Greetings from Virginia South Australia, Australia
From the travels and adventures of the
“World’s #1 Trackchaser”
Speedway City
Dirt oval
Lifetime Track #804
Editor’s Note: At times I will not be able to send along my trackchaser note on the same day I visited the new track. Often there is not time to complete the note or there are no email facilities available. To see the exact date, I went to the track you can check the summary of tracks at the bottom of this report. Except under unusual circumstances, I will not send more than one-track report along per day.
Here are the 2004 leading trackchasers (60 or more tracks) and number of tracks seen
RANDY LEWIS, San Clemente, California – 122
ED ESSER, Madison, Wisconsin – 100
ROLAND VANDEN EYNDE, Vilvoorde, Belgium – 86
ANDY SIVI, Clairton, Pennsylvania – 67
ROGER FERRELL, Majentica, Indiana – 67
WILL WHITE, Quakertown, Pennsylvania – 62
I hope that everyone had a very Merry Christmas and/or a happy holiday season and Happy New Year. When you think about it, Christmas is just plain weird. What other time of year do you sit in front of a dead tree in the living room and eat candy out of your socks.
Anyway, a couple of months ago, I was lounging in my recliner and I yelled into the kitchen to Carol and asked if she “wanted to go to the outback?” She thought I said, “Do you want to go to Outback?”, and readily agreed thinking she would soon be eating a tasty steak. However, I was thinking Australia and before she knew what hit her I had booked (with significant help from J.J. and the United Airlines folks) two tickets to Sydney, Australia. All of the above is true except the part about the recliner. Our space planner made us get rid of our recliner when we moved to the new house since it was not upscale enough for her tastes (and I spent hours sleeping in that oversized Lazy-Boy!).
The average high temperature in any given month in San Clemente ranges from 66 to 77 degrees. That sounds like pretty nice weather to me. Of course, in our winter we get the 66-degree average high in December/January. I don’t like cold weather, so there was no way I wanted to put up with 66-degree highs even if there were a few 80-degree days thrown in. Our coldest day of the year will top out at about 55. That’s cold! I did not want to risk having to endure those cold temps so that’s where I got the idea of heading south. I mean south, as in “down under” as in Australia. Aussie land is having their summer. That’s what I’m talkin’ about.
The outback plan contributed to a very unusual Christmas for Carol and me. Actually, the Lewis family had a rather unusual Christmas. Everyone in the family is a traveler. Our children J.J. and Kristy both live in the greater Los Angeles area. Our youngest son, Jim, lives in the Honolulu. Jim came home to San Clemente for Christmas. Just as Jim was arriving, J.J. was headed to Buenos Aires, Argentina for Christmas with a friend and Kristy was bound for the Colorado Mountains with her boyfriend, James. Meanwhile Carol and I spent the entire 24 hours of Christmas day in a large steel tube. No, this was not at some remote California health spa seeking eternal youth. It was in a Boeing 747 headed for New Zealand and then Australia.
On Christmas Eve, Carol and I departed Los Angeles at 9:45 p.m. and landed in Auckland, New Zealand on Sunday, December 26 at 7:30 a.m. So where did Christmas go? To be honest, I have absolutely no idea.
We were only connecting in Auckland before flying to Sydney and then to Adelaide. The main purpose of visiting Australia is for trackchasing. Now before any of my “non-racing” friends get into much of an uproar about me dragging Carol to such a far away and exotic place as Australia just for “those old races” let me tell you that she and I have been to Australia on two other occasions. During those two trips, we only went to one racetrack. So, isn’t it about time I get to see a couple of races in Aussie land? I can see I’m getting little sympathy from my readers, nevertheless I will press on.
Australia is a long way from the United States and San Clemente. When the reservations for this trip were made a few months ago, I simply selected Sydney, Australia as our arrival point because I thought the biggest city in Australia would be a good choice to pick up a new track on our first day in the country. It turned out the best first track opportunity was near Adelaide. That meant an extra flight would be needed.
Our flight to Auckland from Los Angeles was the longest. The flying distance was 10,488 kilometers (1 kilometer = 0.625 miles) or 6,555 miles. Los Angeles to New York is about 3,000 miles to give you some idea of the distance to Auckland, New Zealand. Our flight took nearly 13 hours. The layover in Auckland at eight o’clock in the morning was about an hour and a half. We had time to buy an electrical adapter that will allow us to use our computer, cell phone, etc with the Australian electrical system. The adapter cost $17.75 in New Zealand currency or about 12 bucks U.S.
