstand above turn three.
They had watched the racing last night (Friday). They told me that tonight’s show was much better than the previous evening. It seems that on Friday night they started a half-hour late. Then half of the building’s lights went out causing a 45-minute delay. To top all of this off there were many more crashes and spins last night.
I was impressed with the racing tonight. The program featured three classes including senior champs, slingshots and TQ midgets. The TQs had more than 50 entries.
The TQ midgets were quick! They were turning nearly seven second laps. When there was a yellow flag for a spin or crash a group of 3-4 track workers were out on the track in a matter of seconds getting things straightened out. They did a great job with that.
Watching the TQs go around the track was a lot like watching NASCAR Cup cars get around Bristol. After a while as a fan you get dizzy! The show began in 7 p.m. and was wrapped up (about 10 heats, three B mains and there A mains) by 10 p.m. Well done on that front.
Would I come back next year to see this show. Probably not. Remember, I live 3,000 miles from here!
The show was loud….very loud. I should have brought my ear protection. I’m lucky with all of the motorsports I’ve watched over the years that my hearing is still good.
I didn’t buy any refreshments. It’s not because I didn’t want anything to eat and drink. The lines never let up. I wasn’t going to miss 2-3 races to get a sausage sandwich. I did notice that concession prices were high. I’ll wait for a two-dollar Martinsville hot dog!
My buddy Carl Crawford met his goals for the night. He had a bunch of fun and didn’t get the car wrecked. He did get spun out by another driver. Don’t miss the closeups of Carl competing in my video.
I really enjoyed watching the races with the Shirton brothers (I’m not really that much bigger than them!). They know what they like as a spectator and it’s nearly identical to what I enjoy seeing. It was too bad the atmosphere was so loud tonight, when they were racing and not racing. It made conversation difficult.
I watched the last five laps from ground level at turn #3. This was actually a great viewing point to see the action very close up. When the last checkered flag flew I was out the door and on my way back to Albany where I was staying the night.
As I had just exited the Exposition Center who did I run into? Trackchasing buddy Paul Weisel! I had no idea Paul was in attendance tonight. I would have expected him to come last night. He often subscribes to the theory, with these Friday and Saturday night shows, that it’s best to come on night one.
There was an indoor race in Michigan many years ago. They were scheduled to race on a Friday and Saturday night. There was a non-racing accident at the Friday show. Someone was fatally injured. They ended up cancelling Saturday’s racing. Trackchasers who had waited to come on Saturday were shut out.
I was also surprised that Paul had not attended this afternoon’s ice racing at Warner’s Lake. I knew about that race because I’m on the AMEC mailing list. Apparently, Paul isn’t.
I think I’m near the top of the list, for people in my age group, with technology. Technology is very important to the success of my trackchasing. Technology provides information. Information, especially last minute information, is power in trackchasing.
To be clear I do not expect my friends to be a combination of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. However, it won’t work very well if they are clones of Alexander Graham Bell. My friends need to be able to text and/or message and/or use WhatsApp. That way I can stay in touch. I can share the information I have. Tonight I simply messaged the Shirton brothers and they met me in the grandstands.
In today’s world I would never ever leave on a trackchasing trip with zero online information available about the weekend’s plan. I used to see trackchaser Roland Vanden Eynde from Belgium do that. He would leave on a 10-day trackchasing trip from his home country to the U.S. Once he left he had no phone, no on-line capabilities. No nothing. If the track he expected to see on day seven of the trip was rained out on day four of his trip he never knew about it until he drove hundreds of miles out of his way and showed up to an empty parking lot on day seven.
Technology has one primary purpose. That is to make one’s life easier. Some people don’t want to spend the money or the time on tech. They think they are “saving”. How wrong that is! Spending money on tech SAVES me so much time and money it’s ludicrous to think what life would be without it.
Technology in the form of computers first came into the business world in about 1985. The company gave me a state of the art computer for use in my office. My office was only one mile from my house. I could go to my office 24/7 every day of the year. However, I loved that computer and the Lotus spreadsheet program it came with so much that I bought an identical computer for $5,000. I still have the receipt.
