Greetings from Maniwaki, Quebec, Canada
From the travels and adventures of the
“World’s #1 Trackchaser”
Maniwaki Speedway
Dirt oval
Lifetime Track #2,478
I am a “trackchaser”. So, what the heck is that? I get that question from racing and non-racing people all the time. This is a difficult question to answer. Why? Because after I do my best to respond people still say, “I’ve never heard of such a thing”!
Here’s my best explanation.
Trackchasing is a three-pronged hobby. I’m a racing fan. I love to travel. I love to analyze opportunities to get the most out of everything while saving time and money.
Trackchasing fills the need for all of the above. The racing part of my trackchasing has me trying to see wheel to wheel auto racing at as many different racetracks as I can all over the world. Yes, all over the world. So far things are going pretty well. I’ve seen racing at nearly 2,500 tracks in 80 countries. As a matter of fact, I’ve seen racing at more tracks than anyone else in the world.
Equally important to me are the things I get to see and experience over the “long and dusty trackchasing trail”. I call these adventures “Trackchasing Tourist Attractions”. You won’t want to miss my “Trackchasing Tourist Attractions” page. Here’s the link: Trackchasing Tourist Attractions or my “Sports Spectating Resume” page, Sports Spectating Resume on my website at
I live in southern California. Most of the racetracks in the U.S. are located well over 1,000 miles from where I live. As a matter of fact, my average trip covers 5,000 miles and more. I take 35-40 of those trips each season. In any given year I will travel well over 200,000 miles, rent more than 50 cars, and stay in more than 150 hotel rooms.
I get the chance to meet people all over the world. With trips to 80 countries and counting just getting the chance to experience so many other cultures, spend times in their homes and meet their friends is a huge reward for being in this hobby. I am indebted to several of these folks for their help and friendship.
It’s takes a good deal of planning to do the above and not spend my entire retirement portfolio. I enjoy the challenge, the travel and every other aspect of “trackchasing”. In reality, my trackchasing hobby is a lot like being with the carnival. I breeze into town, stay a little while and then head on down the road.
Today’s adventure was one more of the 2,000 trips that have taken me up, down and around the proverbial long and dusty trackchasing trail. If you would like to see where I’ve been and experience those adventures here’s the link:
If you’ve got a question, comment or whatever please leave it at the bottom of this report. It’s very easy to do. Or you can visit me on Facebook. Thanks!
Thursday, August 9, 2018.
Today was day one of what would likely be a 12-day trackchasing trip. I was flying into Montreal, Quebec, Canada this morning. I would be in Canada for two nights. Why such a short stay while visiting our northern neighbors?
I was coming to Quebec as part of a quest to see racing at each of the ten Canadian provinces in 2018. No trackchaser has ever come close to doing that. I didn’t even think about it until I had seen racing in eight of the provinces this year.
I noticed I had already seen a race in two of the more “remote”, both geographically and racetrack wise, provinces Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island. Maybe I could see a race in Quebec and Alberta to round out things.
Last week I saw three tracks in British Columbia. The weather in Quebec was going to be perfect. If I could see some racing at the Maniwaki Speedway today then only the province of Alberta would remain. Would I be able to see a race in Alberta later this year? I hoped so.
Do you ever go on vacation and when you head to the airport you don’t really know what state you’re going to be staying that night? Me too. Do you ever head to the airport on vacation and not know what country you’re going to be staying? Me too.
Initially I had planned to fly into Detroit Michigan, sleep in the airport and take a very early morning flight from Detroit to Montreal on Friday. Then I got to thinking. I never fly on the airline carrier that could take me nonstop from Los Angeles to Montreal. Why not give them a try? I did. They took me nonstop to Montreal.
Of course, I was flying standby. When I fly standby I can’t make a hotel reservation for that evening until I know I’ve gotten on the plane. So, when I landed at the packed Montreal airport I popped open my laptop.
Although most airports seem to have free Wi-Fi nowadays I don’t really need that. Today I used my own AT&T tethering capabilities to connect to and have been long time sponsors of my trackchasing program. Without them I probably would have declared bankruptcy from my trackchasing years ago.
On this Thursday night I needed to get a hotel with an airport shuttle. If you’re going to use and you need an airport shuttle, you had better know what you’re doing. I do.
Why was a hotel shuttle to and from the airport important? With a shuttle I could reduce my rental car expense from two days of rental to just one. A day’s rental car expense averages about fifty bucks a day. Fifty bucks is still important to me.