We then continued on Air New Zealand Airlines from Auckland to Sydney, Australia. The distance of that flight is 2,160 kilometers or 1,350 miles. That’s about the distance from Los Angeles to Dallas. Our final flight on Virgin Blue Airlines (sort of the Southwest Airlines of Australia) took us from Sydney to Adelaide. The distance of that flight is 891 kilometers or 556 miles. That made the total flying distance 13,539 kilometers or 8,461 miles. Of course, that’s just one way! That’s about like flying from Los Angeles to New York and then back to Los Angeles and them back to New York. Ya, it sounds tiring to me too!
When we boarded our Air New Zealand flight in Los Angeles on Christmas Eve, they had a flight attendant at the doorway dressed up as Santa Claus. It turned out to be about 18.5 hours of flying and Adelaide is 18.5 hours ahead of Los Angeles in time. During our flight from Los Angeles, we crossed the equator and the International Date Line. Wouldn’t you fly this far to see a sprint car race?
J.J. was nice enough to arrange the Air New Zealand portion of the trip for us. He got us emergency exit row seating which helped on the long flights. Thank you, J.J.; you’re a great chip off the old block.
When I was planning the trip, I wanted to stop in Auckland for one day on December 26. With that plan, I could get a new trackchasing country by seeing a race at the Western Springs Speedway in New Zealand. That plan was scuttled because we couldn’t get the seating to clear. In hindsight, I’m glad we couldn’t change our seats. When we landed in Auckland on the morning of the 26th it was wet and rainy. The weather forecast for our time in Australia is for warm temperatures and little or no rain. I’ll be back to New Zealand some time in the future and I’ll do it right when I do get there.
As we make our way around Australia, I’ll try to keep you all posted. We’ll be traveling the Australian backcountry and I suspect we will have some adventures to recount. When we travel internationally, we always encounter what seems like the unexpected or the unusual or both. Truth be known, that’s what makes the trip fun.
Before we ever left Los Angeles, we encountered what could have been a major setback. At the New Zealand Airlines check-in counter, we handed over our passports hoping to get a boarding pass. The check-in agent asked, “Where is your visa?” Visa, did we need visas? We don’t have no stinkin’ visas! Could this be some form of Eastern bias for those that believe in that kind of stuff (and there are those that do)? Fortunately, the agent informed us that we could get “electronic visas”. The day was saved. We were on our way.
When we flew on Virgin Blue, we learned they count the weight of your checked baggage rather than the number of bags you bring to check. If I had known that, I might not have brought my dumbbells that I use for my shoulder rehab. I also paid for a soft drink for the first time ever as an airplane passenger. Virgin Blue charged $2.50 for a Diet Coke. Near the end of the flight Carol attempted to give the flight attendant, some trash (rubbish in Australian). The attendant declined Carol’s offer stating that because she wasn’t wearing her plastic gloves she couldn’t accept the used drink cup!
Dealing with time zone changes can be a challenge when traveling and especially on long international trips. I have always felt it is much easier to travel westward than eastward. I guess I would rather gain time than lose time. This is the first trip in recent memory that we have had to deal with a time zone change of 30 minutes. Yes, Adelaide is in a time zone that is 30 minutes behind Sydney. Carol did not want to accept this annoyance to her life order. In time, she would learn to live with it.
We arrived at today’s speedway about two hours before the races were scheduled to begin. We hoped we could get some advice on where to stay the night. The track was out in the country and there wasn’t much of anything in the area. We encountered the woman helping to park the incoming cars. Her advice seemed a bit confusing to two folks who had just come off of nearly 20 hours of flying and were clearly jetlagged.
She kept saying, “I think if you drive north about 10 miles you’ll find something, but I can’t remember if the hotel has a motel or not” She kept repeating the part about “the hotel might not have a motel”. This really freaked us out. We later learned that “hotels” in Australia are mainly restaurants and “motels” are mainly places where you sleep overnight. She really had us going with her “hotel might not have a motel” comments.
