Greetings from Swan River, Manitoba, Canada
From the travels and adventures of the
“World’s #1 Trackchaser”
Swan Valley Speedway
Dirt oval
Lifetime Track #2,452
I am a “trackchaser”. So, what the heck is that? I get that question all the time from racing and non-racing people all the time. This is a difficult question to answer. Why? Because after I do my best to respond people say, “I’ve never heard of such a thing”!
Here’s my best answer.
I’m a racing fan. I love to travel. I love to analyze opportunities to get the most out of everything while saving time and money.
Trackchasing fills the need for all of the above. The racing part of my trackchasing has me trying to see wheel to wheel auto racing at as many different racetracks as I can all over the world. Yes, all over the world. So far things are going pretty well. I’ve seen racing at nearly 2,500 tracks in 80 countries. As a matter of fact, I’ve seen racing at more tracks than anyone else in the world.
Equally important to me are the things I get to see and experience over the “long and dusty trackchasing trail”. I call these adventures “Trackchasing Tourist Attractions”. You won’t want to miss my “Trackchasing Tourist Attractions” page. Here’s the link: Trackchasing Tourist Attractionsor my “Sports Spectating Resume” page, Sports Spectating Resumeon my website at
I live in southern California. Most of the racetracks in the U.S. are located well over 1,000 miles from where I live. As a matter of fact, my average trip covers 5,000 miles and more. I take 35-40 of those trips each season. In any given year I will travel well over 200,000 miles, rent more than 50 cars, and stay in more than 150 hotel rooms.
I get the chance to meet people all over the world. With trips to 80 countries and counting just getting the chance to experience so many other cultures, spend times in their homes and meet their friends is a huge reward for being in this hobby. I am indebted to several of these folks for their help and friendship.
It’s takes a good deal of planning to do the above and not spend my entire retirement portfolio. I enjoy the challenge, the travel and every other aspect of “trackchasing”. In reality, my trackchasing hobby is a lot like being with the carnival. I breeze into town, stay a little while and then head on down the road.
Today’s adventure was one more of the 2,000 trips that have taken me up, down and around the long and dusty trackchasing trail. If you would like to see where I’ve been and experience those adventures here’s the link:
If you’ve got a question, comment or whatever please leave it at the bottom of this report. It’s very easy to do. Or you can visit me on Facebook. Thanks!
Saturday, June 16, 2018.
Wow! With the way this trackchasing day began I never would have expected it to turn out to be one of the best of the year. I am continually reminded in life that it’s impossible to predict the future.
More than ten years ago I began receiving emails from a fellow up in Manitoba, Canada. His name was Marty Thomas. Somehow Marty found out I was a trackchaser. He began sending me the schedule to his home track, the Swan Valley Speedway. He invited me to come up and give them a shot.
I do get messages from folks like this from time to time. They’ll find my website or see one of my YouTube videos and invite me to come their way. Lots of times they are inviting me to come to a track that I have already visited. As a trackchaser my main focus is going to watch racing at tracks for the very first time. Those tracks always get priority.
However Marty’s invitation came with an asterisk. Why was that? The track he wanted me to visit was out in the middle of freaking nowhere. You’ve already seen the hoops I jump through to get from one place to another. However the hoop that needs to be jumped through to get from Idaho to Indiana to Maine is not nearly as big as transporting myself up to Swan River, Manitoba, Canada.
There was good news! I found out that a “nearby“ track was running on the same weekend as the Swan Valley Speedway. I figured I could catch a Canadian twosome. It was still going to be a long haul but with a double reward I was going to give it a try. Stick with me and I’ll tell you what the logistical aspects of this trip would entail. Then after you read what I did you can decide if you want to become a trackchaser.
I woke up this morning in a highway rest area off of Interstate 65 in Indiana. That seemed like an unlikely place to begin a trip to rural Manitoba, Canada.
Two nights ago I flew overnight from Los Angeles to Indianapolis. As you just read, last night I slept overnight in a highway rest area. I hadn’t seen a real bed or shower now in more than two days. I couldn’t come to Manitoba looking like that right?
I left the rest area this morning at 4 a.m. I had gotten a good four hours of sleep. I stopped at a Pilot Truck Stop and gas station. For 12 bucks I could rent a shower there. I’ve done that a few times. They’re actually very nice. When I left the Pilot Truck Stop I was feeling like a million bucks or at least $900,000.
