Greetings from first Bowling Green, Kentucky
and then Benton, Kentucky
From the travels and adventures of the
“World’s #1 Trackchaser”
NCM Motorsports Park – West Course
Asphalt road course
Lifetime Track #2,033
NCM Motorsports Park – Grand Full Course
Asphalt road course
Lifetime Track #2,540
H.H. Lovett Park
Dirt oval
Lifetime Track #2,541
I am a “trackchaser”. I trackchase. Before you discovered my site had you ever heard of trackchasing? Maybe not? So….what the heck is trackchasing? Sit back, take a read and you’ll be an expert on my hobby of trackchasing when you’re finished.
Here’s my best explanation.
Trackchasing is a three-pronged hobby. I’m a racing fan. I love to travel. I love to analyze opportunities to get the most out of everything while saving time and money.
Trackchasing fills the need for all of the above. The racing part of my trackchasing has me trying to see wheel to wheel auto racing at as many different racetracks as I can all over the world. Yes, all over the world. So far things are going pretty well. As this is written, I’ve seen racing in 82 countries at more than 2,500 tracks. As a matter of fact, I’ve seen racing at more tracks than anyone else in the world.
Equally important to me are the things I get to see and experience over the “long and dusty trackchasing trail”. I call these adventures “Trackchasing Tourist Attractions”. You won’t want to miss my “Trackchasing Tourist Attractions” page. Here’s the link: Trackchasing Tourist Attractions or my “Sports Spectating Resume” page, Sports Spectating Resume on my website at
I live in southern California. That’s probably the most inconvenient location in the country for seeing tracks in the U.S. Most of the racetracks in the U.S. are located well over 1,000 miles from where I live. As a matter of fact, my average trip covers 5,000 miles and more. I take 35-40 of those trips each season. In any given year I will travel well over 200,000 miles, rent more than 50 cars, and stay in more than 150 hotel rooms.
I get the chance to meet people all over the world. With trackchasing trips to 82 countries and counting just getting the chance to experience so many other cultures, spend time in their homes and meet their friends is a huge reward for being in this hobby. I am indebted to several of these folks for their help and friendship.
It’s takes a good deal of planning to do the above and not spend my entire retirement portfolio. I enjoy the challenge, the travel and every other aspect of “trackchasing”. In reality, my trackchasing hobby is a lot like being with the carnival. I breeze into town, stay a little while and then head on down the road.
Today’s adventure was one more of the 2,000 trips that have taken me up, down and around the proverbial long and dusty trackchasing trail. If you would like to see where I’ve been and experience those adventures here’s the link:
If you’ve got a question, comment or whatever please leave it at the bottom of this report. It’s very easy to do. Or you can visit me on Facebook. Thanks!
Friday, March 29, 2019.
Today I was going trackchasing for my 12th consecutive weekend. Most of those trips have seen me departing on Friday and returning on Sunday. Once in a while I have to leave on late Thursday night or return on Monday. In my world these are relatively short trips. They are strategic strikes.
Carol hasn’t been traveling with me this year because of a bum knee. She had arthroscopic knee surgery a few weeks ago and is progressing nicely. I’ve got her set up for a couple of fantastic international trips soon.
When I do the “out Friday and back Sunday” idea I get to pay extra attention to Carol from Sunday night through Friday night. During those days we are normally within conversational distance 24/7. I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you I sometimes communicate with here in the house via intercom or text! Being together this much means taking her out to dinner, inviting her to the movies and even taking walks along the iconic and romantic San Clemente pier.
Believe it or not Carol prepares a hot breakfast for me every morning that I’m home. She dutifully delivers it to my office where I am usually working on the next trackchasing plan. In that regard I couldn’t ask for a better wife. Actually, in any regard I couldn’t ask for a better wife.
