Greetings from Geary, New Brunswick, Canada
From the travels and adventures of the
“World’s #1 Trackchaser”
Speedway 660
Asphalt oval
Lifetime Track #2,323
I have had the opportunity to follow my trackchasing hobby all over the world. As this is written I have seen racing in 74 countries. My lifetime track total exceeds 2,300. Each and every year I will trackchase in 25-30 states. At track #1,040 I moved into the “World’s #1 Trackchasing” spot.
I don’t have much experience trackchasing in the province of New Brunswick. Carol and I passed through here in 2008. We stopped in Shediac to see the racing at the Centre for Speede racetrack. We were rained out after jut 30 minutes of racing! Nevertheless, trackchasing rules simply state that you must have seen “competitive racing” in order to count the track.
I take that to mean that when the green flag falls on the very first race of the evening and the cars cross the starting line….that track is in the books. It doesn’t matter if they all go down to the first turn and crash and then a tornado comes along with torrential rains. That racetrack is countable at the drop of the green flag as described. Any questions?
My hobby is not only about racing. Trackchasing for me centers around three things. The racing part is pretty obvious. However of equal importance is the logistics of trackchasing and the opportunity to see the world.
I live in Southern California. The vast majority of tracks are located in the Midwest and East. It takes a good deal of logistical planning to get from where I live to where the tracks are. For the past 15 years I have traveled about 175 nights each and every year. Surprisingly to some, more than half of those overnights were not part of trackchasing.
Then there’s the travel just for the fun of seeing new things. You won’t want to miss my “Trackchasing Tourist Attractions” page or my “Sports Spectating Resume” page on my website at That will give you some understanding on how important seeing the world is with my hobby.
Today’s adventure was one more of the 2,000 trips that have taken me up, down and around the long and dusty trackchasing trail. If you would like to see where I’ve been and experience those adventures here’s the link:
If you’ve got a question, comment or whatever please leave it at the bottom of this report. It’s very easy to do. Or you can visit me on Facebook. Thanks!
I got back from the racetrack, after seeing some very good racing in Oxford, Maine, to the hotel at a few minutes before 1 a.m. last night. It would be my first chance to sleep in a real bed in the 48 hours. I was looking forward to that.
My alarm on this Sunday morning would come at 8 a.m. For a west coaster who is retired and who doesn’t get up all that early 8 a.m. Eastern time is pretty early. However when in Bangor you do want the local bangorites do right?
Today I would be trackchasing in a foreign country. No, I am not talking about Maine. I’m talking about New Brunswick, Canada.
Did you know that about 15% of all of the tracks I’ve seen have been outside the borders of the United States? Yep. Coming into today I’ve seen racing at 336 foreign tracks. Of course I’m including 140 Canadian tracks. It’s certainly up for debate as to whether or not you really consider Canada to be a foreign country. For my part I do not. That’s a compliment to Canada by the way. That means I’ve seen racing at 196 tracks in “real” foreign countries.
It is sometimes difficult to commit to going to one geographical location or another in the hobby of trackchasing. Outdoor racing is so dependent upon the weather. In the United States and Canada oval tracks do not race in the rain. That being the case you have to be very flexible when you decide to go from one place to the next. Yes, these trips are very dependent upon the weather.
On Friday night I had gone to Amarillo, Texas. They were expecting only a 10% chance of rain. I nearly got rained out! When I moved over to Maine Saturday night’s racing was done in crystal clear weather although it had been on the chilly side.
Today’s weather in New Brunswick, Canada was going to be very good. There was no chance of rain and not a cloud in the sky. It was still cool. When I left the hotel this morning the temperatures were in the 50s. The high expected in Geary, New Brunswick for the race was going to be in the high 60s. I can work with that. My shorts aka golfing trousers could work with that.
I have not seen a lot of tracks in New Brunswick. Why is that? I guess to start with it’s because there are not very many tracks racing in this Canadian province. However, I’ve still got a couple left to see up here. I hope to be back.
Today’s drive from my race headquarters location in Bangor, Maine would be done in the Avis Rental Car Racing Mitsubishi Lancer. If I had to classify it as a racecar I would put it in the bandit class. It is not a super late model.
There’s a truck stop in Bangor, Maine called Dysart’s. They might serve the best cinnamon rolls in the entire world. They’ve got lots of other over-the-top truck stop food as well. I would have loved to have stopped there are on this trip.
However, I am currently in “food rehab”. I’m trying to get the sugar monkey off my back. I’ve been doing this for about five weeks right now with some very good results.
