Greetings from first Newton, Iowa
and then Springfield, Nebraska
From the travels and adventures of the
“World’s #1 Trackchaser”
Iowa Speedway
Paved inner oval – temporary
Lifetime track #1,244
Sarpy County Fair & Rodeo Arena
Dirt figure 8
Lifetime track #1,245
Reprinted with permission from my Sunday, August 5, 2007, Trackchaser Report.
Editor’s note: This is a CLASSIC Trackchaser Report. What the heck does “Classic” mean? It’s simply a Trackchaser Report that comes from my trackchasing archives. Typically these will be stories from tracks I visited five years or ten years or more ago.
For whatever reason (usually not enough time) this trackchasing adventure didn’t get posted to my website when I first made the track visit. Often a classic TR will not have a video and/or photo album attached. I didn’t begin producing my YouTube videos until 2009 (YouTube channel: RANLAY). I didn’t begin writing a complete Trackchaser Report until I had seen about 425 tracks. This was during the 2000 trackchasing season. Photo albums were sort of hit or miss during the early years of my trackchasing. Additionally, if you see a website link know that link worked when the TR was originally written. Will it work now? Your guess is as good as mine! Nevertheless, this CLASSIC Trackchaser Report has finally bubbled to the surface and is now available for everyone to see at I hope you enjoy it.
My name is Randy Lewis (above with a couple of my buddies at the South Korea World Formula 1 Grand Prix). I hail from the sleepy little village by the sea, San Clemente, California. I am a “trackchaser”. I trackchase. Have you ever in your life heard of “trackchasing”? I didn’t think so.
I live in southern California. That’s probably the most inconvenient location in the country for seeing tracks in the U.S. Most of the racetracks in the U.S. are located well over 1,000 miles from where I live. My average trip covers 5,000 miles and more. I take 35-40 of those trips each season. In any given year I will travel well over 200,000 miles, rent more than 50 cars, and stay in more than 150 hotel rooms.
I get the chance to meet people from all over the world. With trackchasing trips to 85 countries and counting just getting the chance to experience so many unique cultures, spend time in the homes of my friends and meet so many people is a huge reward for being in this hobby. I am indebted to several of these folks for their help and friendship.
Once you begin researching my trip itineraries from my website, yes you will want to do that, you will be surprised. One day I’ll be in Tucson, the next in maybe Tuscaloosa and the following day in Syracuse. I do that kind of thing all the time. Figuring out the logistics of a trip like that is as much fun for me as watching a figure 8 race.
Now you know a little bit about my trackchasing addiction. When you receive one of my Trackchaser Reports or find one on my website at I hope you will take the time to imagine in your mind what it took to make this trip from SoCal and understand the fun I had doing it.
There you have it. That’s trackchasing…the way I do it. Do others trackchase? Absolutely. Do they share their experiences? Sorry. They don’t. If you want to see the true “essence” of trackchasing you’ve come to the right place.
Today’s adventure was one more of the 2,000 trips that have taken me up, down and around the proverbial long and dusty trackchasing trail. If you would like to see where I’ve been and experience those adventures here’s the link:
If you’ve got a question, comment or whatever please leave it at the bottom of this report. It’s very easy to do. Or you can visit me on Facebook. Thanks!
Sunday, August 15, 2007.
Today I was matched against fellow golfing competitor Pryce Boeye in a battle for the “Illinois Cup”……………….more in “Trackchasing Tourist Attraction”.
Who in their right mind would try to drive 865 miles in about 24 hours to go trackchasing? I think you already know the answer to that …………..details in “The Trip”.
What famous trackchaser may have been at the same track I visited today? …………..details in “The People”.
Greetings from first Newton, Iowa and then Springfield, Nebraska.
I woke up in Williamsburg, Iowa this morning and went to bed in Des Moines, Iowa. This is what transpired today.
The Objective
My trackchasing objective is nearly always to see as many tracks as I possibly can. However, when I can see friends and family who live a long way from California and/or participate in my favorite non-racing hobbies that makes the trip extra special. I guess today’s trackchasing day, my 76th of 2007 was extra special.
The Trip
When I left Pryce Boeye (more about Pryce below) in the pro shop of the Amana Colonies Golf Club, I intended to drive some 60 miles or so to the Iowa Speedway for Sunday afternoon’s racing. After I finished with that race, I would head east for tomorrow night’s off-road racing up in Michigan. I had briefly mentioned to Pryce that I had considered driving to Springfield, Nebraska for their county fair figure 8 races.