Of course, if I had to be completely honest with you I would tell you that she also delivers lunch to my office as well, unless I decline and tell her that I’ll be stepping out for my midday meal. That makes me almost demand that she let me take her out for supper. We don’t do anything fancy. But we do have several “go to” restaurants in San Clemente. We go out virtually every night while I’m home.
I was able to get Carol out to a movie and dinner this week. On my last night at home we drove down to the San Clemente pier, it’s about a half a mile, parked our car and simply walked along the beach and the pier. All evening there was a beautiful San Clemente sunset that we enjoyed very much.
I was going to have to be flexible with my transportation plan. I had already purchased a ticket from Los Angeles to Dallas leaving Friday morning. Why did I do that? Well, it’s spring break. If I tried standby for a flight I might never make it. At least this way I could get myself to Dallas.
I figured that from Dallas I could drive eastward to wherever I would end up trackchasing. As it turned out my plan was to see a track on Saturday afternoon and Saturday evening. Both of those tracks were within a two hour drive of each other in Kentucky.
After I had purchased my ticket from Los Angeles to Dallas I discovered that I could stand by without much fear of missing the plane on a flight to Memphis from Los Angeles. That became the new plan. What would happen with my Los Angeles to Dallas airline ticket? I would just have to “eat it”. That was the penalty I was paying by playing it safe. Most of the time folks lose when they play it safe. There is a price for safety!
Then at the last minute, I’m talking about the very last minute, I saw an opportunity to standby on a flight from Los Angeles to Nashville. Nashville would mean slightly less driving and an earlier arrival into the area on Friday night. Both of those were good points. The flight was very full. There were five standbys. I was last on the standby list. Nevertheless, I ended up getting the very last seat on the plane!
This “earlier” flight got me into Nashville at 9 p.m. on Friday. Tomorrow afternoon’s racing in Bowling Green, Kentucky was only a two-hour drive from Nashville. I figured I could easily get a hotel room tonight, somewhere around Nashville, sleep in and still get over to the NCM Motorsports Park in plenty of time for their 1:05 p.m. start.
However, some of the things that I assume to be possible are not always possible. For some reason Nashville was so busy with a major cheerleading concert and lots of other large group get-togethers that there were virtually no hotels available anywhere. would normally have 50-100 hotels available in a major city like this. Tonight they only had a couple. Those hotels were priced in the hundreds of dollars per night range. The cheapest hotel I saw was a Wyndham hotel at $175 for the night. That didn’t seem like a good value to me.
New plan! The NEW plan was now to drive the two hours after picking up my rental car to the NCM Motorsports Park tonight. I would slip into the paddock area under the cover of nightfall and sleep in my car. That seemed like a reasonable plan. I could sleep as late as I wanted. The race didn’t start until 1 o’clock.
I am one of these people who always likes to have a plan. However, the difference between me and most people is that I am not wedded to the plan. I always have a plan but as soon as a new better plan comes along I ditch my old best plan and go with the new best plan. I like living life that way.
About midway on the drive up from Nashville to Bowling Green, Kentucky I crossed the state border from Tennessee into Kentucky. That drive came with a Kentucky Highway Welcome Center. Latest plan? I would sleep there.
I don’t want anyone to confuse a “Welcome Center” in Kentucky with what they offer in the United Kingdom (above). A United Kingdom Welcome Center is RICH. The Kentucky state highway rest area welcome center had about five vending machines. I’ve never seen a series of highway rest areas anywhere in the world like what I have seen with the United Kingdom.
It was a relatively warm evening. I think the low temperature only got down to about 55°. A cold front was moving in beginning tomorrow but tonight it was comfortable. Luckily, I had a McDonald’s large plastic drink a cup with me. That always comes in really handy on one of my sleep in the car adventures (wink). I slept until about 9 a.m.
Saturday, March 29, 2019
Today marks the last trackchasing day of the first quarter of my 2019 season. It’s been a very successful quarter. I’ll be telling you all about it shortly in my quarterly review which will end up being posted on my website at
Today I would trackchasing at the NCM Motorsports Park in Bowling Green, Kentucky. “NCM” stands for National Corvette Museum. Yes, there is a National Corvette Museum. It’s just across the highway from the road course I was visiting today.