Australia is not setup to handle commerce. We stopped at an eight-room motel. The motel was tied into an Aussie pub with a pool table and some pokies (slot machines). The bartender had to check and see if there were any rooms to rent. Once he determined there were rooms, he proceeded to take my personal check-in information in a spiral notebook! Oh, my. As far as I could tell, they only rented two of their rooms for the night. The room had lots of bugs. We would also begin our 11-day encounter with flies. More on that later!
Operation “Trackchase Shock and Awe” continues……….attempting the impossible or at least the very difficult.
The Speedway City track in Virginia, South Australia, Australia is my 804th track to meet or exceed all current trackchaser rules. This is my 122nd track of the season. This is my second track to ever see racing at in Australia. This is Carol’s 163rd track of the season and her 15th of 2004.
Carol has a unique trackchasing theory that she shared with me on the trip over to Australia. She told me that I have to try to pass “the dead, the poor and the old” in the worldwide trackchaser standings before I become one of those three in her trackchasing parlance. I never thought of it like that, but I guess she’s right.
It’s hard to believe we saw our first Australian track back in Sydney in 1989 at the Parramatta City Speedway. It doesn’t seem like it was that long ago. We road the train from downtown Sydney out to the track. We made friends on the train with a fellow named “Frank” who was a helper at the track. During the train ride, we met Frank’s friend “Adele”. Later in the ride, Frank got kicked off the train for not having a ticket and Adele showed us pictures of her trip and overnight stay at Kelly Kinser’s home in Indiana. It’s a very small world out there. Late in the evening at about 11 o’clock, Carol and I had to make our way on foot through about three blocks of dark and desolate warehouse buildings to get back to the train station and the train back to the hotel. Of course, we were young and crazy back then and probably didn’t understand the potential danger.
According to their website, “Speedway City is the largest and fastest dirt track complex in South Australia. Promoted and owned by Wendy Turner and partner Bob Sincock with over 40 years of Speedway experience. Speedway City has built a national and international reputation as one of the sports most exciting and memorable venues, Speedway City is located at Virginia 26 kilometers north of Adelaide just off Highway One and 20 minutes from the heart of Adelaide. The venue offers magnificent facilities for spectators and competitors alike, including attractive food and drink outlets and corporate hospitality suites. The speedway venue has the capacity to hold more than 10,000 spectators.”
Editor’s note: The above is probably an overstatement of the track’s facilities, but then it’s their website.
The climate and terrain remind us of central California, maybe Fresno, in the summer time. The dirt racetrack is nearly a circle in configuration and about one-quarter mile in length. The place was packed. Unfortunately, the seating facilities were woefully inadequate. The “free grandstand seating” accommodated about 600-800 fans. Another few thousand people brought lawn chairs or sat on grassy hillsides.
The major plus to this track was a huge “Jumbotron”. You’ve probably seen these large video screens at major sporting venues. I’ve never seen one at a quarter-mile dirt track bullring before. The screen size was as big as an indoor movie screen. The clarity was perfect. When the cars were racing, you could watch the action on the track or on the “Jumbotron”. They even had instant replays of the wrecks and flips. In addition to the racing action, the Jumbotron was used to show country music videos and advertisements. Several of the country music videos were tied into dirt track sprint car racing. They had a great tribute to probably the best sprint car driver to ever come from Australia, Gary Rush.
There were just two classes racing tonight, the winged sprint cars and the Formula 500 sprints (mini-sprints). You might think a two-class show of about 30 cars each could be run quickly. Nope. They insisted upon having each car in each class run in two separate heat races. I have no idea how the heat lineups were determined but I think they offered passing points for feature qualifications. Following six heat races for each class, the sprint cars ran two dashes, and a “C”, “B” and an “A” feature. The racing was good and Americans Freddy Rahmer and Shane Stewart were racing.
The announcers were of the disc jockey variety. They did provide a brief trackchaser mention. I’m sure they had overdosed on caffeine because they never stopped talking. I was pleased and surprised to hear the United States national anthem played before the Australian anthem to begin the program.
Later in our travels, I’ll tell you our philosophy on eating abroad. Suffice it to say, we do not like to eat in American chain restaurants in foreign countries. We can always eat at McDonalds at home if we want too. We made an exception in the Sydney airport because it was the only thing close and we were in a hurry. That would be our last American fast food restaurant we would eat in on the trip, although the convenient choice was often McDonalds, KFC or whatever.