Soon Priceline told me that I had successfully won a bid for the Holiday Inn at the airport in Montreal. They had a shuttle. Their regular rate in U.S. dollars including taxes was $150 for the night. I purchased the hotel via Priceline for $82. That’s a fairly normal discount for me when I use Priceline.
It’s difficult to meet my four-mile a day powerwalking goal when I’m traveling pretty much from sunup to sundown. This morning I left our modest seaside cottage in San Clemente at about 5:30 a.m. I pulled into Montreal and my hotel at about 8 p.m. Eastern time.
I had logged 3.1 miles by that time. That was pretty close to four miles. But, it wasn’t four miles. After I checked in I walked out outside and down the street. When I returned my walking total for the day showed 4.4 miles. I going to be on the road for several days with this trip. I’ve got to be very aggressive with my walking totals or I will fall behind my annual goal and miss it for the year.
Friday, August 10, 2018.
With a noon check out I slept in until 10 a.m. That still gave me plenty of time to do a 3.3-mile power walk that took me 50 minutes. I figured I would get the rest of the four miles that I needed by simply walking around during the day.
I rode the hotel shuttle back to the airport. I picked up a Chrysler 300 rental car from National Car Rental. Of course I chose it from the executive aisle, which gives me the very best cars. I can choose any car I want.
I do my very best not to leave anything behind in my hotel room. Once, when Carol was with me, I left my laptop in the room! Luckily we were in Honolulu, Hawaii. Our son Jim lived there at the time. He had dropped us off at the airport and was able to go back to the hotel, grab my laptop and get it back to the airport before we took off her plane. We were pretty lucky on that one.
Today I did my “fireman search” routine around the hotel room. Despite doing that I still left my computer cable lock in the room! I called the hotel from the airport while I was in my rental car. I told him about my error. By the time I got back to the hotel to get the lock it was for me at the front desk.
It was going to be a 200-mile drive, 300 km, from the Montreal airport or to the Maniwaki Speedway. I had burned about 440 calories during my walk this morning. I hadn’t eaten anything yet. That was all good.
At one of the highway exits I chose a McDonalds. I like McDonalds for a few reasons. They are quick. They are cheap. I like their food. And it’s easy to check the caloric count of everything I order.
Today I placed my order at the electronic kiosk. I did that simply to keep my skills sharp! Very few adults my age use the kiosk.
Why do they even use electronic ordering kiosks at a place like McDonalds? It’s pretty simple really. The chain pays for the kiosk once. It pays for the employee every day. Kiosks don’t show up late for work or complain either. They don’t have to be drug tested. You get the point.
Part of my order at McDonalds today was a serving of poutine. It was only 510 calories, about what I had used up during my walk this morning.
I’ve seen racing at more than 150 tracks in Canada. I’m pretty sure I have eaten poutine well over 150 times as well. McDonalds poutine is remarkably good considering the benefits of being quick, inexpensive and available.
The drive over to the Maniwaki Speedway was uneventful. The route took me from Montreal through Ottawa, Ontario Canada. Then I turned north and went back into Quebec. I found the very rural town of Maniwaki without any trouble.
I scoped out the Maniwaki Speedway location. It was about a mile and a half out of town down a very rural country road. I was happy to know where the track was located so I knew how much time I had for dinner.
I tried to use Yelp to find a good spot to dine. However, it appears that French Canadians don’t use this program very much. There were no meaningful reviews for anything in Maniwaki.
Nevertheless, I have never starved in a foreign country, Yelp or not. I stopped at a place called, Resto Pub Le Rabaska. It was kind of a sports bar and pub. My servers were nice and served me a menu in English and spoke to me in English. Thank goodness.
I ordered a Michelob light. To my surprise that beer is only has 90 calories. I better have some more of that.
I ordered the spaghetti with meat sauce with a side of Italian sausage. My entrée was served with two slices of garlic bread. I only ate half of what I was served in the hopes that I could eat the remainder tomorrow morning for breakfast. My bill came to about $20 U.S. which included an 18% tip for my friendly servers.
Racing would begin tonight at 7 p.m. At 6:30 p.m., it was still nearly 80° with not a cloud in the sky. I’ve gotten very lucky with the weather this year. From the restaurant it was off to the Maniwaki Speedway.