Last night after the races I picked up a southwest salad at McDonald’s. I popped that sucker in the Courtyard by Marriott refrigerator in my room. This morning I would be eating grass for breakfast. It’s what someone does when they’re in food rehab. I don’t like it but sometimes you just gotta do what is necessary.
Along the way I snacked on some Tom’s pork cracklin strips mildly seasoned with red pepper. I’ve never had such a thing. They were acquired along the road in Texas. They were not your normal pork rinds product.
These strips are like job breakers. I think over the course of a two-week trackchasing trip they could definitely drive up your dentist bill. However they’re pretty tasty. I would definitely buy them again.
On the way out of Bangor I gassed up the rental car. I paid $2.25 a gallon, which is about $.60-$.75 cheaper than what it is where I live in California.
This trip would require two fuel stops. It didn’t really matter where I made the first one as long as I would have enough gas to get me to the end of the trip after that first stop.
I almost always do my level best to avoid buying fuel in Canada. Why is that? Canadian gasoline normally costs 25% or more than what folks pay for it in the states. With my Bangor fuel stop this morning there would no be no need to buy any gas from my Canadian friends.
It was important to know that I would be losing an hour because of time zone changes when I left Maine and entered New Brunswick, Canada. This Canadian province is in the Atlantic time zone. Although I would lose an hour getting to the races I would gain that hour back when I returned to Maine. All of this meant that I should be able to get down to Bangor in time for a nice dinner, maybe even lobster, after the races. I must tell you I’m a much bigger fan of Alaska lobster that I am Maine lobster.
My POS rental car makes a one-hour drive seem like three. Yes I saved about 50% off of the price of my long-time sponsor National Car Rental’s best offer. Was it worth it? I was beginning to wonder.
I must tell you that spring has sprung in Maine. Everything is so green and looks so fresh. It’s a beautiful scene which can probably only be topped by what it looks like with the peak of fall colors.
The main part of this morning’s drive in the United States was on Interstate 95. Cars using studded snow tires have beaten down the road. Those tires create two “troughs” in the road. This happens in both Washington and Oregon as well. It will jar your fillings out and create all kinds of interior road noise. This POS rental car is not all that much different than a tin can.
I spent a lot of time listening to my Apple iTunes podcasts on this trip. I have them on a variety of subjects. Much of the time the storytelling is captivating.
However, with my POS rental car I can’t get the audio to work through the car’s speaker system. That means I have to listen through the iPhone speaker, which is drowned out by the terrible interior auto noise of my POS rental car.
Crossing the border into New Brunswick took about 10 minutes. Before I got to the official border control agent I had to pass muster with some other uniformed officers using dogs.
They asked the drivers ahead of me to open their trunks. That was a concern to me since I didn’t know how to open the trunk from the car’s interior of the Avis Rental Car Racing Mitsubishi Lancer!
I guess I looked and sounded a little more believable than the folks ahead of me. I was asked a couple questions and told to proceed toward the official border control office location. I got in the back of the line about 10 cars deep.
My communication with the border control agent was brief. Again I must have been looking responsible today. I was allowed to clear without any significant time delay or hassle.
From the border crossing the drive over to the Speedway 660 in Geary, New Brunswick was pretty straightforward. Their racing was scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. Atlantic time. However, after reading their website in advance, I knew that today fans were being allowed into the pit area for an autograph session at 1 p.m. I wanted to make that if I could.
Speedway 660 – Geary, New Brunswick, Canada
I arrived at about 1:40 p.m. local time. I quickly paid the admission fee of $14 Canadian. There were no senior discounts. That translates to about $10.43 U.S. with current exchange rates.
I was just in time to head down to the pit area at no extra charge. The announcer was telling everyone they had about 15 more minutes of pit time before they had to return to the grandstand seating area. That was plenty of time for me to explore the entire group of racing competitors that showed up today.
There were four classes of stock cars on the race itinerary this afternoon. The top class was the pro stocks. The sportsman, street stocks and finally the “sharpshooter” class followed them. I’ve seen racing at more than 2,300 tracks. I had never seen “sharpshooter” racing. By the way I have the “sharpshooter” rifle range metal from my days in the United States Marine Corps.
This was opening day for Speedway 660. Maybe that’s why the cars looked so good. Most wore brightly colored paint jobs (or wraps) with lots of sponsorship on the car’s body panels.