I’ve been to that museum, it’s a good one. I’ve also been to the NCM Motorsports Park previously. Back in 2014 I made the trek there to see racing on their “West” course. At that time the West course was my 2,033rd lifetime track.
Trackchasing rules were amended a few years ago to allow trackchasers to count two variations at a single road course facility. I must admit this was NOT a “Randy” rule. It was a “Roland” rule. Roland is a trackchaser from Belgium. He has seen racing on more road courses than anyone else.
Who do you think would benefit most from the rule that Roland proposed? The new rule asked voters to approve the idea of being able to count two road course variations at one facility rather than one? If you answered “Roland” you would be correct. I never like it when someone proposes a rule or they are the primary beneficiary!
About 15 years ago Alan Brown proposed to the trackchasing group that we start counting racing on figure 8 tracks. That rule was voted on and approved. Mr. Brown stood to gain the most if this rule passed. I’ll tell you why.
The voters approved the idea of counting figure 8 tracks from that point forward. What about the figure 8 tracks that had been seen before this new figure 8 track counting rule was proposed and passed? Hmmm. Would it be fair to count the F8 tracks seen before the new rule was approved? I didn’t think so.
It would have been best, in my opinion, to ask the voters what they thought of counting figure 8 tracks “retroactively”. What would they have done? I suspect they would have voted to approve counting figure 8 tracks from the past. Everyone enjoys a free lunch right?
That’s not the way it happened. Commissioner Will White simply asked Alan Brown what he MEANT when he proposed his rule. Did Mr. Brown mean for the rule to include “retroactive” figure 8 track counting or not? Mr. Brown told Commissioner White that he did indeed mean for the rule to count tracks retroactively. The hobby had never done that before.
Commissioner White took Mr. Brown at his word and that was that. There was no approval from the larger group of trackchasing voters. This meant that trackchasers could go back into history and count every figure 8 track they had ever seen prior to the rule being changed and approved for figure 8 racing.
Alan Brown had proposed the rule. I told you that Mr. Brown benefited the most from the rule he himself had proposed. Alan was able to add 40 new figure 8 tracks to his lifetime list. I was allowed to add ten. Most trackchasers added less than I did.
Trackchasing is a very competitive hobby. Let me give you an example of what I mean. Trackchaser Guy Smith sees a bit more than 50 tracks each year. Alan Brown had just added forty tracks with the nod of his head. Guy Smith would need to trackchase for nearly one full year to offset Alan’s forty figure 8 tracks.
Why do I share this? New people are coming into the trackchasing hobby all the time. Old timers are leaving. If someone doesn’t share the history of how these decisions were made soon no one will know why we do the things we do today came about.
I never thought much about going back to a permanent road course and trying to see a different “variation”. Heck, when I started out watching racing I NEVER considered going to a road course.
The first road course race I ever saw was at Road America up in Wisconsin. That was back in about 1970. Why did I go there? My fraternity, Delta Sigma Pi, was hosting a camping weekend there. I went to see my brothers not really to see an auto race.
Most of the time if you stood me in front of a race that was going on at a road course I couldn’t tell you if it was being done on variation “A” or variation “B”. First of all, with most road courses a fan can’t see very much of the racing from one fixed position. I’m going to guess a fan sees less than 20% of the entire course from most viewing locations. Most of the time “variations” overlap. That’s why I can confidently say that when I can see less than 20% of two variations that are overlapping at many points I have no idea which variation they are using.
That’s exactly opposite of the situation as regards oval track variations. Let’s say I saw racing on one oval. Then let’s say there was a second oval variation at the same facility. It would be easy to tell one track from the other. I can’t ever recall seeing two ovals at one location and NOT being able to tell them apart. Figure eights rarely have “variations” so they don’t come into play with this analysis.