Chicago is one of the worst traffic cities in the United States. They’ve gotten better over the years but I still wouldn’t want to drive through Chicago at rush-hour. Fortunately I was passing through the Windy City at about 6 a.m. on a Saturday morning. If you’re going to go through Chicago anytime that’s probably the best time of the entire week.
Just as I hit downtown Chicago a huge thunderstorm passed through. That was a good thing. It washed all of the dust and dirt from last night’s Jennings County Fairgrounds visit off. The National Car Rental Company would appreciate that.
There was just enough time before my 8 a.m. flight to stop by the American Airlines Admirals Club. I won’t tell you the strings I had to pull to make that happen. You don’t need to know that badly and I don’t want to be put in jail. Nevertheless, I enjoyed a nice breakfast on the house at the Admirals Club.
I didn’t fly on my first airplane until I was 21 years of age. I would suspect that you and/or your children started your commercial flying careers much earlier than that. However, once I did get on an airplane I made up for lost time.
Starting at age 23 I estimate that I have taken 3-4 plane rides EVERY week through today. Folks, that’s 46 years of flying. Let’s take the low-end of that estimate, three flights a week.
Folks, that’s more than 7000 flights. So far my successful take offs have equaled my successful landings. I’ve told the people who read my reports this one million times. I could do this without the help of my airline sponsors. It would just be a little more challenging and a little more expensive.
I first began receiving support from my airline sponsors in 2006. I don’t know how many people know this or remember it but my very best trackchasing year, in terms of production, was in 2005. In 2005 I set the record for trackchasing, which still stands, of seeing 182 different racetracks in a single year. I didn’t have any airline sponsorship in 2005. If I could do what I did in 2005 without airline help in the form of sponsorship I could still do it.
Don’t get me wrong. I am 100% appreciative of the help I get flying. It’s not so much the fact that it saves me some money, which it does. It’s more about flexibility. With the support of my airline partners I can change directions on a dime. If I didn’t have this help I could still change directions but it would cost me dollars and not dimes. The real value of the support I get from the airlines is that I can change my plans without penalty.
Today’s rental car might have cost me lots of dollars as well. To make today’s trip happen I flew from Chicago to Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. In order to be able to get home on Monday from this trackchasing adventure I would need to fly home from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada not Winnipeg. Edmonton is 1,312 kilometers from Winnipeg.
That meant that ideally I would pick up my car in Winnipeg, Manitoba and drop it in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Rental cars don’t think much of the idea of the customer picking up a car in one location and dropping it in another. Of course as they say, for a price just about anything can be done.
Sometimes I am amazed at how inexpensively cars can be rented. I have rented cars for as little as $10-20 a day and driven them 600 miles or more in 24 hours. Your best friend wouldn’t let you rent her car for that amount of money and drive it that far. Your best friend wouldn’t be too happy if they let you pick up their car in Chicago and you told him you were going to drop it off in Atlanta would they?
Right now one Canadian dollar can be purchased for about $0.75 in U.S. currency. That means everything that I buy in Canada is offered at a 25% discount for Americans. That’s a good thing. A few years ago that ratio was almost 1 to 1.
That’s why I was so thrilled when the National Car Rental agent offered me two days of a rental car picking up in Winnipeg and dropping off in Edmonton for $130 Canadian. That was almost too good to be true. In fact it wasn’t true.
That rental contract came with a $0.25 Canadian charge per kilometer. That meant if I drove 1000 km I would pay an extra $250 Canadian. I expected to drive about 2000 km. You can do the math.
I called back to cancel that contract and see what else they had to offer. Every option they had came with a mileage/kilometer charge unless I rented a premium SUV. That car came with unlimited miles. The premium SUV also came with a total charge of about $800 Canadian for two days. That wasn’t going to work. This situation put the entire idea of coming to the Swan Valley Speedway in extreme jeopardy.
However, I rent from the National Car Rental Company often enough that I accrue lots of “free“ days. I save those free days for when a normal rental is very expensive. An $800 Canadian charge for two days of rental car was exactly what I save these free days for. Today, I used him. That knocked down my rental expense from $800 Canadian to about $2.42 Canadian or about $1.92 U.S. Yep. I’ve been doing this for a long time. I know most of the ins and outs of the travel business.
However, I didn’t necessarily want to rent an SUV for this trip. Gas in Canada costs about four dollars a gallon. On average that’s about a dollar a gallon more than it is the United States. I didn’t want to be driving a gas guzzling SUV some 2000 km over the prairie lands of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Maybe when I got to the National Rental Car location in Winnipeg I could change things.