However, I had just played four hours of golf in some of the most uncomfortable weather I have experienced in a very long time. The excessive heat and humidity were stifling. I have not been more uncomfortable since I can’t remember.
There was one other reason I had decided not to go to the figure 8 races in Nebraska. I needed to be in upper Michigan by tomorrow night (Monday). My afternoon race today was near Des Moines. If I drove from Des Moines to the other side of Omaha on Sunday night, my drive back to near Grand Rapids, Michigan would be loooooooooong.
My race at the Iowa Speedway near Des Moines was set to push off at 3:30 p.m. The races in Nebraska would begin at 7 p.m. I figured the legend’s races in Des Moines might last two hours. These two locations were about 185 miles apart. The distance was just too great to cover without missing a major part of one of the programs. The final reason for not driving to Nebraska was that it would be a 678-mile drive from those Cornhusker county fair figure 8 races to my Monday night off-road course in Michigan. I would be crazy to do that, wouldn’t I?
I showed up at the Iowa Speedway for their 3:30 p.m. starting time. They were running a few minutes behind, but they did run their first race at about 3:45 p.m. That race had only two cars in it. That’s because they only HAD two cars racing at the track! With the track “in the books” and only one more race for the same two cars, I reconsidered my options.
For me, the legends racing had ended about one hour and 45 minutes before I thought they would. I could take the easy way out and begin driving to Fremont, Michigan. The driving distance was about 492 miles. This was not a short distance, but it was very doable with a full day’s worth of time to get it done.
If I decided to go to those danged Nebraska figure 8 races, the driving distance from where I was (Iowa Speedway) to Nebraska and then onto Michigan would be 865 miles. I would have about 28 hours to cover that distance in the Avis Rental Car Racing Pontiac Grand Prix. As all subscribers to the RANLAY Racing Trackchaser Reports have been screened for superior intelligence, you may have guessed I drove to Nebraska!
Today was one of my bigger golf matches of the 2007 golf season. This would be the 53rd round of golf for me this year. I would be contesting the “Illinois Cup” against Pryce Boeye. I first met Pryce when he was a member of the Pacific Golf Club in San Clemente. Pryce had been transferred to California by the parent company of Taco Bell. He and I have played many rounds of golf together before today.
We get together about once a year to play golf in the Midwest nowadays. Pryce usually gets out to California to play golf at least once a year. When we play in the Midwest, we play for the “Illinois Cup”. This year’s contest would be an 18-hole match play event. I am the defending champion of the “Illinois Cup”.
We chose today’s location because it was somewhat midway between last night’s trackchasing location (Coon Rapids, Iowa) and Pryce’s home near the Quad Cities. The Amana Colonies Golf Club is an upscale course in the rolling hills of Iowa. There aren’t many rolling hills in the Hawkeye State, but this golf course doesn’t have a flat spot on it. We saw several deer while we played. There was even a young deer running across the green we were about to play.
Today’s greens fees were $59 for 18 holes. By California standards that’s pretty tame. Apparently, by Iowa standards this price is steep. When I arrived at the club at 9 a.m. on Sunday morning, there were less than ten cars in the parking lot. The weather was mostly sunny. I’m just guessing this course is too high priced for the locals.
Maybe the lack of attendance was due to the weather. The temperature (about 90) and the humidity (more than 90%) were perverse. Nevertheless, we approached the first tee (blue tees) hoping for the best. The blue tees measured 6,540 yards. It had rained hard last night and the lush fairways did not give us any roll making the course play even longer than the stated distance. The course rating was 71.1 and the slope rating was 129. For my Pacific Golf Club readers, I will say this course played much longer and had more “slope” to it than our blue tee ratings. That means that either Amana is underrated or Pacific is overrated or both.
Now for the results………
Pryce and I both played well. After just two holes, I had fallen two holes behind. When you get behind, the heat and humidity feel even worse. By the sixth hole, I had erased the deficit and we were even again. We battled back and forth until the 12th hole where I found myself behind by two holes again. I went to the 17th hole trailing by two holes with two to play. I won the 17th hole. Now I only needed to win the final hole to bring the match to all square and retain the “Illinois Cup”. I am most sad to report that I lost the final hole to Pryce and finished two holes down.