It doesn’t really matter if I think being able to count two road course variations is a good idea or a bad idea. It is a rule. In order for my trackchasing totals to remain competitive with others I have to come back to all of these road courses to see the “second variation”. Why do I have to do that? Because trackchasing is an ultra-competitive hobby.
Let me make one brief comment on trackchasing competitiveness. The most competitive trackchasers will be the first to tell you that trackchasing is not competitive. Additionally, the most competitive trackchasers will be the first to come back to these road course to see the second “variation”. They will sometimes drive hundreds of miles to spend just a few minutes to see racing on a second variation that they cannot easily discern from the first variation.
One trackchaser once told me that whatever variation he saw during his first visit was “Variation A”. Then whatever variation he saw on his second visit to the facility was “Variation B”. The implied meaning of his statement was that it didn’t really matter to him if he had seen racing on two different variations or not. Don’t believe me? Simply check the records.
This “facility overview” comes from the track website:
- 200 acre facility
- Road Course: 3.15 miles in maximum configuration with 4 miles of overall pavement, which can be arranged into four different configurations.
- 22 Acre Autocross / Skid Pad Area / Paddock
- Control Tower with Meeting Rooms, Administrative Offices, Classrooms
- Pavilion with Concessions
- Day Garages
- Tech Inspection Station
- Fueling Station
- Commercial Business Park
Today the NASA – Great Lakes division was sanctioning the races in Bowling Green. NASA is sort of an equivalent to the SCCA (Sports Car Club of America). I think the SCCA does more racing. The NASA group does high performance driving education schools and the like as well as racing.
I was somewhat surprised to see there was no admission charge to see the races today. I liked that. I was also a little surprised to see that the guard manning the entry booth with only a sign in sheet was also armed. Yes, he had a gun. Interesting. I didn’t have a problem with that. I just found it a little surprising.
As soon as I walked in I saw several cars lined up on paddock starting grid. These cars were part of one of the driving schools. They weren’t at the racing part of the schedule yet. This meant I had plenty of time to take photos of the racers, explore the area and just generally introduce myself to people.
One of those folks was a fellow by the name of Paul. Paul was from Cleveland, Ohio. He was in charge of getting all of the cars on the starting grid organized and ready for the next event. We struck up a conversation. Soon Paul was inviting me to come back at lunch and take a ride around the course for a couple of laps in the track’s pace car. What a nice gesture on his part. Yes, I would love to accept his invitation.
I needed to be back for my pace car ride by 12:05 p.m. It was now about 10 o’clock in the morning. I figured I might be able to squeeze in a “Trackchasing Tourist Attraction” if I was efficient. There was no wheel to wheel racing planned until after lunch. What could I visit?
I immediately checked with TripAdvisor. They told me about the top 15 things to do in Bowling Green, Kentucky. One of those ideas was to visit Chaney’s Dairy Barn.
For one reason or another I’ve always been enamored by dairy farmers. I’ve toured dairy farms up in Wisconsin. I tried to tour a dairy farm, which was billed as the largest dairy farm in the world, in Saudi Arabia. Getting a dairy farm tour today was something that would interest me a good deal.
TripAdvisor information told me that for four dollars I could get a wristband and do a self-guided tour of the farm. That sounded like fun. TripAdvisor also told me that the dairy farm would be opening at 10 a.m. The farm was going to be about a 20-minute drive from the racetrack. I didn’t have a lot of time to waste so I got going.
When I arrived at the dairy farm some things were like I had been told and some were not. I was ready to go into the farm at 10:50 a.m. However, they didn’t open until 11 a.m. Once they did open I was first in line for my wristband to do the self-tour.
There weren’t that many buildings and they were not that large. With my wristband being held in my hand I simply walked about on my own hoping that if anyone noticed I could give them the “secret password” by showing them my pink wristband . Then my trespassing would be approved.