I would learn a lot about the Maniwaki Speedway and how it came to be tonight. The speedway itself sits on the First Nations reserve of the Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation. I was told that the reservation was about 10 km² and one of the largest in the entire country of Canada.
Here’s how Wikipedia describes the reserve, “Kitigan Zibi is a First Nations reserve of the Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation, an Algonquin band. It is situated at the confluence of the Désert and Gatineau Rivers, and borders south-west on the Town of Maniwaki in the Outaouais region of Quebec, Canada.”
Maniwaki Speedway – Maniwaki, Quebec, Canada
I have driven down some rural one-lane dirt roads to get to a racetrack in my time. This was another one of those nights. When the track itself came into sight I could see a couple of folks sitting at a small folding table selling tickets.
I lowered my window to see what the “drill” was going to be tonight. I was told to go ahead and park my car and then come back and straighten out the ticket situation. Folks, I’ve been to nearly 2,500 tracks. I’ve never heard anyone tell me that before.
Tonight I would pay $15 Canadian to watch the racing action. I signed a release and asked the gentleman if my $15 ticket included admission to the pit area. He told me it did. In reality it did not. Apparently pit passes were $25 Canadian and I had only purchased a spectator pass.
I learned that fact from the black stamp that I had on the outside of my right hand! A black stamp would not get me into the pits, I was told by a congenial fellow who guarded the pit entrance. I told him I had come to the speedway to meet up with “Beau“. Beau was the operator of the Maniwaki speedway.
I get a lot of information from racetrack promoters. This past winter Beau and I sat at two different computers in two different countries and conversed for nearly an hour about the Maniwaki Speedway racing situation. Even though I had never met Beau, after that “conversation” I felt like I knew him.
Tonight I spent several minutes talking to the fellow guarding the pit area. He introduced himself as “Bob”. You can learn a lot about a person in just a few minutes of conversation if you’re willing to ask questions and listen. I would come to learn that Bob was married to Teresa. Who the heck was Teresa? Teresa operated the concession stand.
I had met Teresa couple of minutes earlier. I had asked her if the track sold bug spray for the mosquitoes that were getting ready to fly me away. She told me they didn’t. She told me that with a smile so that made me feel little better although I was beginning to itch.
As I continued my conversation with Teresa’s husband she came up with the surprise. She shared her own personal stash of mosquito repellent. I sprayed it all over my arms and legs. That really helped.
Just about everyone I talked to tonight lived on the “reserve” or “res”. Bob told me he was a firefighter. As a matter fact, he was classified as a “hot shot” firefighter. Earlier this summer he had earned nearly $8,000 in a single month fighting fires down in the U.S. He told me that was huge money. To a retired guy who hasn’t earned a dime in more than sixteen years it sounded like it was.
I’m a NASCAR racing fan. It seems as if when I meet people they often remind me of one NASCAR cup driver or another. In a way tonight’s promoter Beau reminded me of Bubba Wallace. Beau was well-spoken, had a sly sense of humor and recognized that the chore of operating the Maniwaki Speedway was a tough one.
He told me that when the nearby Autodrome Edelweiss race track closed up (lifetime track #1,263) that he sensed an opportunity. The area could use a track to replace Edelweiss. It took a couple of years for him to plan the track and build it. There’s no doubt about it. This is a rustic track. I’ve seen quite a few rustic tracks during my trackchasing career.
What makes a track rustic? I guess driving down a one-lane bumpy dirt road to the track would. Seeing a pit area that was more hilly than flat would as well. However, the idea that sold me on the thought that the Maniwaki Speedway truly was a “rustic“ track was the one-hole outhouse. That’s rustic.
In my book that made the track pretty cool although not 100% unique. I remember going to the famous Lernerville Speedway, where the World of Outlaw sprint cars race regularly. They had a “one-holer” back in the day. As a matter fact my good buddy Jim Sabo (above center) left his sunglasses in the outhouse at Lernerville. We went back to the track to try to retrieve them. Nope. They were gone. Stuff happens right.
I don’t know this for sure but I’m going to guess that in order to live on the Kitigan Zibi reserve you need to be Native American. I’m not sure if that’s 100% true. However, I’m going to guess that the vast majority of residents on the reserve are native Americans.
I asked Beau what the pros and cons of operating a speedway on a Native American reserve were. He listed several pros. He told me that he could do essentially anything he wanted. He didn’t really have to worry about noise or health inspections or much of anything else. Granted, he wanted to do right by his neighbors, but it wasn’t like he was in a “normal“ society with all of their rules and regulations.