I like to use a credit card as a form of payment whenever we I travel. When I use foreign currency in our travels, I don’t pay much attention to the actual money. Carol handles all of the foreign currency. I think the paper currency looks like Monopoly money. In addition, without my reading glasses it is impossible to tell which coin is which. With this financially secure strategy, I just lay the money down on the counter and trust the clerk from there. At McDonalds in Sydney airport, our bill came to just over $7. Carol had given me two bills after we visited the ATM machine in the airport. I laid the two bills down to pay the seven dollars. The clerk looked up at me and smiled, “You won’t need both of these $50 bills to pay your check”. Of course, she was correct and I looked a bit silly. It wouldn’t be the last time.
At Speedway City, they offered dim sim, hamburgers, hot dogs and Maxine’s potato hut Supa Spud with ham, cheese, cole slaw, pineapple, and butter at the “snack bar”. Unfortunately, the line to get food was about 50 people long, with one cashier, and a totally overwhelmed concession staff. The food was good, but the wait was nearly unbearable as were the flies. If you opened your mouth, you ran the risk of swallowing a fly.
I will be driving the Hertz Racing Nissan Maxima Ti which is the nicest rental car I have had all season. I made my reservation by doing a search over the internet and found a travel company located in Portland, Maine of all places. In Australia, they drive on the wrong side of the road, from my perspective. The steering wheel is on the right side of the car and I move the gearshift with my left hand. Other than a few instinctive (wrong instincts) turns directly into oncoming traffic (Carol always noticed the error before I did), we started out pretty well.
The battle for positions 6-10 in the worldwide trackchaser standings is as follows:
- Jack Erdman – 863
- Randy Lewis – 804
- J. Hollebrand – 788
- John Moore – 787
- Ed Esser – 728
Jack saw 30 new tracks in 2004.
P.J.’s Christmas racecar collectibles selling season should be over by now. I hope it was successful.
John Moore was credited with 25 new tracks this season.
Ed has his 100 tracks and says he’s done for the year.
Adelaide Airport, South Australia, Australia – trip begins
Virginia, South Australia, Australia – 38 kilometers
Cumulative miles driven in rental cars for 2004 trackchasing trips – 25,726
Cumulative miles driven in friend’s car for 2004 trackchasing trips – 995
Cumulative miles driven in our personal cars for 2004 trackchasing trips – 3,729
Cumulative miles driven for all trackchasing trips – 30,450
Cumulative air miles flown for all trackchasing trips – 95,918
Cumulative cruise ship miles for all trackchasing trips – 6,431 (estimated)
Cumulative miles traveled (car, air and ship) for all trackchasing trips – 132,799
Total miles driven in my personal car for all activities in 2004 – 10,456
Speedway City – $25
Thanks for reading about my trackchasing,
Randy Lewis
The #1 trackchaser living west of the Mississippi
That’s all the news that’s fit to print from San Clemente where the women are strong, the men are good-looking, all of the children are above average and the real estate prices are way above average.
Planned new racetracks (on the last day of each racing trip I will post my tentative plans for my next trip)
I’m sorry that do to competitive reasons, I can no longer post my future trackchasing
plans. My fellow competitor’s do not post their future plans which allows them to keep
their trackchasing research results to themselves. I have been freely sharing all of my
trackchasing research since day one. I even offer an Excel spreadsheet, which lists
every new track racing date opportunity that I know of. I regret that I will no longer be
able to advise my trackchasing peers of where “The California Outlaw” will be
Effective with events after January, 1, 2005, I will no longer share my future
trackchasing plans.