I took 10 or 15 minutes to look around. I was quickly coming to the conclusion that this wasn’t that great of a touring attraction. Just as I was concluding that, a man came out of the nearby farmhouse and approached me.
He had that look that seemed to say two things at once. First, “Boy, you’re not from around here are you?”. And secondly, “Exactly what are you doing in this part of the farm”?
I quickly flashed my wristband. That helped a little. However, he told me that I was on a part of the farm that “most people” didn’t visit. That was his way of saving “You are way out of bounds”. Gee, what if I had been looking in his wife’s bedroom window? He went on to tell me that, “Most folks spent their time over in the other building”. This was definitely his southern way of saying you’re not really supposed to be where you’re at right now.
I would soon learn that this fellow was named Carl. He and his daughter run the farm. They have about 60 head of Holstein cattle that they milk. Carl was a tall man. He looked to be in good shape, somewhat stern but he could recognize that I was a straight shooter as well. We would get along just fine.
I don’t know what Carl had been doing when I came onto his property. Whatever it was, today he decided to give me some of his time. He would give me a personalized tour of his “milking robot”. I had never seen a milking robot. I’m not even sure I knew there was such a thing!
For the next several minutes Carl gave me a blow-by-blow description of exactly how the robot worked with the cows. Essentially they just walked up in a standard line, stood for a little while as the robot connected to their teats, ate some hay and grain while they waited until they had spilled her guts so to speak. It was a very cool process. I have it all on video you will not want to miss it.
NCM Motorsports Park – Grand Full Course – Bowling Green, Kentucky
When I got back to the NCM Motorsports Park it was time for my track ride along. That was really a lot of fun. Paul couldn’t have been nicer. He took the time to narrate our couple of laps around the 3.15-mile course. Paul, if you get a chance to read this thank you very much.
I was here for the “lightning race”. The NASA group runs two different races each day, one for the lightning group and one for the thunder group. They are divided by speed. Paul explained that the cars that are fast in the turns race together and the cars that are fast in the straights race together.
The viewing areas for seeing the races at MCM are very limited for the spectator. There’s just about only one place to watch the race and that’s from the third story of their main building. The main building houses the track store and several meeting rooms for driver education.
From what I could tell the race lasted for 30 minutes. I was able to get a reasonably good video and still photos from my third story perch. You won’t want to miss those.
Today I had come back to the NCM Motorsports Park to see a “variation”. Recall, I had been here back in October, 2014 to see racing on the West course. Is it a good idea to come back and see road course “variations”. I would probably think not but it is part of the rules.
I was now headed for the “night” portion of my day/night trackchasing double. A day/night double is exactly what the word’s imply. Today I would be seeing a track during the day and a track during the nighttime hours.
There was one minor problem…the weather. It was raining. It was raining continuously. Tonight’s temperature was expected to fall into the low 40s with some wind.
I was in constant communication with the race organizers for tonight’s event at H.H. Lovett Park. Despite the horrendous weather conditions they told me they were racing. There was not a permanent oval track in the country that would have raced on a night like this one. However, the track at H.H. Lovett Park was not a permanent oval nor was it a traditional oval. Thank goodness about that!
H.H. Lovett Park – Benton, Kentucky
When I left the NCM Motorsports Park it was going to be a two-hour drive over to Benton, Kentucky. Benton was home to the Tater Day festival this weekend. Unfortunately, the weather was not cooperating. Heavy rain was in the area which would put a damper on the Tater Day festival.
When I arrived into Benton I could see that the Tater Day celebration was a big deal. There were all kinds of carnival style vendors sprinkled throughout the small town. However, since it had been raining all day and it was now cold as well these vendors were essentially closed.
I soon found the H. H. Lovett Park. This was where today’s racing was to take place. I was a little concerned when I saw the main entrance to the park blocked off with large orange highway safety barrels. Could this mean the race was canceled?
I can’t tell you how many times race promoters and the people who work for the track have told me they were going to race despite bad weather. That has not always been the case. Today my contact for this evening’s racing said that no matter what the weather was they were going to race. It was rain or shine.