What driver caught my attention? A young driver names Sarah McKay. She was the driver of the number 32 car decked out in primarily a pink paint scheme. Pink, in racing, normally means the driver is a woman. That was the case today. Sarah’s racing team came to the track with a full 48-foot (maybe a 53-footer) racecar hauler. They were advertising A.J. McKay’s building business on its side. The building business must be good!
There was a very nice crowd on hand. The weather was windy with a constant breeze of about 20-25 MPH. There was a crystal blue sky with a bright sun. The fans were treated to temperatures in the high 60s.
Before I go any further I’m going to tell you that I was a recipient of two very nice gifts from the Speedway 660. I had not contacted anyone at the track in advance of my arrival. Nevertheless, after what happened, that I will explain below, I was awarded these fine gifts. I publish these facts at this point in time so no one thinks there are any potential conflicts of interest in my narrative. Of course, there are none but there will always be some people who think there are. What can I tell you?
This track had so many things going for it. However, before I tell you about that I’m going to tell you about the one and only glaring weakness that stuck out like a sore thumb.
I don’t have an exact count on how many people were in the grandstands today. I might say 500, maybe more. The track offered up only one concession stand.
That concession stand had two lines for everyone in the grandstand and another 300 people or more in the pit area. The lines were long to get food and drink. The lines were slow. I got in a line at one time where the line was about 30 people deep. After about five minutes I had not moved forward any more than five feet. I left the line in disappointment and thirst. As I say this was the one and only drawback to today’s racing promotion. I thought I heard the announcer tell the crowd they recognized the concession line problem and would fix it for next week’s racing.
So what did they do right? First of all the idea of letting the fans in an hour in advance of race time to meet the drivers and get autographs and see the race cars up close was worth it’s weight in gold. There were so many kids in the pit area. The kids will bring back their parents. Smart idea by the track!
The races started on time at 2 p.m. If everyone only knew how many tracks can’t even do that. The track had a very stout and understandable PA system. The track commentator was excellent. There were no long pauses with him as there are some tracks. He knew everything about the cars and drivers and sponsors. Often times he even told us what grade a particular young driver might be completing. He almost sounded like a schoolteacher to me with all this knowledge of the local schools and colleges. This was the second consecutive night, after going to the Oxford Plains Speedway, that I have heard two very professional announcers. As you know I believe the announcer is the most important employee at the track from a fan’s point of you.
Today when one race finished the next race was already lined up with the pit shute. There was no lag time between races. The races also had very few caution flags.
I’ve seen a flagmen throw yellow flags when a car simply got loose and didn’t spin out or hit anything or anybody. Today during one of the features a driver at the back of the pack spun out and stopped crosswise in the middle of the straightaway.
He had about five or six seconds to get his car righted so that he could drive off the track before the pack came his way. The flagman held off on throwing the yellow flag. The driver actually drove the wrong way on the front straightaway for a few feet before making a hard U-turn. No yellow. No caution. No delays. The starter gave the driver a hearty “thumbs up” for his sportsmanship. Maybe that is why such a nice crowd turned out today.
The numbers of cars in each division was solid for today’s racing world. The sharpshooter division had just nine cars. However, the other three divisions had 15-17 competitors, which made for a great looking field on this quarter-mile banked asphalt oval track.
Each of the four divisions ran two heat races. Then the sharpshooter division ran their feature race before intermission.
At intermission the track was again on the ball with a great promotion involving the kids in attendance today. They were having an old fashion “candy scramble” aka candy toss. They did for two age groups. One set was for kids six and under. The second included children aged 7-12. That was a good idea so that the 12-year-olds wouldn’t create a stampede over the three-year-olds!
Then they threw out a ton of candy on the front straightaway for the bigger kids. With a ready…set…go command the kids ran about 25 yards to the candy. In mere seconds all of the sweet stuff was scarfed up. That took a good deal of scarfing. If the kids were as motivated for a general cleanup after the races were over the Speedway 660 would be spotless in no time.
There was another unexpected event at intermission designed to inform and entertain the crowd. My words. I had met the track announcer, Wade, before the racing started. He invited me to do a short interview at intermission after the candy scramble. Yes I was playing second fiddle to the special kid’s promotion. No problem there. I was going to be able to communicate the word about my trackchasing hobby to even more fans, most of which had probably never ever heard of the situation.
I have been interviewed literally hundreds of times at tracks, on radio stations, newspapers and television. It doesn’t take long for me to understand if the announcer shows a true interest in his interviewee or not. Wade showed interest.