I must say that I have never seen Pryce have a better ball-striking day than today. He played very smart and used irons on the tees of some par 5s and other long holes. If you know Pryce, you know he has never been one to shy away from hitting his driver. I was only able to keep up to the extent that I did, because of my short game. Congratulations to Pryce. He was a most deserving winner.
Editor’s note: I am considering filing a lawsuit to void Pryce’s victory. It doesn’t seem fair that someone should win the “Illinois Cup” on a course located in Iowa!
The People
When I found the Iowa Speedway, property signs directed me to the infield tunnel. In my three previous visits to this facility, I had sat in the main grandstands. It would be fun to see the racing from the track’s infield.
At the entrance to the infield, I was asked to sign a release to enter the pit area. This is standard procedure. The track asks that you give up any right to sue them if you are injured or killed.
While I was still seated in my car, the pit booth manager handed me a clipboard to sign and asked for the $10 admission fee. These pit release sheets normally ask that you both print and sign your name. There were about 10 names above the line where I was asked to sign. Just as I was about to put pen to paper, I noticed the name of “Gordon Killian”. That’s funny. One of my trackchasing fellow competitors goes by that name.
Could this be the same “Gordon Killian” from Sinking Springs, Pennsylvania? The signature did not read “Gordy” Killian. Could this be “The Gords”? Could this be “El Gordo”? Could this be the real “Gordino”? I would have to go in and find out!
You should know that the Iowa Speedway has seating for some 40,000+ fans (above photo taken during one of my other Iowa Speedway visits). Even though today’s crowd fell far short of full capacity, you can imagine how difficult it would be to find Gordon Killian. It would be like trying to find a needle, a big needle, in a haystack.
I looked and looked but no Gordon Killian. Maybe, he left early. I don’t know. Maybe the pit release signature did not come from the “Gordon Killian” who ranks #4 in the trackchaser worldwide standings. I guess we will never know what happened to Gordon Killian for sure. I checked my photos of the track. He did not show up in any of those. Nevertheless, you can see the photos I did take of the track at
This was my 68th-lifetime tracks to see in the Hawkeye state. I am closing in on Max Allender’s 71 tracks for third place. Jack Erdmann leads in Iowa with 83 tracks.
Tonight’s visit to Springfield, Nebraska marked by 22nd new track in the Cornhusker state. This widens my lead over third-place chaser Jack Erdmann who has 19 tracks here. Ed Esser leads everyone in the Arbor State with 28 tracks.
There’s not too much of a review I can give for a program that raced just two countable cars. I can tell you the two cars racing were legends cars. They raced on what I would call a temporary inner oval in the infield of the Iowa Speedway. The track’s racing surface was asphalt. The track was about ¼ mile in length.
I was actually expecting to see racing on the track’s inner oval (above – taken from a previous Iowa Speedway visit) that is easily viewable from the main grandstand. Tracks in Charlotte, Las Vegas, Atlanta and Texas have this type of inner oval. You can imagine my surprise when I saw the cars racing on a different inner oval.
I arrived just as the two legends cars were pulling out of the pit area for their first race of the day. When the race was finished, I asked the driver of the #56 car, Mark Skjervan if what I had seen was a “real” race. He said, “It sure was. We’ll be coming back with a 20-lap feature event in just a few minutes.”
His word was good enough for me, but I also knew the Trackchaser Commissioner, never mind the Guinness Book of World Record’s might also like some further documentation. Therefore, on Monday morning, I contacted the race director, Dave Blankenship, for more information.
By the way, you might notice that I do not take the counting of tracks lightly. I don’t want to have any tracks on my lifetime list that didn’t meet and exceed the trackchasing rules in effect at the time.
Dave was very cordial and willing to answer every question I asked as I cruised over I-80 eastbound toward Michigan. Dave told me he has a legends driving school on several Sundays during the year. He did not agree with my assessment that today’s infield inner oval was a “temporary” track. I’ll leave it for Dave and commissioner White to sort that one out.
Dave told me the reason only two racing legend cars showed up today is that the rest were “running in a special event up in Wisconsin”. He told me they’ve been getting 4-8 competitors (not necessarily part of the racing school) for each of his events. He hopes to build the class through people getting their feet wet with the racing school.
So, there you have the complete scoop. The track would be countable with just two racing competitors because the cars and drivers both met the rules and the race was not limited to just two cars (like drag racing). I would have loved to have seen a more complete program but that was not in the cards today. Since I had just seen the two cars race a heat race, the prospect of watching these same two cars race a 20-lap feature event did not seem very compelling. Therefore, I decided to head toward Nebraska in search of some additional trackchasing action on this hot and humid Midwestern Sunday.