I am a gullible person. I always believe things that people tell me. However, I must admit that within the trackchasing community that has not always been a rewarding practice for me.
Tonight racing was supposed to start at 5 p.m. I was literally shocked when I pulled into the park near the racetrack and found the pit area full of inexpensive junk car racers. Any other racetrack in their right mind would have canceled the show given the rain and the cold. These guys were not going to cancel!
There was no one to talk to so I simply parked the car where I could see the pit area, the track and the grandstands. I watched and I waited.
I watched and I waited for a good long time. Then I ran into someone who told me the races were going to happen they were just going to be delayed by two or three hours. That was OK for me. I didn’t have anything major planned. After the races it would be a couple of hours drive down to the Nashville airport. I was going to sleep overnight in the airport and catch a 6 a.m. flight back to Southern California. If the races started later and went later I would just have fewer hours to sleep in the airport!
I had been at the track since before 5 p.m. They didn’t begin racing until about 8 p.m. I left the track at nearly 10 p.m. I had been at the fairgrounds in this wretched weather for about five hours.
The racetrack was a real quagmire. Tonight’s heat races were 25 laps in length. They started a dozen or so cars in each heat. The going was slow, muddy and slick. Only about half of the entries finished each race.
I wish they had been able to start the show on time. However, with these weather conditions that was not possible. I was simply lucky to see any racing whatsoever.
As always I would recommend you take a look at my video and my photo album from today’s track visit to the H. H. Lovett Park. I think you’ll enjoy what I have to share with you.
I did end up sleeping in the Nashville airport on this Saturday evening. I had slept last night in a Kentucky highway rest area. It is rare that I will bypass a hotel for two consecutive nights. Remember, I only do that when I don’t have time to get a proper amount of rest in a hotel.
My flight back from Nashville to Los Angeles was uneventful. Those are the best kind. I don’t get window seats very often. When I do on flights back to LAX it’s fun to see the progress being made on Los Angeles’ new NFL football stadium. It’s supposed to be ready by the start of the 2020 season. As of early 2019 the stadium is 60% complete.
They’ve got a ways to go. The Super Bowl is planned for there in 2022. The NCAA football championship game will show up in 2023. Finally, the summer Olympics will be in Los Angeles in 2029. Busy times ahead.
To close my trip I did stop at each of my Los Angeles International Airport trackchasing sponsored eateries. I took some food home to go and had a late lunch.
Good day from first Bowling Green, Kentucky and then Benton, Kentucky
Randy Lewis – 82 countries – 2,543 tracks.
The Blue Grass state
This afternoon and evening I saw racing at my 51stand 52nd lifetime tracks in the Blue Grass state, yes, the Blue Grass state. I hold the #1 trackchasing ranking in Kentucky. I’ve seen 52 or more tracks in 15 different states. No trackchaser can match that stat.
Thanks for reading about my trackchasing,
Randy Lewis
World’s #1 Trackchaser
Peoria Old Timers Racing Club (P.O.R.C.) Hall of Fame Member
Kentucky sayings: You don’t need teeth for Bourbon
The threemost important trackchasing comparisons to me are:
Total lifetime tracks seen
Total “trackchasing countries” seen
Lifetime National Geographic Diversity results
Total Lifetime Tracks
There are no trackchasers currently within 705 tracks of my lifetime total. Don’t blame me.
- Randy Lewis, San Clemente, California – 2,543
Total Trackchasing Countries
The nearest trackchasing competitor has seen racing in 30 fewer countries compared to my lifetime total.
- Randy Lewis, San Clemente, California – 82
Current lifetime National Geographic Diversity results
- Randy Lewis, San Clemente, California – 4.14
That’s all folks! Official end of the RLR – Randy Lewis Racing Trackchaser Report
Reprinted with permission from my October 19, 2014 Trackchaser Report.