He asked me a series of questions that I’m sure lots of fans were interested in knowing about. If you want to hear most of that interview simply tune in to the video that I’ve prepared from my visit to the Speedway 660.
Additionally, after each feature race the top three finishers stopped in front of the flag stand. Wade left the announcing booth and went down to personally interview each of the three drivers. The PA system was set up perfectly so fans could hear BOTJH the announcer and driver’s responses. Often times the announcer can be heard asking the question but the driver’s voice is so soft over the PA that we don’t know what they said.
There was plenty of parking at the track today. The grandstands had 10-12 rows and the viewing space from each seat was excellent. They even had a series of grandstands ringing turns one and two. This track can hold a lot of people if need be. The track’s website even published the order of racing for today’s event.
My favorite time of the week to watch racing is on Sunday afternoons. I don’t really know why that is. Where I grew up they raced on Saturday nights. If we saw a special event we might have see one on a Friday night or Sunday night. It wasn’t until I went to my very first big event at the Salem Speedway in Salem, Indiana that I saw racing on a live time basis on a Sunday afternoon.
I was seeing only my second track in the province of New Brunswick. I was seeing my 141st Canadian track. I was seeing my 2,323rd lifetime track. Yes…I know my interview at the track says it was lifetime track #2,322. I was wrong in the interview!
As the last race wrapped up I headed for my car. It was going to be about a three hour drive from the Speedway 660 back to my hotel in Bangor, Maine.
However, I was hungry. Remember the lines at the concession stand were so long that the best I could do was a bottle of Diet Pepsi very, very late in the day.
I was hankering for a lobster roll. Folks up in this area consider their lobster rolls, from a financial point of view, as very dear. I don’t know that I’ve ever had a good lobster roll. Normally the amount of lobster you get for the price you pay makes it seem like a rip off to me.
Nevertheless, I was in the area right? If I have come all the way to New Brunswick I wanted to do what New Brunswick folks might do. I searched Yelp and found a place down in Saint John, New Brunswick. Yelp reviewers told me that “Dave’s Lobster” had a good lobster roll. Why not go to Dave’s?
However, Dave’s Lobster in Saint John was about a 50-mile drive from the racetrack. It was going to take me about 40 minutes out of my way from the track back to Bangor. No problem. I had the time.
Just to be safe I called up to make sure I knew what the closing time was for the restaurant. I was told they would close at 7 p.m. I looked at my Waze GPS system. I learned that I would be arriving at 6:22 p.m. I was golden. Off I went in search of a lobster roll.
Let’s just stop here for one moment. Do you eat lobster rolls? If you do have you ever driven 50 miles out of the way to get one? I don’t see many people nodding their heads.
I had visions of lobster rolls dancing in my head. I already had my speech rehearsed for when I landed at Dave’s Lobster. “I’m on a low-carb eating plan right now.” I would simply ask them to “Hold the roll and increase the amount of lobster in my serving.” In the back of my mind I dreaded the answer to what that idea might cost me.
Saint John sits on the Port of Fundy at the mouth of the Saint John River. Saint John is the oldest incorporated city in New Brunswick. Over the years the city has seem a significant decline moving it from the most populous city in the province into the #2 position behind
There are a lot of notable “firsts” associated with Saint John. In 1785 it became the first quarantine station in North America. It greeted the sick and dying Irish immigrants among others. In 1870 Canada’s first YWCA was established here. In 1906 Canada’s first public playground was built in Saint John. Yep. You read it all here.
There wasn’t much activity in the city as I passed through at 6:30 p.m. on a Sunday night. I found the restaurant easily. I even got a parking spot within a few feet of the front door to Dave’s Lobster. Wow! My plan was working really well.
However, there was just one problem. I don’t like problems. Dave’s Lobster was locked up tight. There was no one in site. WTF?
I called up the guy that had confirmed they were going to be open until 7 p.m. He answered cheerfully. I explained my situation and asked, “What’s up?”
Despite the phone number and address provided by Yelp showing the location in New Brunswick the person I had called was at the Dave’s location in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. That’s an entirely friggin different province located about four hours away. The guy talking to me told me that Dave’s Lobster in St. John was having their grand opening this coming weekend! I asked him why the phone number for the Dave’s Lobster in St. John went to a guy in an entirely different province. He didn’t have a great response that but did offer up an apology.