Normally I just go out into the National Car Rental executive elite car section and choose the car I want. However, in some rural markets or foreign markets I’ve got to go to the counter to get my car.
My standard question then is, “Do I have any choice in cars”. I asked that question today. The agent replied, “What kind of car would you like”? I suggested a Chrysler 300. He had one. Soon I had that Chrysler 300 myself. It’s a great road car. It would give me about 30 miles per gallon. I could not have asked for more from my long time sponsor the National Car Rental Company.
The weather this weekend in Canada, where I would be traveling, was going to be picture-perfect. Getting up here logistically was difficult. However, my blood pressure would have been raised a good deal if I was also concerned about questionable weather. I was not. It was all blue skies with white puffy clouds and a very green landscape from the rain they’ve gotten earlier. It’s going to be a perfect weather weekend.
Two nights ago I got about two hours of sleep on an airplane. Last night I got four hours of sleep in a highway rest area. Now I was looking at a five-hour drive from Winnipeg over to Swan River, Manitoba. I had about 6 1/2 hours to make it. That was just enough time to sneak in a couple of 12-minute power naps during the drive.
The country in this part of the world is pretty flat, very rural and very agrarian. The roads are decent not great. There are not a lot of creature comforts along the way.
That being the case and knowing there wouldn’t be many places to grab a bite for lunch along the way I stopped at Wendy’s just as I was leaving Winnipeg. I ordered the number two combination which came with a double cheeseburger, drink and fries. I asked the lady over the intercom if I could exchange my fries for an order of Canada’s famous poutine. Of course I could. I increased my drink to a large and ordered a bottle of water as well. Then she cheerfully told me my total would be $17.92 Canadian. She could be cheerful. It wasn’t HER $17.92. The bill seemed high. Prices in Canada generally seem high to me. Nevertheless, they had a captive audience and I WAS getting a 25% discount.
I do get a hoot out of how Canadians handle credit card payments. I get most of my meals, when I’m on the road, from fast food drive-thru outlets. In Canada they don’t physically take your credit card from you in situations like this. They give you a machine. You put your credit card in the machine until your payment is approved. Your credit card never leaves your site or your hand. Are we Americans just more trusting or more naive?
The most notable aspect on my drive over to Swan River was a tractor sitting by itself in a farm field. From the looks of things it caught fire and pretty much burned itself to the ground. That must’ve been a sight to see.
When I was just about 50 km from Swan River I got a text. The text was from Marty Thomas. It was the first text I’ve ever gotten from him. All of our previous communication had been via email. He was just wondering how my journey was coming along and when I expected to get to the track. His message was just the beginning of what was going to be in outstandingly positive experience with the people of Swan River, Manitoba and the surrounding area.
I had made a reservation with the New Country Motel in Swan River. I made the reservation via picked this place for a couple reasons. First, it was more than reasonable at about $60 U.S. Secondly, it was one of those old style one-story 15 room “cottage” hotels. It was probably built in the 50s or 60s. I don’t get a chance to stay in those much anymore. However, when I do it falls into the “rustically fun“ category.
When I went to check in, a young couple from Brazil was managing the hotel desk. I didn’t know if they owned the hotel or simply worked there. They were very friendly and told me that their place, all 16 rooms, was sold out for the night. I was glad I had made a reservation in advance.
The outside of the hotel was a little weather beaten. I would imagine they get some pretty rough winter weather up here. Just outside my room was a pink bench. I imagined want that pink bench could tell me if it could talk.
I was shocked at what I found inside my motel room. I told you that I have flown more than 7000 flights in my life. I estimate I have stayed in hotels for more than 5000 hotels room nights during my traveling career. You need to trust me when I make these estimates. They’re on the low side.
I have stayed at some of the most exclusive and priciest hotels in the world. I’ve been to the Ritz Carlton many times and a Marriott, Hyatt or Sheridan is pretty much a standard property for me. Of course, I’ve stayed in the lowest of the low as well. I’ve even stayed in a capsule hotel in Tokyo. I’ve stayed in a “transit” hotel in the Manila (Philippines) airport. I have a lot of hotel experience is what I’m trying to tell you.
This little motel, with just 16 rooms in Swan River, Manitoba had just about every amenity that a hotel room could have. The room actually looked like I was staying in the guestroom of a very well taken care of personal home.