The sign at the front of the NCM Motorsports Park says they opened in August ,2014. This is October, 2014. This might have been there first or one of their first racing weekends since they opened. A permanent road course doesn’t stay on my radar screen long before it gets shot down.
Last night I drove 375 miles overnight from Kankakee, Illinois to Bowling Green, Kentucky arriving at the NCM Motorsports Park at just past 3 a.m. I had hoped that I could simply drive into the paddock area, shut off the engine and headlights and go to sleep. However when I arrived I found the gates to the NCM Motorsports Park locked.
That wasn’t a problem at all. There was plenty of space just outside the gate for me to park my car and be out-of-the-way in a semi-rural spot. I locked the car doors, leaned my seat back, and put my army jacket over my head and shoulders as a blanket.
I had used 5-Hour energy drink to get me to the track safely tonight. I find the “super” version of 5-Hour energy to be very effective. I don’t like to use things like this anymore than I have to but sometimes I have too.
Today I was seeing the Chump Car racing organization participate. This is a group of amateur road racers who take very basic cars and race them on some of the most famous road racing venues in the United States. I think they may have a claiming price of $500 on their cars to keep the expense of racing down.
The NCM Motorsports Park is not well-suited for spectator viewing. There is very little elevation change in the racing surface. There was a small hill about 20 feet tall at the edge of the paddock. Several spectators tried to get a better view from there. This was only minorly effective.
The Chump Car manager said they were racing on the “West” course. Today’s race leader needed one minute 52 seconds to complete a lap. Maybe I’ll be back someday to see a race on one of the other layouts of this track.
Editor’s note: I did return in 2019 to see racing on the “Grand Full Course”.
After waking up at about 6:30 a.m. I was the first spectator to sign the pit release. I drove into the paddock area and parked my National Car Rental Racing Hyundai Sonata. I began to organize things a bit anticipating my trip coming to an end tomorrow.
At 8 a.m. I attended the drivers’ meeting. The group had raced yesterday and was having a similar session today. The program would begin at 9 a.m. and conclude at 4 p.m just like yesterday. For some reason American road racing always starts on time and they have much better looking girls than their oval track counterparts. Don’t blame me. I’m just reporting the facts.
Today there were about 25 starters. I’m not much good at identifying car makes beyond cars that were produced in the 50s and 60s! From what I could tell today’s field looked like a series of 2000ish type production cars. I suspect almost all of them were foreign cars.
Judging by the lap times from the race leader a driver could complete a little more than 30 laps an hour. Today’s race was seven hours long, so that’s 210 laps. I wonder if anyone did that?
After the start of the race I didn’t stay all that long. I had already been at the track for six hours! The real reason for not staying any longer is I really couldn’t see much of the racing action at. This was one of the worst tracks for spectator viewing I’ve seen in a while.
Permit me to clarify. It might have been possible to see the cars nearly 100% of the time as they toured one lap of the track. However, often times the steel Armco barriers were so tall all I could see were the tops of their roofs.
Probably the best thing about seeing American permanent road racing is they race during the day. That means I have a good chance of getting to a track later that night. However, there was no “night” racing with today’s double. It was really more of a “morning/afternoon” double but since I don’t have a category for that it will fall into the “day/night” category!
I was always enjoy being able to walk around the paddock area at these facilities. It was nice that today’s admission was complimentary. I am confident I was able to see everything there was to see for a spectator at today’s track.
Good morning from Bowling Green, Kentucky.
This is a cow milking robot video! Yep. A Trackchasing Tourist Attraction.
Wanna take a ride around the NCM Motorsports Park in the pace car?
Road racing from Kentucky at the NCM (National Corvette Museum) Motorsports Park
Racing in the mud….no, a LOT of mud from Benton, Kentucky
Click on the link below for a photo album from today’s trackchasing day. You can view the album slide by slide or click on the “slide show” icon for a self-guided tour of today’s trackchasing adventure.