Racetracks visited in 2004 (** not the first time to visit this track)
- Speedway City, Virginia, South Australia, Australia, December 26
- Salem State Fairgrounds, Salem, Oregon, December 19
- Homestead Miami Speedway – Road Course, Homestead, Florida, December 12
- Canyon Raceway – Figure 8, Peoria, Arizona, December 11
- Five Flags Speedway, Pensacola, Florida, December 3
- Desoto Speedway – Figure 8, Bradenton, Florida, November 28
** Desoto Speedway – oval, Bradenton, Florida, November 28
** Desoto Speedway – oval, Bradenton, Florida, November 27
- Sebring Raceway, Sebring, Florida, November 27
- Carolina Speedway, Gastonia, North Carolina, November 21
- Myrtle Beach Speedway, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, November 20
- Roebling Road Raceway, Savannah, Georgia, November 20
- North Florida Motor Speedway, Wewahitchka, Florida, November 14
- Spring City Speedway, Spring City, Tennessee, November 13
- Riverview Speedway, Carthage, Tennessee, November 13
- Cochran Speedway, Cochran, Georgia, November 12
- Las Vegas Motor Speedway-Road Course, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 7
- Firebird International Raceway – West, Chandler, Arizona, October 31
** I-10 Speedway, Blythe, California, October 30
- Atomic Motor Speedway, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October 24
- Cleveland Speedway, Cleveland, Tennessee, October 23
- Bronson Motor Speedway-Figure 8, Bronson, Florida, October 22
- Bronson Motor Speedway-Oval, Bronson, Florida, October 22
- Firebird International Raceway, Chandler, Arizona, October 17
- Prescott Valley Speedway, Prescott Valley, Arizona, October 16
- Ace High Speedway, Monroeton, Pennsylvania, October 3
- Winchester Speedway, Winchester, Virginia, October 2
- The Bloomsburg Fair – Figure 8, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, October 2
- Mercer Raceway Park, Mercer, Pennsylvania, October 1
- Lincoln Speedway, Lincoln Illinois, September 27
- Clay County Speedway-Oval, Flora, Illinois, September 26
- Clay County Speedway-Figure 8, Flora, Illinois, September 26
- Crown Point Speedway, Crown Point, Indiana, September 25
- Illiana Motor Speedway-Road Course, Schererville, Indiana, September 25
- Illiana Motor Speedway-Figure 8, Schererville, Indiana, September 25
- Illiana Motor Speedway-Small oval, Schererville, Indiana, September 25
- Anderson Speedway – Figure 8, Anderson, Indiana, September 24
** Anderson Speedway – Oval, Anderson, Indiana, September 24
- Southern Speedway, Milton, Florida, September 4
- Dog Hollow Speedway, Strongstown, Pennsylvania, August 30
- Nelson Ledges, Garrettsville, Ohio, August 29
- Airport Speedway, New Castle, Delaware, August 28
- Nazareth Speedway, Nazareth, Pennsylvania, August 28
- Selinsgrove Raceway Park, Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, August 27
- Farmington V.F.D. Speedway, Farmington, Pennsylvania, August 26
- Tonopah Speedway, Tonopah, Nevada, August 21
- Sportman’s Speedway, Knox, Pennsylvania, August 15
- Jennerstown Speedway, Jennerstown, Pennsylvania, August 14
- BeaveRun Motorsports Complex-Wilson Circuit, Wampum, Pennsylvania, August 14
- BeaveRun Motorsports Complex-Road Course, Wampum, Pennsylvania, August 14
- Motordrome Speedway, Smithton, Pennsylvania, August 13
- Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds, Berea, Ohio, August 12
- Wayne County Fairgrounds, Palmyra, New York, August 11
- Pocono Intl Raceway – Road Course, Pocono, Pennsylvania August 10
- Butler Fairgrounds, Butler, Pennsylvania August 9
- Ninety-Three Speedway, Oak Hill, Ohio, August 1
- Jackson County Speedway, Jackson, Ohio, August 1
- Sportsdrome Speedway, Jeffersonville, Indiana (figure 8), July 31
- Sportsdrome Speedway, Jeffersonville, Indiana (oval), July 31
- Gateway International Speedway – road course, Madison, Illinois, Illinois, July 31
- Warren County Fairgrounds (oval), Roseville, Illinois, July 30
- Warren County Fairgrounds (figure 8), Roseville, Illinois, July 30
- Tri-City Speedway (inner oval), Auburn, Michigan, July 29
- Tri-City Speedway (outer oval), Auburn, Michigan, July 29