It had a huge flat screen TV. The Wi-Fi was ultrafast. In the closet there were two terrycloth bathrobes. The bed had about a dozen pillows on it. In the bathroom area there was every conceivable amenity including hand gels, dental floss picks and the like. There was a refrigerator and a microwave. There was everything. And what made this so special is that I wasn’t expecting “everything” to be in a room at a property like this.
Swan Valley Speedway – Swan River, Manitoba, Canada
It was now time to head on over to the Swan Valley Speedway. The racetrack was only about 5 miles from my motel. I think they were expecting me at the Swan Valley Speedway tonight.
I had two main contacts from the Swan Valley Speedway. As mentioned, Marty Thomas had been inviting me to come here since at least 2010. As I began to plan this track visit I met up with a young woman named “Tanya“ on Facebook. She manages the track’s FB page and was more than welcoming.
As you will come to find out, I met and talked with a lot of people at the track today. They ranged from the track promoter, the announcer, lots of drivers, fans and pit workers. I will only mention Marty and Tanya my name. I don’t want to slight anyone else in the least. I didn’t get everyone’s name I talked to. I couldn’t remember everyone’s name that I talked to. With that being the case I’ll just go with Marty, Tanya and their friends.
I pulled into the speedway where they were selling race tickets. I mentioned that I was supposed to meet Marty in the pit area. The woman at the pit gate told me they were expecting me. I asked her how much my admission would be for today. She told me that I was the track’s guest. There would be no charge for the World‘s #1 Trackchaser. Thank you!
This was just the beginning of the royal treatment that everyone at the Swan Valley Speedway would show this American visitor. I’ve had some very positive experiences while trackchasing in Canada. I have a lot of respect and admiration for Canadians. They richly deserve their reputation as friendly people.
The ladies at the entrance to the track had already radioed Marty. Before I could drive the National Car Rental Racing Chrysler 300 all the way into the pit area Marty was signaling me over to the VIP premier parking spot. It was near the announcing tower, concession stand and grandstand. That parking spot meant something to me for a very special reason.
For some reason the USB connections in my rental car were not working. No problem. I can charge my phone, which is also my camera and my video recorder, from my laptop computer. I would have to do that a couple of times today. With the car being near my computer, therefore my battery charger was near. I took a lot of pictures and a lot of video. The parking spot made that very convenient.
I was just in time for the driver’s meeting at 5:30 p.m. The meeting started on time. Everything at the track today started on time. That’s always a plus.
Marty is the track’s flagman. He took the time to introduce me to all the drivers at the pit meeting. I was also wearing my World’s #1 trackchasing T-shirt. Whenever I can get introduced to people in mass like this it lets them know who I am and makes them feel much more comfortable approaching a stranger to chat. Lots of folks did that today. I appreciated that.
When the meeting broke up I asked Marty how much a pit pass would cost just so I could accurately tell you in this report. He didn’t know. He asked the lady running the pits if she knew how much a pit pass cost. She didn’t.
How could this be? Essentially you can’t “buy“ a pit pass unless you are a member of the group’s organization. Those people buy their passes at the beginning of the season. They’re good for all year.
The pits close during the races. There is no going back-and-forth between the pits and the spectator area in general. The only people admitted to the pit area are organizational members, drivers, pick crew and workers. It was very special treat for me that I was given these special privileges.
The lady running the pit area and managing the race lineups was also the wife of the track promoter. As is often the case during my visit, she took the time to explain to me where I could go on the pits to watch things and where I couldn’t go. She was very detailed with her explanation. Sometimes I smile at these directions. I have been to nearly 2500 tracks and in many of those tracks into the pit areas. Nevertheless, it is not my name that is on the track’s insurance policy and therefore I understand the need to set the guidelines. No problem there.
From there I went about walking through the pits and taking photographs of virtually every competitor at the speedway today. They would be running four classes. These included super stocks, pure stocks, four cylinders and “B” modifieds. They averaged about eight cars or so in each division.
Depending upon who you talked to, the track started racing 33 or 34 years ago. It’s a quarter-mile dirt track with a little bit of banking. The track sits down below the spectator level a good 15 or maybe 20 feet.
The pit area is located behind the main straight. Farm fields are beyond the backstretch. As a matter of fact this racetrack is located ON a farm. The track does not have lights. Right now it doesn’t get dark all that early. As a matter fact from what I could see you could play golf until 10:30 at night and still be able to see your ball!