I drove a long way to get here and a long way to get to my next track from here. Like most county fairs I have visited this year, this place was packed to the gills. These small-town folks love their fairs.
I stopped by the Knights of Columbus for a double cheeseburger, fries and a Diet Coke. My bill came to $6.75 and I gave my server a ten-dollar bill. He counted out my change as if I had given him a twenty-dollar bill and handed it to me.
Of course, I would never accept money from an error like this. I reminded him that I had only given him a ten-dollar bill. A huge smile came over his face. “Wow, I am really glad you are so honest. I would have had to pay for the difference out of my own pocket” he exclaimed. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
There were only nine figure 8 cars racing tonight. They raced between demolition derby heats. I don’t get to see much actual demolition derby racing. They were fun to watch in small doses.
It was terribly hot and humid. I pitied the poor firefighters who were wearing all of that firefighting gear. The figure 8 cars ran two heats. The announcer told us the winners would split the purse. It was nearly 9 p.m. when I headed for the exits. I had almost 700 miles to cover in the next 22 hours.
The grandstands were absolutely packed. You might even say they were overflowing with flesh. Then again, that might be too strong of a statement to describe the situation….but probably not. The first thing that came to my mind was whether or not the baby needed to buy a ticket. You saw the baby right?
Omaha – Friday-Wednesday (12-day rental)
I’m going through about a tank of fuel per day with the Avis Rental Car Racing Pontiac Grand Prix.
Thanks for reading about my trackchasing,
Randy Lewis
Alberta’s #1 Trackchaser
I live in my own world. People know me here.
Orange County, CA – Denver, CO – 845 miles
Denver, CO – Omaha, NE – 472 miles
Eppley Field – trip begins
Washington, Kansas – 154 miles
Maxville, Iowa – 475 miles
Coon Rapids, Iowa – 546 miles
Newton, Iowa – 817 miles
Springfield, Nebraska – 993 miles
Washington County Fairgrounds – $8
Maxville Fire Department Figure 8 – $8
Carroll County Fairgrounds – $5
Iowa Speedway – $10 (pit pass)
Sarpy County Fair & Rodeo Arena – $10
There are no trackchasers currently within 100 tracks of my lifetime total.
- Randy Lewis, San Clemente, California – 1,245
Other notables
These worldwide trackchasers are within 10 tracks (plus or minus) of Carol’s current trackchaser total.
- Carol Lewis, San Clemente, California – 333
- Tom Schmeh, Knoxville, Iowa – 330
- Dwight Bucks, Topton, Pennsylvania – 325
- Randy Lewis, San Clemente, California – 107
- Ed Esser, Madison, Wisconsin – 66
- Roland Vanden Eynde, Vilvoorde, Belgium – 64
- Mike Knappenberger, Reading, PA – 44
- Paul Weisel, Orefield, Pennsylvania – 41
- Carol Lewis, San Clemente, California – 39
- Guy Smith, Effort, Pennsylvania – 35
- Pam Smith, Effort, Pennsylvania – 31
- Gordon Killian, Sinking Springs, PA – 24
- Roger Ferrell, Majenica, Indiana – 23
Tracks have been reported by 39 different worldwide trackchasers this season.
I’m just trying to make it to the next track! I am also looking forward to my brother joining me on the trackchasing tour following my trackchasing visit to Fremont, Michigan.