- Munger Fairgrounds, Munger, Michigan, July 29
- Ionia Fairgrounds, Ionia, Michigan, July 28
- Thayer County Speedway, Deshler, Nebraska, July 18
- Heartland Park-Road Course, Topeka, Kansas, July 18
- Montgomery County Speedway, New Florence, Missouri, July 17
- Soggy Bottom Raceway, Greenup, Illinois, July 17
- Wayne County Speedway, Wayne City, Illinois, July 16
- Music City Motorplex, Nashville, Tennessee, July 15
- Clarksville Speedway, Clarksville, Tennessee, July 14
- Tri-State Speedway, Pocola, Oklahoma, July 13
- Tulsa Speedway, Tulsa, Oklahoma, July 12
- Park City Raceway, Valley Center, Kansas, July 11
- Heartland Park – Road Course, Topeka, Kansas, July 11
- Nevada Speedway, Nevada, Missouri, July 10
- Adrian Speedway, Adrian, Missouri, July 10
- Bolivar Speedway, Bolivar, Missouri, July 9
- Dallas County Speedway, Urbana, Missouri, July 9
- U.S. 30 Speedway (small oval), Columbus, Nebraska, July 8
- U.S. 30 Speedway (large oval), Columbus, Nebraska, July 8
- Butler County Speedway, Allison, Iowa, June 27
- Webster County Fairgrounds, Ft. Dodge, Iowa, June 27
- Dallas County Fairgrounds, Adel, Iowa, June 26
- Butler County Speedway, Rising City, Nebraska, June 25
- Hamilton County Fairgrounds, Aurora, Nebraska, June 25
- The Speed Bowl, Red Cloud, Nebraska, June 23
- Junction Motor Speedway, McCool Junction, Nebraska, June 22
- Belle-Clair Speedway, Belleville, Illinois June 13
- Charleston Speedway – Road Course, Charleston, Illinois June 13
** Eldora Speedway, Rossburg, Ohio, June 12
- Doe Run Raceway, Doe Run, Missouri, June 11
- Fredericktown Raceway, Fredericktown, Missouri, June 11
- Highland Speedway, Highland, Illinois, June 8
- Pine Ridge Speedway, Baldwyn, Mississippi, May 29 (Carol’s #153)
- Memphis Motorsports Park-Road Course, Memphis, Tennessee, May 29 (Carol’s #152)
- Simpson County Speedway, Mendenhall, Mississippi, May 29 (Carol’s #151)
- Southern Speedway, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, May 28 (Carol’s #150)
** Charleston Speedway, Charleston, Illinois, May 22
- Coles County Speedway, Loxa, Illinois, May 22
- Lincoln Trail Motorsports Off Road Park, Casey, Illinois, May 22
- Warren County Speedway (oval track), Indianola, Iowa, May 21
- Warren County Speedway (Figure 8 track), Indianola, Iowa, May 21
- Firebird International Raceway – East Course, Chandler, Arizona, May 2 (Carol’s #149)
- Pagota Motorcycle Club, Birdsboro, Pennsylvania, April 25
- Mahoning Valley Speedway, Lehighton, Pennsylvania, April 24
- Shellhammer’s Speedway, Leesport, Pennsylvania, April 24
- Hill Valley Speedway, Orbisonia, Pennsylvania, April 24
- Thunder Alley Speedpark, Evans Mills, New York, April 22
- Belle Vue Greyhound Stadium, Belle Vue, United Kingdom, April 12
- Buxton Raceway, Buxton, United Kingdom, April 12
- Brampton Raceway, Brampton, United Kingdom, April 12
- York Autograss, York, United Kingdom, April 12
- Sheffield Stadium, Sheffield, United Kingdom, April 11
- Blyton Raceway, Blyton, United Kingdom, April 11
- Hunmanby Raceway, Hunmanby, United Kingdom, April 11
- Skegness Stadium, Skegness, United Kingdom, April 10
- Silverstone, Silverstone Circuit, Silverstone, United Kingdom, April 10
- Mildenhall Stadium, Mendenhall, Suffock, United Kingdom, April 9
- Bovingdon Circuit, Bovingdon, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom, April 9
- Sunshine Speedway (figure 8), Pinellas Park, Florida, April 3
** Sunshine Speedway (oval), Pinellas Park, Florida, April 3
- Lubbock Motor Speedway, Lubbock, Texas, March 21
- Thunderbird Speedway, Crandall, Texas, March 20
- Kennedale Speedway Park, Kennedale, Texas, March 20
- Texas World Spdwy (Road Course), College Station, Texas, March 20
- Heart O’ Texas Speedway, Waco, Texas, March 19
** Central Arizona Raceway, Casa Grande, Arizona, January 20
Click on the link below for a photo album from today’s trackchasing day. You can view the album slide by slide or click on the “slide show” icon for a self-guided tour of today’s trackchasing adventure.
Racing from down under….racing from Speedway City in South Australia