With the sudden change in plans I did explore some more formal sit-down restaurants located on the water. However that was going to take me more time and one restaurant menu showed their lobster roll at $28 Canadian. I passed and ended up getting two Egg McMuffins at a McDonald’s on the way out of town!
All I can say is I tried to enjoy the local cuisine. Heck, I drove 50 miles out of my way for gosh sakes. Nevertheless, my string of unsatisfactory lobster roll opportunities/experiences continues. With the price of lobster rolls and what they give you I don’t know that I’ll ever consider having one a success.
With that I drove into a setting western sun for the next three hours. My trackchasing day at the Speedway 660 had been excellent. They had a lot of cars. Their show was well run. The announcer did a great job. I very much appreciated his enthusiasm and willingness to talk to me for five minutes about trackchasing. It was even more noteworthy when he tracked me down (I was in the concession line!) to give me two complimentary track t-shirts. Yes, I was treated very well at Speedway 660.
When I leave the property of the last track I see on any given trip, my number one objective at that point is simply to get my butt home. Tonight I would be staying for a second consecutive night at the Courtyard by Marriott in Bangor, Maine.
On Monday my main plan of attack was to take a very early morning flight from Bangor to Philadelphia. Then I would have a series of five or six non-stops from Philly over to LAX. Surely I would be able to get on one of those flights right?
I must tell you that both the U.S. and Canadian border control agents get a real kick out of my trackchasing hobby. Of course, those are my words.
Invariably the border control officer will ask me where I live. They want to know what a Californian is doing so far from home. I’ll normally be driving a rental car like I did today with out of state place (Florida this time) that I rented in Maine with a California residency and an unmentioned driver’s license location. That’s when we get into the entire discussion about trackchasing. I rarely take them through the Dreaded East Coast Trackchaser issues. The last thing I want to do is depress a border patrol agent.
Today I crossed the border at Calais, Maine. This was a relatively rural crossing. When it was my turn there were no cars behind me.
Soon I got into a friendly discussion with the agent. He told me all about his recent southern California vacation and visits to the San Diego zoo, Disneyland and to see his favorite team the Boston Bruins play the Anaheim Ducks. The Ducks won.
The agent also knew quite a bit about racing. He had a Canadian favorite driver who had driven for Kenny Schrader and had been recommended by Brad K. I enjoyed the discussion very much. There was just one drawback.
During our entire conversation the bugs and mosquitoes were beyond intense. For some reason mosquitoes love me. That’s what Carol says and it’s true. Here we were chatting about all of the things that we had in common there were no cars pulling up behind me and the mosquitoes were devouring me. The border control agent didn’t seem to notice.
I was more than pleased when I saw a car in my rearview mirror. I gave the border agent my trackchasing business card and ask him to look me up. Our conversation was so friendly that I felt like extending my hand to shake his. However, that didn’t seem to be all that appropriate given our location circumstances. With that we build each other adieu do until next time.
Because of my ill-fated attempt to have a lobster roll I was now entering Maine from a different point that where I had left the state just a few hours ago. That meant no interstate but only two-lane roads. The 100-mile drive back to Bangor was on rural poorly maintained roads. There was nearly zero traffic. I enjoyed seeing the setting that these Mainers live their daily lives in.
There was one thing for sure. There were not going to be any interstate highway rest areas on this route. I had been drinking my share of diet cola drinks including the last one, a large Diet Coke (just a buck) from Mickey D’s (light ice).
With so little traffic I was just about ready to take matters into my own hands but even saying it that way sounds a little too graphic. Just at that moment I looked up through my heavily bug splattered windscreen in time to see a sign that read, “Rest Area”. God was on my side today!
I pulled off the road. I saw small sign that said, “Outhouse” with an arrow pointing to a very small shed. I opened the shed to find both the toilet and the urinal. As you might have guessed there was no toilet paper in this facility. Not a problem. I wasn’t there for that.
However, as I separated myself from my Diet Coke the mosquitoes inside this little building were more than intense. While at this point actually taking matters into my own hands I was at the same time trying to swat and blow those little skeeters away. It was a real battle. Finally when the mission was mostly accomplished I was able to run out of the outhouse and back to the car.
Even with the small amount of time that I had the car door open several mosquitoes followed me inside. For the next five miles I drove in 56° temperatures with all four windows down. Surely that would encourage the mosquitoes to take flight and leave my interior. For the most part that idea worked.