(** not the first time to visit this track)
1,139. Meremere Dirt Track Club, Meremere, New Zealand – January 1
1,140. Meeanee Speedway, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand – January 1
1,141. Top of the South Speedway, Richmond, New Zealand – January 2
1,142. Woodford Glen Speedway, Christchurch, New Zealand – January 3
1,143. Robertson Holden International Speedway, Palmerston North, New Zealand – January 5
1,144. Taupo Motorsports Park, Taupo, North, New Zealand – January 6
1,145. Waikaraka Park International Speedway, Auckland, New Zealand – January 6
1,146. Angels Stadium of Anaheim (inner oval), Anaheim, California – January 13
1,147. Angels Stadium of Anaheim (outer oval), Anaheim, California – January 13
1,148. West Valley Speedway, Surprise, Arizona – January 14
1,149. Sandia Motorsports Park (road course), Albuquerque, New Mexico – January 28
1,150. Grand Prix De Lanaudiere, Lavaltrie, Quebec, Canada – February 3
1,151. Ste-Eulalie Ice Track, Eulalie, Quebec, Canada – February 4
1,152. St Guillaume, St Guillaume, Quebec, Canada – February 4
1,153. Caldwell Rodeo Arena, Caldwell, Idaho – February 10
1,154. Balsam Lake Ice Track, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin – February 18
1,155. Northeast Pond Ice Track, Milton, New Hampshire – February 24
1,156. Lee Pond Ice Track, Moultonborough, New Hampshire – February 25
1,157. New Hendry Country Speedway, Clewiston, Florida – March 3
1,158. Florida Sports Park, Naples, Florida – March 4
1,159. Honeoye Lake Ice Track – Road Course, Honeoye, New York – March 10
1,160. Houston Raceway Park, Baytown, Texas – March 16
1,161. Houston Motorsports Park, Houston, Texas – March 16
1,162. Dawgwood Speedway, Chatsworth, Georgia – March 17
1,163. Toccoa Speedway, Toccoa, Georgia – March 17
1,164. Tazewell Speedway, Tazewell, Tennessee – March 18
1,165. Malden Speedway, Malden, Missouri, Tennessee – March 23
1,166. Dacosa Speedway, Byhalia, Mississippi – March 24
1,167. Swinging Bridge Raceway, Byram, Mississippi – March 24
1,168. Florence Motor Speedway, Florence, South Carolina – March 25
1,169. Foothills Raceway, Easley, South Carolina – March 30
1,170. Mileback Speedway, Gray Court, South Carolina – March 30
1,171. Grand Prix of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Florida – April 1
1,172. Vegas Grand Prix, Las Vegas, Nevada – April 8
1,173. Huntsville Speedway, Huntsville, Alabama – April 13
1,174. Low Country Kartway, Aynor, South Carolina – April 14
1,175. Dillon Motor Speedway, Dillon, South Carolina – April 14
1,176. Valley Dirt Riders, Berthoud, Colorado – April 15
1,177. Antelope Valley Fairgrounds, Lancaster, California – April 22
1,178. Sertoma Speedway, Tularosa, New Mexico – April 27
1,179. Sandia Motorsports Park (outer oval), Albuquerque, New Mexico – April 28
1,180. Sandia Motorsports Park (inner oval), Albuquerque, New Mexico – April 28
1,181. Hollywood Hills Speedway, San Felipe Pueblo, New Mexico – April 29
1,182. Meridian Speedway, Meridian, Idaho – May 11
1,183. Diamond Mountain Speedway, Vernal, Utah, Idaho – May 12
1,184. Rocky Mountain Raceways (oval), Salt Lake City, Utah – May 12
1,185. Rocky Mountain Raceways (figure 8), Salt Lake City, Utah – May 12
1,186. Modoc Speedway, Modoc, South Carolina – May 18
1,187. Possum Kingdom Super Speedway, Belton, South Carolina – May 19
1,188. Laurens County Speedway, Laurens, South Carolina – May 19
1,189. Fairplex at the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds, Pomona, California – May 20
1,190. Lowes Motor Speedway (inner oval), Concord, North Carolina – May 24
1,191. Lowes Motor Speedway (road course), Concord, North Carolina – May 24
1,192. Madison International Speedway (inner oval), Oregon, Wisconsin – May 25
** Madison International Speedway (outer oval), Oregon, Wisconsin – May 25
1,193. Thunderbird Stadium (figure 8), Bremerton, Washington – May 26
1,194. Thunderbird Stadium (oval), Bremerton, Washington – May 26
1,195. Whispering Pines Motorsports Park, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada – May 27
1,196. Magic Valley Speedway, Twin Falls, Idaho – May 28
1,197. Owyhee Motorcycle Raceway Park, Boise, Idaho – June 1
1,198. Race City Motorsports Park, Calgary, Alberta, Canada – June 2
