Gee Whiz!
I never expected so many people the sign up for my newsletters in the past couple of days. I opened the floodgates to P&G people and well over 200 people took me up on the offer.
Folks were joining up from all directions. Lots of people came in using the address, which is the address for my newsletter generation. Then, even more people joined at my ranlay@yahoo.comemail address, which is my personal address. You can always send me messages at either of these locations.
It takes a while to get each person set up. I didn’t mind that one bit. The more the merrier. I even added people to my group while I was at the supercharger station “gassing up” my Tesla.
Just when I figured I was all done I decided to check the spam folder of my personal email address. I don’t do that as often as I should. There were quite a few newsletter requests squirreled away in there. I went back to work.
Then when I thought there couldn’t be another single individual who might be interested in any of this I checked the location where people can sign up directly from my website. Holy cow! There were another 40-50 people coming in from that direction.
I hope I didn’t miss anyone. I tried to send out a welcome/confirmation letter to all of the above groups. Now, we are all one big family.
If this message begins with “Hi” but not “Hi Sally or Sam” send me your first and last names to go with your email address. I’m told messages get past spam filters if the greeting in my message uses your first name.
Most of the P&G people signed up for what I am calling my “finance/travel” newsletter/blog. The official name is “The Finance, Travel and Everyday Life Newsletter from Randy Lewis”. In the most recent past, that blog has focused a little bit more on financial subjects than travel. We’ll see if I can even that out as we go along. Of course, some of the financial topics will apply much more to one person than the next. Even if it doesn’t apply directly to you at the time I hope you still enjoy reading about it.
Now I’m going to tell you why I think you might be interested in my “racing” blog. I know what you might be saying, “I just joined up and this guy is trying to upsell me already!”
You should know that I don’t benefit in any particular way by doing any of this. I just like to share my experiences with anyone who’s interested. Whenever I get a message back from someone who said they learned something or they were entertained or whatever I simply get a big smile on my face and that pretty much makes my day. Yep. I’m a pretty simple guy.
My “racing” blog might be misnamed. Again, the official name is “Racing/Travel/Travel Logistics….life on the road” but then that’s a mouthful. The racing blog is really a compilation of experiences about my visiting new auto racing tracks. However, more importantly, well over have of the story is really about what it took to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible without depleting my Vanguard retirement account. I am beyond amazed at all of the unusual crazy things that happen to me during the trip. I’ll cover rental car management, hotels and all aspects of travel. However, it is the unique and interesting people I meet over the long and dusty trackchasing trail that will be the most memorable to me.
Below I’ve included a couple of links that came from the racing blog. If you’re into travel strategies and the uniqueness of the experience that comes from travel I think you’re gonna like these stories. If you do take a look and decide to join the racing blog just send me a note and you’ll be added. I probably send out about twice as many messages or so with the racing/travel theme than I do with the finance/travel theme….but still not all that many.
The Maldives….one of my most interesting trackchasing adventures
The night I fell into an interstate highway ditch on the way to Van Wert, Ohio
Bolivia…..they took me in like I was one of their own
I also wanted to get each of you new members up to speed on what we’ve been talking about in the finance/travel blog as well. I’ve included links to most of my recent posts. You can click on these links and you’ll be directed to my website where each story appears and is fully illustrated.
The Finance, Travel and Everyday Life Newsletter
from Randy Lewis
Household budgeting….you know you need it
The Aftermath of the Minneapolis Protests and Riots
COVID-19 feedback after 3-4 months of living with it
COVID-19. It’s Been Four Months. What’s Next? What’s Your Plan?
My best idea yet! Borrow big! Manage your buckets!
And the readers respond…plus a trip to Argentina
I see social unrest coming
My $231,000 idea could be yours too
Refinancing and hoarding…a good combination?
How to get the best deal on satellite radio
This Is What People Have Been Doing To Fight COVID-19 During The Past Two Months
Covid-19 How are you handling things?
I needed a haircut…but I bought an iPad
What Peter says about Sally tells you more about Peter than Sally
You’re not going to want to miss my captioned photo albums. It’s one thing to read about things but I think the adventure really comes to life when you can see pictures and in some cases YouTube videos as well.
As you begin to receive messages from me the format will not be exactly like what you’re getting today. For the most part, there will not be links to stories. You’ll be getting the story directly. Why? Because you’re a member!
So at this point, all I can say is welcome aboard! If you have a comment, question or concern or whatever simply drop me a message. I’ll do my best to reply quickly although quite frequently I’m on the road and it takes a little longer to get back to people during those times.
So until we meet again all the best to you and your family. Stay safe and sane during these crazy times…..and like I say I’m very happy to have you in the group.
Randy Lewis
San Clemente, California
P.S. Here are a couple of watch-outs. Are you a speed reader? No problem. I have nearly 2,000 of these posts to keep you busy. Having tech problems with receiving these messages? Check your spam folder. More tech problems? I’ll give you the same advice as if you called Apple. Reboot your computer, restore your settings (no don’t do that), use a different browser, go for a walk and try again.