I was still 80 miles from Bangor where I hoped to fill up with gas for the last time on this trip. However, the fuel gauge was falling precipitously. When I was 60 miles out I only had three bars of fuel, which looked to be a little bit less than a quarter of a tank. There were NO gas stations on this route. It was what it was. I would either make it or I would not.
With the sun setting at about 8 o’clock or maybe a little bit sooner I thought might be a perfect time for a moose sighting. I’ve seen them before when driving in Maine. I wouldn’t have been surprised if I had seen one tonight.
Just 35 miles outside of Bangor with the sun having already set up I did see a moose on the side of the road. However, by the time I stopped to make a U-turn and attempt to take his photo he was gone.
I will tell you that the roads in Maine leave a bit to be desired. However, if you have a chance to see a moose that’s O.K. I don’t get this far north very often in the wintertime and I suspect that Maine winters are rough. The roads are rough too.
I don’t even want to tell you what time I had to get up to make it back to California today. O.K., I’m gonna tell ya. Why? Because you would be wondering about it for the rest of the day that’s why.
I got up at 5:30 a.m. Eastern time. If you live on the east coast you might not be impressed with that. However, I had two things you need to consider. First, I am retired. No retiree should be getting up at 5:30 a.m. Secondly, and probably more important my alarm went off at 2:30 a.m. California time. Assuming I got back to California (NOBODY calls it “Cali”) today I would be associating with people who did NOT get up at 2:30 a.m. Make sense?
I had already gassed up my rental car the night before. I always do that. However, when I returned my car to the airport at about 6:15 a.m. nobody had shown up to work at the Avis counter yet. Were they operating on Pacific time?
The Bangor airport (BGR) is small. It’s easy to navigate. I stopped at the Highlands Café on the landside of the airport. There I got a custom ham and cheese omelet. You can’t get that in most airports. It was good enough since I’m shying away from carbs for the time being.
I knew I would make the Bangor to Philadelphia flight. It was wide open. However, getting from Philly (PHL) to LAX was going to be a different story. I had about six flights that might work. My plan was to do a mile of power walking after each flight I didn’t make. That plan was somewhat aborted when I made the first plane back to sunny SoCal.
I got back to LAX at about 2:30 p.m. just in time for some Monday afternoon rush hour traffic. No Los Angeles is not Bangor, Maine. That’s one of the reasons I like to go to places like Bangor. However, if I want golden weather I have to hang out in the golden state.
While I was gone from home some 15 great white sharks have shown up in the waters in my hometown of San Clemente. I knew there was a good reason that I didn’t surf.
Despite getting up so early and having an airport power walking plan I was still 1.6-miles short of my daily four-mile goal. Even though I had gotten up at 2:30 a.m. California time after dinner I was out on the streets of San Clemente until my iPhone pedometer registered four miles.
There are no moose in San Clemente. However, I did see a skunk tonight on my walk. I think I like moose better.
New Brunswick
The “Be…in this place – Etre…ice on le peut” province.
This afternoon I saw only my second lifetime track in the “Be…in this place – Etre…ice on le peut” province yes the “Be…in this place – Etre…ice on le peut” province.
Thanks for reading about my trackchasing,
Randy Lewis
World’s #1 Trackchaser
Peoria Old Timers Racing Club (P.O.R.C.) Hall of Fame Member
Based on the way everything from cars to the weather is referred to as “her” or “she,” the Maritime dialect is not exactly feminist-friendly. But if you want to fit in, forget what every armpit-haired Women’s Studies major has ever told you and bitch about the weather: “She’s right fucking freezin’ out there. She’ll freeze yer tits right off.”
The three most important trackchasing comparisons to me are:
Total lifetime tracks seen
Total “trackchasing countries” seen
Lifetime National Geographic Diversity results
Total Lifetime Tracks
There are no trackchasers currently within 590 tracks of my lifetime total. Don’t blame me.
- Randy Lewis, San Clemente, California – 2,323
Total Trackchasing Countries
There are no trackchasers currently within 20 countries of my lifetime total.
- Randy Lewis, San Clemente, California – 74
Current lifetime National Geographic Diversity results
- Randy Lewis, San Clemente, California – 4.37
That’s all folks! Official end of the RLR – Randy Lewis Racing Trackchaser Report
Click on the link below to see the video production from the racing action today.
Trackchasing interview from Speedway 660
Racing action from Speedway 660
Click on the link below for a photo album from today’s trackchasing day. You can view the album slide by slide or click on the “slide show” icon for a self-guided tour of today’s trackchasing adventure.
Racing and sightseeing from New Brunswick, Canada