Grandstands face the west. Of course the sun sets in the west. That meant the setting sun was going to be in the eyes of the spectators throughout the entire racing program. Tonight that wasn’t much of a problem. The temperature was cool in the low 70s. There were a lot of clouds in the western sky and the sun wasn’t a problem at all. I was glad for that.
All of the cars in one particular division raced whenever that division was on the track. Tonight there would be two 15-lap heat races followed by a 20-lap main event for each class. When all of those races were finished they would have a mechanic’s race and then a ladies race.
I made the mistake of calling the ladies race the “Powderpuff” race. I was quickly corrected. “Powderpuff” doesn’t sound nearly as demeaning as a “bikini-clad hookers” race but I got the point. I could certainly go with “ladies“ race.
During the program I met a young woman who was taking photographs of the event for the local paper the Swan Valley Star and Times. She introduced herself as Jakki and asked if she could take my photograph for the paper. I was happy to accommodate. Then a little while later another young woman approached me to ask a few questions for the community website. She took a photo as well. Later I would have a brief interview with track announcer. It’s always fun to share the idea of trackchasing. Canadians have always been especially interested in my hobby.
It’s been a long time since I’ve talked to so many people one on one. I’m going to guess that I chatted with as many as thirty different people in private conversations where we could actually get to know each other just a little bit. I’m not sure I’ve ever talk to more people at a single racetrack than I did today. That just shows the friendliness and openness of the people at the Swan Valley Speedway.
I’m always telling Carol, and she gets to observe this fact when she comes along, that despite having seen as many tracks as I have every track visit offers up something new and unusual that I have never ever seen or experienced in the past. Of course, that happened today at the Swan Valley Speedway.
I could give you 1000 guesses or even 6700 guesses and you would never be able to figure out what I experienced today that I had never ever experienced in my previous 2451 track visits. So what the heck is that?
It was a menu item. Today they were offering the “Ukrainian platter” for $10 Canadian. It offered, in one plate, six perogies, three cabbage rolls, two pieces of garlic sausage and three beet niks cooked in cream, onion and dill. Check out the photo. This Ukrainian food might have been more authentic than when Carol and I saw a racing in Ukraine in late 2017. Talk about unique!
I had a chance to spend several minutes talking to the track promoter. The track is built on his farm. He built it and races modifieds at the track. What a nice guy. He told me that if he could talk to any racer in the world he would like to meet up with Kenny Schrader. Maybe if Kenny or any of his friends is reading this they can pass along that message. Maybe Mr. Schrader can bring up his modified to race with these guys. They can’t pay you but you’ll have a great time. I’m sure they’ll give you a free Ukrainian platter!
At the beginning of the day Marty told me they had about one car flip each season. I guess today was the time for that one wreck. A young woman racer, driving on the four-cylinder division, took a header in turns one and two. I didn’t see the actual flip until it was finished. I had taken a picture of this driver and her bright smile earlier in the day. Her car was pretty well banged up after the flip but luckily she was OK.
The racetrack surface itself sits down a good 15 feet or more from the first row of the grandstands. As a matter fact, when the cars race out of turn four until they get to about the flag stand they go out of sight from the grandstand because of this elevation change.
I’m always telling people that the very worst of accidents happen when the most unusual set of circumstances all come together at one time. They’re the type of actions that nobody could predict. No one could imagine them. They seem almost as if they could never ever happened but then they do. I guess that’s the definition of an accident. That happened today.
Later in the program while I was down in turn one of course there was a major accident in turn four. Somehow a four-cylinder car, driven by another lady driver… I’m just saying…climbed the fourth turn wall more than 20 feet up into the air. The car came to rest with the nose sticking just through the spectator fence less than 10 feet from the grandstand. No one could recall, in the entire 34-year history of the track, a car ever getting this high up into the air and that close to the grandstands. Yes, those things happen and just when they are least expect it.
I watched much of the racing from the pit area. There’s a special section in the pits where crewmembers could watch their cars race in turn one. This viewing area was protected by a strong steel Armco barrier separating the fans from the racing. Nevertheless, despite this viewing location being located just up and beyond turn one this wasn’t the safest place to be watching a race. They have never had any problems. However, if they ever did have a serious accident here involving spectators it could be the last one. Again, my name is not on the insurance policy. However to have a large number of people watching the race from this location looks pretty dangerous to me.