I was 35 years of age at the time. Yes, I benefited from working my entire business career with a big company like Procter & Gamble. Being up to speed on a computer was a must to work there.
However, in 1985 there were people older than me that I worked with. They weren’t as open to tech as I was. Did they prosper? No, not really. I understood then and I understand now the benefits of technology. As I said it saves me money. As I said I don’t expect my friends to be Bill Gates or Steve Jobs.
Tonight tech cost me the joy of listening to Paul Weisel all evening. I probably text or message more than 50 people every day. How many do I call each day? Often I don’t make a single phone call with my iPhone. What if I had to talk to each of those fifty people on the phone for five minutes, ten minutes or fifteen minutes? I would never get anything done. I don’t even think of this little computer as a phone. I commonly tell people I’m pretty proud that “my camera has a phone”.
I can only pray for good things in the future. Will Paul Weisel ever be able to text? I don’t know. That isn’t up to me.
Sunday, March 10, 2019
I will make my Sunday story as short as I can. I woke up in the Quality Inn in Albany at 7:30 a.m. I was on the road soon after. I had a three-hour drive to get over to the Boston airport. It was snowing, sleeting and spitting ice rain. That drive was a real ball-buster at about 40 M.P.H. most of the way.
When I arrived at the airport I learned that many flights were delayed by the winter weather. I missed the first two flights I tried for. They were full and I don’t get to ride on flights that have no open seats.
Finally, I would get a seat on the third flight of choice….but that flight was delayed by two hours. I would end up pulling into my driveway at 5 a.m. eastern time.
My day had begun on Sunday morning at 7:30 a.m. eastern time. Some 21 ½ hours later I made it back home. That was 31 hours after the final checkered flag flew in Syracuse on Saturday night. Are you SURE you would like to have my lifestyle.
Good evening from the Exposition Center in Syracuse, New York.
Randy Lewis – 82 countries – 2,537 tracks.
New York
The Empire state
This evening I saw racing at my 84th lifetime track in the Empire state, yes, the Empire state. I’m not even ranked in the New York top ten because this is “Dreaded East Coast Trackchaser” country. I’ve seen 84 or more tracks in eight different states. No trackchaser can match that stat.
Thanks for reading about my trackchasing,
Randy Lewis
World’s #1 Trackchaser
Peoria Old Timers Racing Club (P.O.R.C.) Hall of Fame Member
New York sayings: Schlep
Considering most New Yorkers do not own cars, since it is not essential while living in the city, traveling from point A to point B not within walking distance tends to get old pretty fast. Between finding the correct subway station, figuring out if/when you need to transfer, and attempting to hail a cab when they all seem to be full, there is a huffing-and-puffing level of exhaustion while commuting and traveling for non-work purposes. In New York, this action is called ‘schlepping.’ Example: I had to schlep from the Carrier Dome to Dinosaur Bar-B-Que. I’m ready for bed.
The threemost important trackchasing comparisons to me are:
Total lifetime tracks seen
Total “trackchasing countries” seen
Lifetime National Geographic Diversity results
Total Lifetime Tracks
There are no trackchasers currently within 700 tracks of my lifetime total. Don’t blame me.
- Randy Lewis, San Clemente, California – 2,537
Total Trackchasing Countries
The nearest trackchasing competitor has seen racing in 30 fewer countries compared to my lifetime total.
- Randy Lewis, San Clemente, California – 82
Current lifetime National Geographic Diversity results
- Randy Lewis, San Clemente, California – 4.14
That’s all folks! Official end of the RLR – Randy Lewis Racing Trackchaser Report
Click on the link below to see the video production from the racing action today.
Click on the link below for a photo album from today’s trackchasing day. You can view the album slide by slide or click on the “slide show” icon for a self-guided tour of today’s trackchasing adventure.
A full day of Syracuse trackchasing with the Motorsports Expo and the TQ midget indoor racing