Then he thought about what the cons of having a racetrack on a reserve might be. He paused and then said, “I really can’t think of any cons”. Folks, it sounded to me like Beau was a pretty positive thinker! I liked that about him.
Most of the time when I meet a racetrack promoter they’re pretty busy. When I pulled into the speedway tonight Beau was operating the water truck. When I show up track promoters are in the midst of that eight-hour period or longer, which happens only once a week or maybe less often than that when they are required to give more than 100% of the time their time to the racetrack. Nevertheless, these guys and gals will go out of their way to make sure that I enjoy their facility.
As Beau and I wrapped up our conversation he looked me in the eye and said, “I’m pretty busy right now but I want you to know that you can go anywhere on the property that you want. If you want to watch the races from higher up in the tower come on up. If anybody bothers you about anything just have them give me a call on the radio”. With that he was off. I was a “made” man. I was off to the pit area to see what would be racing tonight as well.
Tonight there were four classes of automobile/truck racers. Additionally, two ATVs showed up to race. The car counts were small. There were 12 mini stocks, seven pro stocks and about a half a dozen street stocks.
Beau told me that often times the ATVs bring more competitors that any other class. He said that earlier in the year a special program drew 18 of them. He was surprised that only two showed up tonight. However, he explained that they have the opportunity to ride their machines seven days a week throughout all of the woods in the local area. On the other hand, traditional racecar drivers can only bring their car to the track once every couple of weeks or so.
I tried to get a photo of every car in the pit area. I like to do that so that my SmugMug photo album has something for every driver and fan to enjoy. A lot of those still photographs make it into the back end of my YouTube video as well. When I was finished exploring the pit area it was time for the driver’s meeting.
Carol and I continue to marvel about one thing as I continue to trackchase. We both seem to think that after seeing so many tracks there couldn’t possibly be anything unique or unusual to encounter at the next attraction. That could not be further from the truth.
Tonight there were several “once in a lifetime” experiences. One of those happened at the driver’s meeting. Beau, and just about everyone else that I met who lived on the reserve were primarily English speakers. Virtually everyone else at the track tonight, including racers and fans that did not live on the reserve, was French speaking. I found that interesting.
Here’s how the driver’s meeting went tonight. I have never seen or heard such a thing. Beau explained what he wanted to talk about at the meeting in English to his track announcer, Kevin. Kevin would then translate Beau’s message into French to the assembled drivers. Nope, I’ve never seen or heard such a thing.
When the driver’s meeting broke up I sauntered over to say hi to Theresa at the concession stand. I had a big meal before I came to the track so I wasn’t hungry but I was thirsty. I was a little surprised they didn’t carry any diet soda and they were out of bottled water. I settled for a bottle of orange juice at a price of one Canadian dollar. Right off the bat I can’t remember ever having orange juice at an oval track. I’ve had my share of breakfast at road courses and probably had orange juice there but never at an oval track.
I had a few options for watching the races tonight. I could stand along the fence line. A few people did that. I could sit in a larger 10-12 row wooden grandstand. There was also a smaller grandstand only three or four rows high that offered viewing opportunities. I didn’t pick any of those.
I decided to go up into the VIP/announcing/race director tower. Have you ever built a treehouse for one of your kids? The “tower” sort of reminded me of a tree house with no tree. The two levels of stairs were narrow and might not meet a local city safety code for handrails but then there were no local city safety codes to worry about!
Tonight the tower would be my home away from home. Beau, the race director, sat in the middle and from what I could see did the scoring opportunities as well as all of the race directing over his headset radio and microphone. To his left as he faced the track was a fellow by the name of Joey. He handled the Raceceiver chores and communicated to the flagman and drivers in English and mostly French. I didn’t get a chance to meet him until the end of the show. He was pretty amazed and happy I’d come all the way from California to see the racing at the Maniwaki Speedway.
To the right was a young gentleman named Keven. Tonight Keven was the track announcer. In my mind Keven was the spitting image of NASCAR’s Brad Keselowski.
For some reason the track’s regular announcer, a man called the called the “Voice of Maniwaki”. couldn’t make it to the races tonight. That put Keven, who is primarily a sound guy and a DJ when he wasn’t working in the automotive business, into the announcing spotlight.