There were very few yellow flags today. When a driver spun out the driver simply got his car together and started racing again. At most other tracks there would have been a large amount of yellow flags. At the Swan Valley Speedway they had about 25% as many cautions as I might normally expect. Of course they did show the red flag for the two flipping and out of the track drivers.
The track’s racing surface was special as well. It was made of clay. It stayed moist and tacky throughout the entire nearly four-hour race program under sunshine. There was definitely two and three groove racing. Although the car counts were on the smaller side with just about eight in each division the racing for the lead often included three or four cars with passing. It was a good race event.
However, it was the friendly nature and generosity of the track workers, racecar drivers, pit workers and fans that will be my long-time memory from the Swan Valley Speedway. OK, I’ll probably remember the Ukrainian platter for a long time as well!
I often say that when I visit a new track as a guest it’s pretty much just like a guest coming to your own home. You know the feeling. When someone comes over to your place you want everything picked up and looking ship shape. You’re hoping that the guest that visits will have a good time. That’s the same way it is with trackchasing. People want to show off what they’ve created. They’ve done a lot of hard work to get things the way they are and they appreciate it when someone comes from a long way just to say that they saw their place.
The racing, including the mechanic’s and ladies’ race finished up at nearly 10 p.m. Then several of the drivers took their fans and children on slow laps around the track. No one was in a rush to leave. As a matter fact, I’m not sure that I saw a single race team leaving when the races were finished.
I had a couple of different people tell me that everyone gets along really well at the Swan Valley Speedway. They told me that only “one punch“ had ever been thrown in the entire 30+ track history. I guess the guy who threw the punch must be pretty well remembered!
Today’s general admission price was eight dollars Canadian. I was told that a really big crowd will amount to about 400 people. All the money generated from spectator admission, racer entry fees and the like are plowed back into the hard scape of the track. Drivers don’t race for money only for trophies.
I was told that one of the things that really helps with the camaraderie at the SVS is the fire pit. They build a huge fire after the races. Folks just stand around drinking some beer and talking with their fellow competitors and fans. I wanted to do that. However, I hadn’t been in a real bed for three days. Additionally, the mosquitoes were starting to eat me alive. I guess there was a reason I was just about the only one at the track today wearing shorts.
I hope that all the people that I met and talked to today read my report, see my YouTube video and view my photo album. If they do I hope they get the distinct impression that I had a great time at the Swan Valley Speedway. That’s because I did. I also hope everyone at the track has a very successful racing season. When they have a figure 8 race or anything that resembles a road course I’ll be back!
Special thanks to Marty for persisting and sending me the track schedule year after year. I’m glad I was finally able to make it. Thanks to Tanya for all of the information from Facebook as well.
Good evening from Swan River, Manitoba, Canada.
Randy Lewis – 80 countries – 2,452 tracks.
The ‘Manitoba Friendly’ province
This evening I saw racing at my 10th lifetime track in the Manitoba Friendly province, yes, the Manitoba Friendly province. I hold the #2 trackchasing ranking in Manitoba. I’ve seen 10 or more tracks in five different provinces. No other trackchaser has done that in more than two provinces.
Thanks for reading about my trackchasing,
Randy Lewis
World’s #1 Trackchaser
Peoria Old Timers Racing Club (P.O.R.C.) Hall of Fame Member
Manitoba sayings: Quinzee
A popular way of making a snow fort where you create a large pile of snow, wait for it to harden and hollow it out
The threemost important trackchasing comparisons to me are:
Total lifetime tracks seen
Total “trackchasing countries” seen
Lifetime National Geographic Diversity results
Total Lifetime Tracks
There are no trackchasers currently within 655 tracks of my lifetime total. Don’t blame me.
- Randy Lewis, San Clemente, California – 2,452
Total Trackchasing Countries
There are no trackchasers currently within 25 countries of my lifetime total.
- Randy Lewis, San Clemente, California – 80
Current lifetime National Geographic Diversity results
- Randy Lewis, San Clemente, California – 4.14
That’s all folks! Official end of the RLR – Randy Lewis Racing Trackchaser Report
Click on the link below to see the video production from the racing action today.
Click on the link below for a photo album from today’s trackchasing day. You can view the album slide by slide or click on the “slide show” icon for a self-guided tour of today’s trackchasing adventure.
A trip to Manitoba for stock car racing at a track on a farm