1,199. Edmonton International Raceway, Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada – June 2
1,200. Castrol Raceway, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada – June 2
1,201. Hidden Valley Motorsports Park, Drumheller, Alberta, Canada – June 2
1,202. Boyd’s Speedway, Ringgold, Georgia – June 8
1,203. Fayette County Fairgrounds, Washington Courthouse, Ohio – June 9
1,204. Brush Creek Motorsports Park, Pebbles, Ohio – June 9
1,205. Brown County Speedway, Russellville, Ohio – June 9
1,206. Vinton Speedway, Vinton, Ohio – June 10
1,207. Hilltop Speedway, Millersburg, Ohio – June 10
1,208. I-70 Speedway – dirt (outer oval), Odessa, Missouri – June 13
1,209. L A Raceway, La Monte, Missouri – June 14
1,210. Valley Speedway, Grain Valley, Missouri – June 22
1,211. Jamaica Raceway, Jamaica, Iowa – June 23
1,212. Calhoun County Fairgrounds (figure 8), Rockwell City, Jamaica, Iowa – June 23
** Hamilton County Speedway, Webster City, Iowa – June 23 (new for Carol only)
** Iowa Speedway (outer oval), Newton, Iowa, Iowa – June 24 (new for Carol only)
1,213. Butler Motor Speedway, Butler, Missouri – June 24
** Peoria Speedway, Peoria, Illinois – June 25
1,214. Kart Kanyon Raceway, Aztec, New Mexico – June 30
1,215. Aztec Speedway, Aztec, New Mexico – June 30
1,216. Sunvalley Speedway, Vernon, British Columbia, Canada – July 1
1,217. Georgetown Speedway, Georgetown, Delaware – July 6
1,218. Delmarva Motorsports Park, Middleford, Delaware – July 6
1,219. Hunterstown Speedway, Hunterstown, Pennsylvania – July 7
1,220. Shippensburg Speedway, Shippensburg, Pennsylvania – July 7 (Randy only)
** Hagerstown Speedway, Hagerstown, Maryland – July 7 (new for Carol only)
1,221. Blanket Hill Speedway, Whitesburg, Pennsylvania – July 8
1,222. Lincoln County Fairgrounds (figure 8), Troy, Missouri – July 13
1,223. Pike County Speedway, Pittsfield, Illinois – July 13
1,224. Iowa Speedway (road course), Newton, Iowa – July 14
1,225. Mitchell County Fairgrounds (figure 8), Osage, Iowa – July 14
1,226. Scott County Fairgrounds (oval), Scottsburg, Indiana – July 15
1,227. Barry Expo Center (figure 8), Hastings, Michigan – July 16
1,228. Lycoming County Fairgrounds (figure 8), Hughesville, Pennsylvania, Michigan – July 17
1,229. Delaware County Fairgrounds (figure 8), Muncie, Indiana – July 18
1,230. Delaware County Fairgrounds (oval), Muncie, Indiana – July 18
1,231. Van Buren County Youth Fairgrounds (road course), Hartford, Michigan – July 19
1,232. High Banks Speedway (oval), Philpot, Kentucky – July 20
1,233. High Banks Speedway (figure 8), Philpot, Kentucky – July 20
1,234. SOIL MX, Bone Gap, Illinois – July 21
1,235. Western Kentucky Speedway, Madisonville, Kentucky – July 21
** Windy Hollow Speedway (oval), Owensboro, Kentucky – July 23
1,236. Windy Hollow Speedway (small figure 8), Owensboro, Kentucky – July 21
1,237. Teton County Fairgrounds (figure 8), Jackson, Wyoming – July 26
1,238. Gallatin International Speedway, Belgrade, Montana – July 27
1,239. BMP Speedway, Billings, Montana – July 28
1,240. Sweetwater County Fairgrounds (figure 8), Rock Springs, Wyoming – July 31
1,241. Washington County Fairgrounds (oval), Washington, Kansas – August 3
1,242. Maxville Fire Department Figure 8 Course, Maxville, Iowa– August 4
1,243. Carroll County Fairgrounds (figure 8), Coon Rapids, Iowa– August 4
1,244. Iowa Speedway (temporary inner oval), Newton, Iowa– August 5
1,245. Sarpy County Fair & Rodeo Arena (figure 8), Springfield, Nebraska – August 5
You might have remembrances about this track. If so, please feel free to share your memories in the comments section below. If you have any photos from back in the day, send them to me at I’ll try to include them here.
Thanks for reading about my trackchasing,
Randy Lewis
World’s #1 Trackchaser
Peoria Old Timers Racing Club (P.O.R.C.) Hall of Fame Member
That’s all folks! Official end of the RLR – Randy Lewis Racing Trackchaser Report
Click on the link below for a photo album from today’s trackchasing day. You can view the album slide by slide or click on the “slide show” icon for a self-guided tour of today’s trackchasing adventure.
Just a couple of photos from today’s trackchasing adventure