Keven was a positive guy. He was also a guy who recognized that he needed to learn a little bit more about the short track auto racing business before he could meet his expectations as an announcer. He told me he wasn’t sure exactly what all of the flags meant especially the blue flag with the red diagonal line across it. I told him that flag was used to signal slower drivers that faster drivers were coming up to lap them. The flag told the slow drivers not to get in the way of the faster cars.
What impressed me about Keven, that I don’t always see in younger people or older people for that matter, was that Keven wanted to hear suggestions. He was willing to act on those suggestions to make his own performance better.
Tonight all of the commentating done by Keven as the track announcer would be done in French. He told me that the track used to do a little announcing in English. Then someone pointed out that probably 95% of the crowd was French-speaking and they were wasting their time trying to communicate in English.
During the course of the night I shared some of my opinions with both Beau and Keven. I told them that I felt the track announcer was the most important employee at the speedway at least from a fan’s point of you. The track announcer was there to inform and entertain.
At the beginning of the night, Keven didn’t have a lot to say. However during the downtimes he and I could talk about racing and what the fan might be wanting to hear from the track announcer. I told him that letting the crowd know how many laps were scheduled for a race was a simple thing to share but not all track announcers did it. I told him that he might want to provide information about the drivers and their car numbers and what the racing order was when the white flag came out and such.
Each time I mentioned these ideas I could see Keven making a mental note. Then, although I don’t really understand a word in French, I could hear and see him implementing these ideas and as well as his own into his commentary. The more confident Keven got the more appreciative the crowd became and told Keven that with their applause. He was like any person learning a new craft. Whenever there was positive reinforcement it was like pouring water onto your roses.
Tonight there was one heat race or qualifier for each driver at the track. They decided to break up the two stock car classes that brought six and seven competitors into separate heat races for their individual class. That meant that those heat races had three and four cars in them. I might’ve done it differently. However, I wasn’t the guy who spent the last two or three years building this track from scratch. They had some pretty big crashes tonight as well.
Intermission lasted a reasonable 15-20 minutes. For most of that time Keven, the track announcer and I were left alone in the tower. I asked him if he might like to do an interview. Keven had grown-up in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. His English was great and his French was as well. I think it’s quite a talent to be multi lingual.
Keven wasn’t exactly sure how the interview was to take place. I explained that he could come up with a question and tell it to me in English. I would answer the question in English. Then he could share the question with the crowd in French and re-translate my answer into French. We kind of walked through how that might sound. All during my explanation I think Keven thought I wanted to do this interview for my website on my phone. When I told him I was talking about doing it over the track’s PA system I think he was a little taken aback.
Now that Keven fully understood that we were talking about doing the interview over the PA and not my phone we had to go over some of the ground rules again. We took some time to figure things out. During points in the interview when he and I were talking about the logistics of what was being said he would turn the mic off. Then during the actual interview he spoke French to the crowd and I answering his questions and made my comments in English to the crowd. We made it up as we went along. From the sound of the crowd’s response they enjoyed what we had to talk about. Don’t miss the YouTube video on this one.
When our interview ended the intermission was almost finished. It was time to draw the winning ticket for the 50-50 contest. The 50-50 contest operates like this. Fans buy a ticket, let’s say for a dollar each. When all of the money is collected they’ll draw a ticket number from a basket holding all of the 50-50 tickets that were sold. Tonight Starr (above) and her staff collected $214. Half of that money, 50%, would go to “one lucky fan”. The other half most likely would go to the drivers. One night I was at the Eldora Speedway when the winning 50-50 ticket was worth $17,000 to the winning ticket holder. I’ve heard it’s been even larger than that at Eldora.
I helped Keven and Starr one of the 50-50 “girls” break up the tickets so that each one would have an individual chance of being drawn. Then I turned away from the basket and picked the winning ticket. Keven read the number in first French and then English. A pretty happy fan soon came running over to claim his prize.
Tonight‘s feature racing would have each of the car classes running for a distance of 15 laps. By the way there were a couple of pickup trucks in the pro stock class. The two ATV competitors would run for 12 laps in their main event.
I thought the mini stock feature was the most entertaining. Maybe that’s because they had the most cars starting. There were a couple of significant wrecks in that race. These happened separately when two drivers came out of turn four with way too much speed. One driver hit the tractor tire barrier and flipped on its top. The other mini stock driver, a fellow who had spun out a couple of times in his heat race and banged on his fellow competitors, slammed the retaining wall with a pretty strong force.
The program finished up at a little past 10 p.m. It was time for me to boogie. I thanked Beau and Keven for their hospitality. I had a great view for watching the races. I met a lot of nice and interesting people.
The Maniwaki Speedway is not going to be confused with the Daytona international Speedway anytime soon. That’s OK. They’ve got the beginnings of a nice little track here. It sounds as if they won’t be hassled with governmental or neighborly influence because of their location on the Kitigan Zibi Native American reserve.
I heard stories tonight that the entire province of Quebec is coming down hard on tracks for noise pollution. Yes, we are in a CYA in society. You may or may not like Donald Trump and I’m not saying I do or don’t. However, one positive of his administration and his approach is that he’s trying to fight back against political correctness. I endured political correctness through the last 15 years of my 30-year business courier. I often found myself figuratively rolling my eyes at the way people needed to communicate.
We all said our goodbyes by fisting each other. I couldn’t recall ever doing that at a racetrack either! The guys warned me to watch out for the deer. I told them I didn’t worry about that. By the time I saw a deer or the deer saw me and decided to jump out in front of my car there was nothing I could do about it anyway.
For whatever reason, my Waze GPS unit took me on a different route heading back to the Montreal airport. On the way out to the track I was routed through the city of Ottawa. That was slow going in places on a late Friday afternoon. The return trip back to Montreal took me over mainly two lane roads. I wasn’t too wild about doing that late on a Friday night. Nevertheless I made it back to the airport in good shape.
When I picked up my rental car earlier this morning I asked the young lady what the business hours were for National Car Rental at the airport. She told me they closed at 1 a.m. and reopened again at 7 a.m. That was perfect for me. I wasn’t going to get to the rental car return lot until 2 a.m. or later after the races. I figured I could sleep for a couple of hours. At 4 a.m. I moved into the airline terminal. I was hoping to board a flight to Minneapolis at 6 a.m.
I have discovered that on several of these late night or overnight drives that using a single dose of 5-Hour Energy drink is very effective. It keeps me on an even keel. I don’t feel drowsy at all.
However, I didn’t take any of the 5-Hour Energy drink tonight because my drive was only going to take 3 1/2 hours! When I tried to sleep for a couple of hours in the rental car building I really couldn’t. I might’ve gotten about 30 minutes of sleep before I finally threw in the towel and went into the airline terminal.
This is going to be a 12-day trackchasing trip including a day of travel on each end. I have only one day of trackchasing in Canada. Then if all goes well I’ll move over to Minneapolis. There I will pick up a rental car and use it for the next nine days. Seven of those will be trackchasing days. Yep. It’s summertime. In the Midwest that means lots of county fair racing activity.
Good evening from Maniwaki, Quebec, Canada.
Randy Lewis – 80 countries – 2,478 tracks.
The Je me souviens province
This evening I saw racing at my 35th lifetime track in the Je me souviensprovince, yes, the Je me souviensprovince. I’ve seen 35 or more tracks in two Canadian provinces, the other being Ontario.
Thanks for reading about my trackchasing,
Randy Lewis
World’s #1 Trackchaser
Peoria Old Timers Racing Club (P.O.R.C.) Hall of Fame Member
Quebec sayings: Bédaine de bière
Direct translation: Beer belly
Following the alcohol theme, to have a bédaine de bière is a literal translation of the familiar English term “beer belly.” Interestingly, this expression doesn’t exist in France.
The threemost important trackchasing comparisons to me are:
Total lifetime tracks seen
Total “trackchasing countries” seen
Lifetime National Geographic Diversity results
Total Lifetime Tracks
There are no trackchasers currently within 655 tracks of my lifetime total. Don’t blame me.
- Randy Lewis, San Clemente, California – 2,478
Total Trackchasing Countries
There are no trackchasers currently within 25 countries of my lifetime total.
- Randy Lewis, San Clemente, California – 80
Current lifetime National Geographic Diversity results
- Randy Lewis, San Clemente, California – 4.14
That’s all folks! Official end of the RLR – Randy Lewis Racing Trackchaser Report
Click on the link below to see the video production from the racing action today.
Click on the link below for a photo album from today’s trackchasing day. You can view the album slide by slide or click on the “slide show” icon for a self-guided tour of today’s trackchasing adventure.
It was a fun trip to Quebec….saw a lot.